
D&D Downtime Activities and Events

Refreshing will generate new results for relevant activities. Most activities take a week unless stated otherwise. For all activities, complications can result in creating new rivals for the players. You can also reskin these activities to suit whatever your players come up with.

Lifestyle | Services
Buy Magic Item | Carousing | Craft Magic Item | Craft Mundane | Crime | Renown | Gambling | Pit Fighting | Sacred Rites | Religious Service | Research | Business | Scribe Scroll | Sell Magic Item | Rumors | Training | Work

Maintenance Costs

PropertyPer DaySkilled HirelingsUnskilled HirelingsInitial CostConstruction Time*
Abbey20 gp52550,000 gp400 days
Farm5 sp122,500 gp30 days
Guildhall5 gp535,000 gp60 days
Inn, rural10 gp5102,500 gp30 days
Inn, city5 gp152,500 gp15 days
Keep / Small Castle100 gp505050,000 gp400 days
Lodge, hunting5 sp1-2,500 gp15 days
Noble Estate & Manor10 gp31525,000 gp150 days
Outpost or Fort50 gp204015,000 gp100 days
Palace / Large Castle400 gp200100500,000 gp1,200 days
Shop2 gp1-2,500 gp30 days
Temple, large25 gp101050,000 gp400 days
Temple, small1 gp2-2,500 gp30 days
Tower, fortified25 gp10-15,000 gp100 days
Trading Post10 gp425,000 gp60 days
Hireling, Unskilled2 sp
Hireling, Skilled2 gp

* Construction Time is tripled if the PC is not overseeing it.

Lifestyle Expenses

Paid each week or month.

LifestyleCost / DayPC LevelLodgingFood
Squalid1 sp7 cp1 cp
Poor2 sp1 sp2 cp
Modest1 gp1-45 sp1 sp
Comfortable2 gp5-108 sp2 sp
Wealthy4 gp11-162 gp3 sp
Aristocratic10 gp+17-204 gp6 sp


Coach cab, travel3 cp / mile
Coach cab, taxi1 cp
Messenger2 cp / mile
Road / Gate Toll1 cp
Ship's Passage1 sp / mile
CantripVillage+30 gp
1Village+50 gp
2Village+200 gp
3Town+300 gp
4-5Town+2,000 gp
6-8City+20,000 gp
9City+100,000 gp

Add the cost of any components to the pay required.

Buy Magic Item

Spend at least a week and 100 gp, then make a Persuasion check with a +1 bonus for each additional week or 100 gp spent (over the base) up to a max of +10. -10 penalty for low magic campaigns (and double cost), and +10 bonus for high magic. Compare the result with table below (include items below your roll) and check Magic Item Prices for the cost. Additionally, the item is at the center of a dark prophecy.

Check TotalItems Available
1+Spell scroll (1st level), Potion of healing
6+Magic Armor
11+Potion of stone giant strength, Magic Weapon, Potion of superior healing
16+Potion of speed, Potion of longevity, Magic Weapon
21+Spell scroll (8th level), Spell scroll (9th level)
26+Magic Weapon, Magic Armor, Ring of mind shielding, Eyes of the eagle
31+Wand of binding, Instrument of the bards (Canaith mandolin)
36+loun stone (absorption), Magic Armor
41+Staff of the magi


Spend 4 gp per day. You make 3 new allied contacts based on your lifestyle, who now owe you a favor.

Craft Magic Item

Covers Modest lifestyle for free (or Comfortable at 50%). You must have blueprints, relevant tool proficiency (Healing Potions require herbalism), and cast any relevant spells each day. DM can additionally require special materials or locations to craft. Check Magic Item Prices for individual items. You must work for 8 hours each day, and complete 25 gp worth of the total cost each day. Items can require hunting exotic monsters, with a CR based on the rarity below. Additionally, a dwarf clan accuses you of stealing its secret lore to fuel your work, involves rival.

RarityMin LevelCR Hunt
Very rare11th13-18

Craft Mundane

Covers Modest lifestyle for free (or Comfortable at 50%). Requires relevant tool proficiency. You must work for 8 hours each day, and complete 10 gp worth of the total cost each day.

Artisans with the Crafter Feat, appropriate tools, and proficiency can quickly craft a piece of equipment that will last for the day before falling apart

Fast Crafting
Artisan's ToolsCrafted Gear
CarpenterLadder, Torch
LeatherworkerCrossbow Bolt Case, Map or Scroll Case, Pouch
MasonBlock and Tackle
PotterJug, Lamp
SmithBall Bearings, Bucket, Caltrops, Grappling Hook, Iron Pot
TinkerBell, Shovel, Tinderbox
WeaverBasket, Rope, Net, Tent
WoodcarverClub, Greatclub, Quarterstaff


Spend a week and 25 gp gathering information. Then make 3 checks with a DC selected by the player based on the table below. The checks are Stealth, Dexterity with Thieves' Tools, and finally the player's choice of Investigation or Perception or Deception.

If all checks fail, the character is caught and jailed, with a fine equal to the loot value and a number of weeks in jail based on the table below. With one success they get no loot and escape but additionally, your victim asks one of your adventuring companions to solve the crime. With two successes, they get half the payout and only get the one success complication if their rival was involved or works in crime/law. Regardless of outcome, the crime is investigated by the local guard.

DCLoot ValueJail Time
1050 gp, robbing a struggling merchant2 weeks
15100 gp, robbing a prosperous merchant4 weeks
20200 gp, robbing a noble8 weeks
251,000 gp, robbing the richest person in town  40 weeks

Gain Renown

Spend a number of days equal to your renown times 10 to increase your renown by 1.


Spend a week and bet a stake of 10 gp to 1000 gp. Make three checks: DC 12 Wisdom (Insight), DC 13 Charisma (Deception), and DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation). You can add your proficiency to a relevant skill check if you instead have an appropriate gaming set proficiency. Results based on the table below. No additional complications.

0 successesLose all the money you bet, and accrue a debt equal to that amount.
1 successLose half the money you bet.
2 successesGain the amount you bet plus half again more.
3 successesGain double the amount you bet.

Pit Fighting

Spend 1 week. Can be a combat or make three checks: DC 12 Athletics, DC 20 Acrobatics, and DC 22 Constitution with a bonus equal to your largest Hit Die. The player can replace one of the skill checks with a weapon attack roll instead. Results based on the table below. No additional complications.

0 successesLose your bouts, earning nothing.
1 successWin 50 gp.
2 successesWin 100 gp.
3 successesWin 200 gp.

Sacred Rites

Spend 10 days performing sacred rites to gain inspiration at the start of each day for the next 8 days.

Religious Service

Requires access to a temple that worships your god. Make a Religion or Persuasion check, on a 1-10 you fail to make a lasting imrpession, on 11-20 you earn a favor, and 21+ you earn two favors. A favor can be 50% cheaper service, or something the DM determines. You can have a max number of favors equal to 1+CHA mod (min 1). No additional complications.


Requires access to a library or sage. Spend 50 gp for expenses and 1 week. Declare the focus of research (a person, place, or thing) and make an Intelligence check with a +1 bonus for each additional 100 gp spent to a maximum of +6. Get advantage if the library is well-stocked or sage is very knowledgeable. Result is based on table below. No additional complications.

Check TotalOutcome
1-5Learn nothing.
6-10You learn 1 true statement.
11-20You learn 2 true statements.
21+You learn 3 true statements.

Run a Business

The business covers its own maintenance cost for each of the days. It earns a profit of 25 gp.

Scribing A Scroll

Spell Level:
Must be trained in Arcana or Calligrapher's Supplies and have the spell prepared as well as the components. It uses your DC and attack. It takes 1 day(s), and costs 15 gp. No additional complications.

Sell Magic Item

Must be in a city or larger. Spend 25 gp and make a DC 20 Investigation check per item. On fail, spend 10 days and find no buyer. On success, it takes 3 day(s). You find a buyer offering 0.25, and a shady buyer offering 0.5.

Sowing Rumors

Make a DC 15 Deception or Persuasion check and spend the number of days and cost from the table below. On success, the community's attitude shifts one step towards friendly or hostile as the player wishes. On fail, the rumor fails and can no longer be propagated.

SettlementDays SpentCost
Village6 days6 gp
Town14 days14 gp
City23 days23 gp


Intelligence modifier:
You can learn a new language or proficiency in a tool. It takes 10 weeks, and costs 250 gp. Additionally, your instructor disappears, forcing you to spend one workweek finding a new one.

As a variant, you can require characters to spend downtime training in order to gain a level once they reach the xp requirement. Levels 2-4: 10 days, 20gp. 5-10: 20 days, 40 gp. 11-16: 30 days, 60 gp. 17-20: 40 days, 80 gp.


Spend 1 week and make a skill check choosing from one of the following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Intelligence with a set of tools, Performance, or Charisma with a musical instrument. The result determines your wages from the table below. No additional complications.

Check TotalEarnings
1-9Poor lifestyle for the week
10-14Modest lifestyle for the week
15-20Comfortable lifestyle for the week
21+Comfortable lifestyle for the week +25 gp

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