
D&D Proficiency

Instead of putting points into individual skills you have a general purpose "proficiency bonus" that's based on your level and is applied to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if you're proficient in that task. If you're multi-classed, your level is the sum of all your class levels added together.

  • You are proficient with an attack roll if you're casting a spell, or if you're using a weapon that's listed in your character's proficiency list.
  • You are proficient with a skill if you've trained in that skill due to a class choice, species, origin choice, or feat selection.
  • You are proficient with a saving throw if it's listed as a saving throw for your character.

Level or CRProficiency Bonus
Class Proficiencies Gained
Barbarian Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, 2 skills, Strength & Constitution saves
Bard Light Armor, Simple weapons, 3 instruments, 3 skills, Dexterity & Charisma saves
Cleric Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, 2 skills, Wisdom & Charisma saves
Druid Light Armor, Shields, Simple weapons, Herbalism Kit, 2 skills, Intelligence & Wisdom saves
Fighter All Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons & Martial Weapons, 2 skills, Strength & Constitution saves
Monk Simple & Light Weapons, Artisan's tool or Instrument, 2 skills, Strength & Dexterity saves
Paladin All Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, 2 skills, Wisdom & Charisma saves
Ranger Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, 3 skills, Strength & Dexterity saves
Rogue Light Armor, Simple & Light & Finesse Weapons, Thieves’ Tools, 4 skills, Dexterity & Intelligence saves
Sorcerer Simple weapons, 2 skills, Constitution & Charisma saves
Warlock Light Armor, Simple Weapons, 2 skills, Wisdom & Charisma saves
Wizard Simple Weapons, 2 skills, Intelligence & Wisdom saves

Proficiency List

  • Acrobatics - Dexterity (PHB 14)
  • Animal Handling - Wisdom (PHB 14)
  • Arcana - Intelligence (PHB 14)
  • Athletics - Strength (PHB 14)
  • Deception - Charisma (PHB 14)
  • History - Intelligence (PHB 14)
  • Insight - Wisdom (PHB 14)
  • Intimidation - Charisma (PHB 14)
  • Investigation - Intelligence (PHB 14)
  • Medicine - Wisdom (PHB 14)
  • Nature - Intelligence (PHB 14)
  • Perception - Wisdom (PHB 14)
  • Performance - Charisma (PHB 14)
  • Persuasion - Charisma (PHB 14)
  • Religion - Intelligence (PHB 14)
  • Sleight of Hand - Dexterity (PHB 14)
  • Stealth - Dexterity (PHB 14)
  • Survival - Wisdom (PHB 14)

Skill checks begin as an appropriate ability check (Strength, Dexterity, etc), but allow you to add your proficiency bonus if you have a relevant skill or tool. If you have both a relevant skill and tool proficiency, then you gain Advantage on the check (roll 2d20, choose one).

A more detailed breakdown of individual skills and their uses: Skill Breakdown

Other Proficiencies

Games: Dice, Dragonchess, Playing Cards, Three-Dragon Ante

Musical: Bagpipes, Drum, Dulcimer, Flute, Horn, Lute, Lyre, Pan Flute, Shawm, Viol

Tools: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Herbalism Kit, Navigator's Tools, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools

Vehicle: Land, Water, Air

Artisan Tools: Alchemist, Brewer, Calligrapher, Carpenter, Cartographer, Cobbler, Cook, Glassblower, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Mason, Painter, Potter, Smith, Tinker, Weaver, Woodcarver

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