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Magic Item Prices

Min Cost
Max Cost
Spell Scroll Level 010
Potion of Healing50
Quaal's Feather Token Anchor50
Spell Scroll Level 150
Spellwrought Tattoo Cantrip50
Illuminator's Tattoo60
Masquerade Tattoo60
Philter of Love90
Ammunition +1 (10)100
Ammunition +2(ea)100
Dust of Disappearance100
Dust of Dryness(1 pellet)100
Keoghtom's Ointment(Per dose)100
Potion of Water Breathing100
Ring of Warmth100
Wind Fan100
Elixir of Health125
Potion of Poison125
Potion of Fire Breath150
Spell Scroll Level 2150
Alchemy Jug200
Oil of Slipperiness200
Potion of Animal Friendship200
Potion of Climbing200
Potion of Diminution200
Potion of Growth200
Potion of Heroism200
Potion of Invisibility200
Potion of Mind Reading200
Prosthetic Limb200
Quaal's Feather Token Fan200
Quaal's Feather Token Whip200
Universal Solvent200
Rope of Climbing250
+1 Shield300
+1 Weapon300
Ivory Goat(Travail)300
Necklace of Fireballs(One bead)300
Potion of Gaseous Form300
Potion of Greater Healing200
Potion of Resistance300
Potion of Speed300
Spell Scroll Level 3300
Spellwrought Tattoo 1st Level300
Deck of Illusions400
Horn of Blasting400
Lantern of Revealing400
Necklace of Fireballs(Two beads)400
Sovereign Glue400
Ammunition +3(ea)500
Bag of Holding500
Dust of Sneezing and Choking500
Gloves of Thievery500
Golden Lion(ea)500
Instrument of the Bards - Doss Lute500
Periapt of Wound Closure500
Pipes of Haunting500
Potion of Superior Healing2,000
Robe of useful items500
Barrier Tattoo, Uncommon600
Boots of Elvenkind600
Boots of Striding and Springing600
Broom of Flying600
Coiling Grasp Tattoo600
Eldritch Claw Tattoo600
Gem of Brightness600
Helm of Comprehending Languages600
Medallion of Thoughts600
Pearl of Power600
Spell Scroll Level 4600
Spellwrought Tattoo 2nd Level600
Arrow of Slaying(ea)700
Gauntlets of Ogre Power700
Ring of Mind Shielding700
Wand of Secrets750
Cloak of Protection800
Elemental Gem800
Mithral Armor800
Necklace of Fireballs(Three beads)800
Trident of Fish Command800
Adamantine Armor900
+1 Armor1,000
Cap of Water Breathing1,000
Circlet of Blasting1,000
Cloak of Elvenkind1,000
Eversmoking Bottle1,000
Ioun Stone Protection1,000
Ivory Goat(Traveling)1,000
Javelin of Lightning1,000
Mariner's Armor1,000
Necklace of Adaptation1,000
Potion of Clairvoyance1,000
Potion of Vitality1,000
Quiver of Ehlonna1,000
Spellwrought Tattoo 3rd Level1,000
Wand of Magic Missiles1,000
Wand of the War Mage +11,000
Weapon of Warning1,000
Wand of Magic Detection1,200
Scroll of Protection1,500
Spell Scroll Level 53,200
Spellwrought Tattoo 4th Level1,500
Alchemical Compendium2,000
All-Purpose Tool +12,000
Bell Branch2,000
Bracers of Archery2,000
Dancing Sword2,000
Eyes of Minute Seeing2,000
Flame Tongue2,000
Frost Brand2,000
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing2,000
Goggles of Night2,000
Guardian Emblem2,000
Ioun Stone Absorption2,000
Ioun Stone Agility2,000
Necklace of Fireballs(Four beads)2,000
Pipes of the Sewers2,000
Potion of Supreme Healing20,000
Prayer Bead - Bless2,000
Prayer Bead - Smiting2,000
Ring of Swimming2,000
Ring of Water Walking2,000
Saddle of the Cavalier2,000
Sending Stones2,000
Staff of the Adder2,000
Staff of the Python2,000
+2 Shield3,000
Astromancy Archive3,000
Dagger of Venom3,000
Dimensional Shackles3,000
Eyes of Charming3,000
Eyes of the Eagle3,000
Gloves of Missile Snaring3,000
Heart Weaver's Primer3,000
Ioun Stone Insight3,000
Ioun Stone Regeneration3,000
Ioun Stone Strength3,000
Libram of Lost Souls3,000
Moon Sickle +13,000
Necklace of Fireballs(Five beads)3,000
Oil of Etherealness3,000
Oil of Sharpness3,000
Quaal's Feather Token Bird3,000
Ring of Jumping3,000
Spellwrought Tattoo 5th Level3,000
Amulet of Health4,000
Boots of Speed4,000
Dragon Scale Mail4,000
Immovable Rod4,000
Periapt of Health4,000
Potion of Invulnerability4,000
Ring of X-Ray Vision4,000
Ring of the Ram4,000
Wand of Enemy Detection4,000
Wand of the War Mage +24,000
Amulet of the Devout +15,000
Arcane Grimoire +15,000
Atlas of Endless Horizons5,000
Bead of Force5,000
Bloodwell Vial +15,000
Cloak of Arachnida5,000
Cloak of the Manta Ray5,000
Duplicitous Manuscript5,000
Ghost Step Tattoo5,000
Glamoured Studded Leather5,000
Iron Bands of Bilarro5,000
Manual of Golems5,000
Planecaller's Codex5,000
Prayer Bead - Curing5,000
Rhythm-Maker's Drum +15,000
Ring of Animal Influence5,000
Rod of the Pact Keeper +15,000
Shield of Missile Attraction5,000
Silver Raven5,000
Slippers of Spider Climbing5,000
Tentacle Rod5,000
+2 Armor6,000
Animated Shield6,000
Barrier Tattoo, Rare6,000
Bronze Griffon6,000
Far Realm Shard6,000
Fulminating Treatise6,000
Hat of Disguise6,000
Horseshoes of Speed6,000
Ioun Stone Awareness6,000
Ioun Stone Sustenance6,000
Marble Elephant6,000
Necklace of Fireballs(Six beads)6,000
Ring of Resistance6,000
Scimitar of Speed6,000
Shadowfell Brand Tattoo6,000
All-Purpose Tool +27,000
Belt of Dwarvenkind7,000
Cape of the Mountebank7,000
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals7,000
Dragon Slayer7,000
Ebony Fly7,000
Headband of Intellect7,000
Nine Lives Stealer(Fully Charged)7,000
Robe of Scintillating Colors7,000
Wand of Web7,000
Breastplate, +17,500
Ring of Feather Falling7,500
Rope of Entanglement7,500
Spell Scroll Level 67,500
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals8,000
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals8,000
Brooch of Shielding8,000
Elemental Essence Shard8,000
Feywild Shard8,000
Giant Slayer8,000
Heward's Handy Haversack8,000
Mace of Smiting8,000
Moon Sickle +28,000
Serpentine Owl8,000
Shadowfell Shard8,000
Staff of Charming8,000
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals8,000
Belt of hill giant strength9,000
Dwarven Plate9,000
Instrument of the Bards - Canaith Mandolin9,000
Potion of Flying9,000
Ring of Free Action9,000
Ring of Protection9,000
Rod of the Pact Keeper +29,000
Staff of Swarming Insects9,000
Winged Boots9,000
Amulet of the Devout +210,000
Apparatus of Kwalish10,000
Arcane Grimoire +210,000
Astral Shard10,000
Bloodwell Vial +210,000
Boots of the Winterlands10,000
Carpet of Flying10,000
Cube of Force10,000
Devotee's Censer10,000
Dwarven Thrower10,000
Helm of Telepathy10,000
Lifewell Tattoo10,000
Mace of Disruption10,000
Mirror of Life Trapping10,000
Nature's Mantle10,000
Potion of Longevity10,000
Protective Verses10,000
Reveler's Concertina10,000
Rhythm-Maker's Drum +210,000
Ring of Fire Elemental Command10,000
Ring of Invisibility10,000
Ring of Shooting Stars10,000
Spell Scroll Level 710,000
Sphere of Annihilation10,000
Staff of Fire10,000
Staff of Healing10,000
Staff of Thunder and Lightning10,000
Sun Blade10,000
Vicious Weapon10,000
Wand of Fear10,000
Cloak of the Bat11,000
Portable Hole11,000
Sword of Life-Stealing11,000
Wand of Binding11,000
Armor of Resistance12,000
Chime of Opening12,000
Elven Chain12,000
Mace of Terror12,000
Mantle of Spell Resistance12,000
Quaal's Feather Token Swan Boat12,000
Ring of Evasion12,000
Staff of Withering12,000
Wings of Flying12,000
+2 Weapon12,500
Arrow-Catching Shield13,000
Bracers of Defense13,000
Ioun Stone Reserve13,000
Onyx Dog14,000
Boots of Levitation15,000
Folding Boat15,000
Outer Essence Shard15,000
Robe of Eyes15,000
Wand of Lightning Bolts15,000
Gem of Seeing18,000
All-Purpose Tool +320,000
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location20,000
Armor of Invulnerability20,000
Efreeti Chain20,000
Hammer of Thunderbolts20,000
Ioun Stone Greater Absorption20,000
Ivory Goat(Terror)20,000
Moon Sickle +320,000
Periapt of Proof Against Poison20,000
Ring of Spell Storing20,000
Ring of Water Elemental Command20,000
Robe of Stars20,000
Rod of Alertness20,000
Rod of Rulership20,000
Sentinel Shield20,000
Spell Scroll Level 820,000
Staff of Striking20,000
Sword of Wounding20,000
Talisman of the Sphere20,000
Vorpal Sword20,000
Wand of Paralysis20,000
Absorbing Tattoo25,000
Horseshoes of a Zephyr27,000
+3 Armor30,000
+3 Shield30,000
Amulet of the Devout +330,000
Arcane Grimoire +330,000
Barrier Tattoo, Very Rare30,000
Blood Fury Tattoo30,000
Bloodwell Vial +330,000
Crystalline Chronicle30,000
Instrument of the Bards - Cli Lyre30,000
Instrument of the Bards - Fochulan Bandlore30,000
Instrument of the Bards - Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern30,000
Ioun Stone Leadership30,000
Prayer Bead - Favor30,000
Rhythm-Maker's Drum +330,000
Ring of Earth Elemental Command30,000
Ring of Spell Turning30,000
Rod of Lordly Might30,000
Rod of Security30,000
Scarab of Protection30,000
Staff of Frost30,000
Wand of Polymorph30,000
Crystal Ball32,500
Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments32,500
Helm of Brilliance33,000
Amulet of the Planes35,000
Silver Horn of Valhalla35,000
Sword of Sharpness36,000
Brass Horn of Valhalla38,000
Bronze Horn of Valhalla40,000
Cubic Gate40,000
Ring of Air Elemental Command40,000
Robe of the Archmagi40,000
Rod of Absorption40,000
Spellguard Shield40,000
Staff of the Woodlands40,000
Sword of Answering40,000
Wand of Fireballs40,000
Wand of the War Mage +340,000
Efreeti Bottle45,000
Ioun Stone Intellect45,000
Iron Horn of Valhalla45,000
Ioun Stone Fortitude50,000
Plate Armor of Etherealness50,000
Spell Scroll Level 950,000
Talisman of Ultimate Evil50,000
Tome of leadership and influence55,000
+3 Weapon60,000
Cloak of Displacement60,000
Lyre of Building60,000
Ring of Regeneration60,000
Rod of the Pact Keeper +360,000
Helm of Teleportation70,000
Daern's Instant Fortress80,000
Ring of Telekinesis80,000
Illusionist's Bracers90,000
Ioun Stone Mastery100,000
Staff of Power100,000
Talisman of Pure Good100,000
Decanter of Endless Water110,000
Instrument of the Bards - Ollamh Harp110,000
Obsidian Steed110,000
Prayer Bead - Wind Walking120,000
Instrument of the Bards - Anstruth Harp130,000
Prayer Bead - Summons140,000
Cauldron of Rebirth150,000
Cloak of Invisibility150,000
Holy Avenger190,000

Official prices used where possible.

Custom Item Prices

Rarity Character Level Bonus Value
Common 1st or higher - 50-100 gp
Uncommon 1st or higher - 101-500 gp
Rare 5th or higher +1 501 -5,000 gp
Very rare 11th or higher +2 5,001 - 50,000 gp
Legendary 17th or higher +3 50,001+ gp

From DMG pg 135

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