Spell Component Costs
Spell | Lvl | Material | Value (gp) | Lost? | School | Source | Pg. |
Arcane Lock | 2 | Gold dust | 25 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 215 |
Astral Projection | 9 | Silver Bar (ornately carved) + Jacinth | 1100/ea | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 215 |
Augury | 2 | Marked Sticks or Bones | 25 | N | Divination | PHB | 215 |
Awaken | 5 | Agate | 1000 | Y | Transmutation | PHB | 216 |
Booming Blade | 0 | Weapon | 0.01 | N | Evocation | TCE | 106 |
Borrowed Knowledge | 2 | Book | 25 | N | Divination | SCC | 37 |
Ceremony | 1 | Silver powder | 25 | Y | Abjuration | XGtE | 151 |
Chromatic Orb | 1 | Diamond | 50 | N | Evocation | PHB | 221 |
Circle of Death | 6 | Pearl, Black (as crushed powder) | 500 | N | Necromancy | PHB | 221 |
Clairvoyance | 3 | Jeweled Horn or Glass Eye | 100 | N | Divination | PHB | 222 |
Clone | 8 | Diamond + Vessel with sealable lid + Cubic Inch of Flesh | 3000 | Y/N | Necromancy | PHB | 222 |
Contingency | 6 | Statue of the caster, carved from ivory and decorated with gems | 1500 | N | Evocation | PHB | 227 |
Continual Flame | 2 | Ruby, dust | 50 | Y | Evocation | PHB | 227 |
Create Homunculus | 6 | Jewel-Encrusted Dagger + clay + ash + mandrake root | 1000 | Y/N | Transmutation | XGtE | 152 |
Create Magen | 7 | Quicksilver in a vial + A life sized human doll | 500 | Y | Transmutation | IDRotF | 318 |
Create Undead | 6 | Onyx Stone, Black +Clay Pot of Brackish Water | 150 | N | Necromancy | PHB | 229 |
Dark Star | 8 | Onyx Shard + Drop of caster's blood | - | Y | Evocation | EGW | 186 |
Dawn | 5 | Sunburst Pendant | 100 | N | Evocation | XGtE | 153 |
Detect Thoughts | 2 | Copper Piece | 0.01 | N | Divination | PHB | 231 |
Divination | 4 | Sacrificial Offering appropriate to deity | 25 | Y | Divination | PHB | 234 |
Draconic Transformation | 7 | Stattuette of a Dragon | 500 | N | Transmutation | FTD | 19 |
Drawmij's Instant Summons | 6 | Sapphire | 1000 | Y | Conjuration | PHB | 235 |
Find Familiar | 1 | Incense + Herb mixture + Charcoal | 10 | Y | Conjuration | PHB | 240 |
Find the Path | 6 | Divinatory Tools | 100 | N | Divination | PHB | 240 |
Fizban's Platinum Shield | 6 | Platinum-Plated Dragon Scale | 500 | N | Abjuration | FTD | 20 |
Forbiddance | 6 | Ruby dust + holy water (a sprinkling) + rare incense | 1000 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 243 |
Forcecage | 7 | Ruby, dust | 1500 | N | Evocation | PHB | 243 |
Fortune's Favor | 2 | Pearl, White | 100 | Y | Divination | EGW | 186 |
Galder's Speedy Courier | 4 | Gold Pieces or mineral goods | 25 | Y | Conjuration | LLK | 57 |
Gate | 9 | Diamond | 5000 | N | Conjuration | PHB | 224 |
Gentle Repose | 2 | Copper Pieces + Salt | 0.02 | N | Necromancy | PHB | 245 |
Gift of Gab | 2 | Gold Pieces | 2 | N | Enchantment | AI | 76 |
Glyph of Warding | 3 | Diamond, dust | 200 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 245 |
Greater Restoration | 5 | Diamond dust | 100 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 246 |
Green-Flame Blade | 0 | Weapon | 0.01 | N | Evocation | TCE | 107 |
Guards and Wards | 6 | Silver Rod (small) + burning incense + brimstone + oil + knotted string + umber hulk blood | 10 | N | Abjuration | PHB | 248 |
Hallow | 5 | Incense mixture, Herbs, and Oils | 1000 | Y | Evocation | PHB | 249 |
Heroes' Feast | 6 | Gem-Encrusted Bowl | 1000 | Y | Conjuration | PHB | 250 |
Holy Aura | 8 | Reliquary containing a Sacred Relic | 1000 | N | Abjuration | PHB | 281 |
Identify | 1 | Pearl + Owl Feather | 100 | N | Divination | PHB | 252 |
Illusory Script | 1 | Ink, Lead-based | 10 | Y | Illusion | PHB | 252 |
Immovable Object | 2 | Gold dust | 25 | Y | Transmutation | EGW | 187 |
Imprisonment | 9 | Variable + Artistic Representation of Target | 500 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 252 |
Incite Greed | 3 | Gem | 50 | N | Enchantment | AI | 76 |
Infernal Calling | 5 | Ruby | 999 | N | Conjuration | XGtE | 158 |
Invulnerability | 9 | Adamantine (small piece) | 500 | Y | Illusion | XGtE | 160 |
Jim's Glowing Coin | 2 | Gold Coins (2) | 2 | Y/N | Enchantment | AI | 76 |
Jim's Magic Missile | 1 | Gold Coin | 1 | Y | Evocation | AI | 76 |
Legend Lore | 5 | Incense + Ivory Strips x 4 | 450 | Y/N | Divination | PHB | 254 |
Leomund's Secret Chest | 4 | Exquisite Chest, 3' x 2' x 2' (made of rare materials) + Exquisite Chest (tiny replica) | 5050 | N | Conjuration | PHB | 254 |
Magic Circle | 3 | Holy Water or Silver and Iron (powdered mixture) | 100 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 256 |
Magic Jar | 6 | Gem or other ornamental container | 500 | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 257 |
Magic Mouth | 2 | Jade Dust + honeycomb (just a bit) | 10 | Y | Illusion | PHB | 257 |
Mighty Fortress | 8 | Diamond | 500 | Y | Conjuration | XGtE | 161 |
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion | 7 | Ivory Portal (miniature) + Polished Marble Stone + Silver Spoon, tiny | 15 | N | Conjuration | PHB | 261 |
Mordenkainen's Sword | 7 | Platinum Sword, miniature, with grip and pommel of copper and zinc | 250 | N | Evocation | PHB | 262 |
Nondetection | 3 | Diamond dust | 25 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 263 |
Planar Binding | 5 | Jewel | 1000 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 265 |
Plane Shift | 7 | Forked Metal Rod | 250 | N | Conjuration | PHB | 266 |
Programmed Illusion | 6 | Jade Dust + Fleece, a bit | 25 | N | Illusion | PHB | 269 |
Project Image | 7 | Artistic Representation of Caster | 5 | N | Illusion | PHB | 270 |
Protection from Evil/Good | 1 | Holy Water or Silver and Iron (powdered) | - | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 270 |
Raise Dead | 5 | Diamond | 500 | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 270 |
Reincarnate | 5 | Oils and Unguents | 1000 | Y | Transmutation | PHB | 271 |
Resurrection | 7 | Diamond | 1000 | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 272 |
Revivify | 3 | Diamonds | 300 | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 272 |
Scrying | 5 | Focus | 1000 | N | Divination | PHB | 273 |
Sequester | 7 | Gems (as powder) | 5000 | Y | Transmutation | PHB | 274 |
Shadow of Moil | 4 | Undead Eyeball, Encased in a Gem | 150 | N | Necromancy | XGtE | 164 |
Shapechange | 9 | Jade Circlet | 1500 | N | Transmutation | PHB | 274 |
Simulacrum | 7 | Ruby, dust + snow or ice; hair, fingernail clippings, or piece of creature’s body |
1500 | Y | Illusion | PHB | 276 |
Snare | 1 | Rope (25 feet) | - | Y | Abjuration | XGtE | 165 |
Soul Cage | 6 | Silver Cage (Tiny) | 100 | N | Necromancy | XGtE | 165 |
Steel Wind Strike | 5 | Melee Weapon | 0.01 | N | Conjuration | XGtE | 166 |
Stoneskin | 4 | Diamond dust | 100 | Y | Transmutation | PHB | 278 |
Summon Aberration | 4 | Platinum-Inlaid Vial +pickled tentacle + eyeball | 400 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 109 |
Summon Beast | 2 | Gilded Acorn + feather + tuft of fur + and fish tail | 200 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 109 |
Summon Celestial | 5 | Golden Reliquary | 500 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 110 |
Summon Construct | 4 | Lockbox of Ornate Stone and Metal | 400 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 111 |
Summon Draconic Spirit | 5 | Engraving of a Dragon on an Object | 500 | N | Conjuration | FTD | 21 |
Summon Elemental | 4 | Gold-Inlaid Vial + air + pebble + ash + water | 400 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 111 |
Summon Fey | 3 | Gilded Flower | 300 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 112 |
Summon Fiend | 6 | Ruby Vial + humanoid blood | 600 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 112 |
Summon Greater Demon | 4 | Blood (in a vial) | - | Y | Conjuration | XGtE | 166 |
Summon Lesser Demons | 3 | Blood (in a vial) | - | Y | Conjuration | XGtE | 167 |
Summon Shadowspawn | 3 | Gem + tears | 300 | N | Conjuration | TCE | 113 |
Summon Undead | 3 | Gilded Skull | 300 | N | Necromancy | TCE | 114 |
Sunbeam | 6 | Magnifying Glass | 100 | N | Evocation | PHB | 279 |
Symbol | 7 | Diamond and Opal (powdered mix) + Mercury + Phosphorus | 1000 | Y | Abjuration | PHB | 280 |
Tasha's Otherworldly Guise | 6 | Engraving of Symbol of the Outer Planes | 500 | N | Transmutation | TCE | 116 |
Teleportation Circle | 5 | Inks and Chalk infused with precious gems | 50 | Y | Conjuration | PHB | 282 |
Temple of the Gods | 7 | Holy Symbol | 5 | N | Conjuration | XGtE | 167 |
Tether Essence | 7 | Platinum Cord, Spool | 250 | Y | Necromancy | EGW | 189 |
Time Ravage | 9 | Diamond Dust in an Hour Glass | 5000 | Y | Necromancy | EGW | 189 |
True Resurrection | 9 | Diamonds, Holy Water | 25000 | Y | Necromancy | PHB | 284 |
True Seeing | 6 | Ointment for the Eyes | 25 | Y | Divination | PHB | 284 |
Warding Bond | 2 | Platinum Rings (two of them) | 50 | N | Abjuration | PHB | 287 |
Need more help with your campaign? Check out all the other tools, generators, and articles: kassoon.com/dnd/
Shout outs: Stacey, zzz, Mario Pizzamiglio, Ben-Jam-in, Phil Mehl, Wesley Muncy, elijah D. maben, R., bruschkin, Vincent Drone, thea musing, Brian Nunziato, Matt Yates, Elisa Martinez, Ryan Flagg, Jade Arrowood, Angelo Anderson, Syn21, Dave Walker, Rhonda Seiter, Jonathan Lekse, Katie White, JollyGamer, Tiernan Greenman, Burlyfighter, Gillian Tolbert, David R Abbott, Rick Marsh, Brittany DeNicholas, Phillip Hash, Amanda Kettles, Lou Bliss, Pythor Sen, Bryson Waits, Desedent, Thomas Wilhelm, Krueger82, Irate The Pirate, Mark L, Siren, AstroLass, Lizzie, Michael Hamilton, Vedie V, Mylon Schroder, Nathan, Jordan Florez, Robert Rich, Rodney O'Dell, Robin Ellis-Foster, Jess, Lars Yell, Zee Livezey, Kevin, Kerry Melton, Mary Kieser, SallySparrow132, Naomi B, J, Millergendraft, Federica Frezza, Nick Soucy, Jeremiah Walker, Bryan Sheairs, Bryan Kempka, chris wilson, Max Hops, Sarah Holland, Joshua David Maddox, Jennifer Smith, Liz Fontain, Ray Bissonnette, Joe Dalby, Joline Tran, Matt Price, Nicholas Zamora, ShortyMcgibble, Mr. Vinclair, mtnman1979@aol.com, KFB_Patreon, eric sun, Kayleigh Sulin, Dani, Gundar Wez, Nahellion, Nicholas Hanke, bilbens baggo, Stuart, Brysen Packer, Maxwell Mayer, Gannon Dubay, Thobek, Aaron Teupe, Mage1X, XMrMonkyx ., Miss Zilla M, Jordan Brazeal, Kyle Clark, Jake Lane, Adam Ruiz, Phillip P Torchia, Stefan Gottschalk's, Remora Jewel, jeremy baisch, Daniel Edwards, Zealot23, Shane Andrews, Brandon Mußiq, CJMAXP, Lisa Tucker, KingHavok1217, Mx Charlie, Justin Snyder, Zachary Burgess-Hicks, Shazear, Steve Rosenlund, Ezzela1891, John Nazario, Gordon Alexander Fallon, Jason Clark, Trey Vickory
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!
