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No Prep Module: The Valkyrie of War for D&D or RPGs

This adventure can be can be easily customized to a party of any size or level, or run as a level 5 adventure for 5 players. It can work as a small side adventure in an existing campaign, as a standalone one-shot, or the start of a new adventure. Use the links to the tools in their relevant section to customize the adventure to your party.



The border town of Edrath has long found itself the center of political tension between the neighboring kingdoms, despite not being a valuable strategic location. It's more likely to be razed in the event of war than conquered, an unsettling fate that a half-elf priest named Irann Blum believed was all too certain. In her desperation she beseeched the gods for help and was sent a glorious valkyrie to protect her town. However in time the valkyrie grew to despise the PC's neighboring kingdom and believed a holy war to purge the land of heathens is the only recourse. At least, that's what she tells adventurers.

In truth, Irann is a demon in disguise hoping to nudge the valkyrie to war prematurely by sending adventurers as assassins. The valkyrie Bartach believes the PC's kingdom is evil and corrupt and has been forming defensive alliances with smaller nations, but has not as of yet made motions towards war. Her death or provocation at this point would likely lead to a brutal war that would devastate all the kingdoms, a fact the demon Irann is trying to exploit.

The shroud of mist that covers the ground turns into creeping walls of gloom that silently envelop you until you can't see more than a few feet in any direction. Plumes of smoke from countless campfires rise into the sky, and loud, guttural speech and shouts fill the air. Hundreds of varieties of fungi grow over every surface, and the air is heavy with the stench of rot. The nearby hamlet of Edrath has outlawed worship of traditional gods, it's surrounded by no walls with mostly Tabaxi and Human residents. There's a bridge leading into town with a phoenix perched on it.

Adventure Hooks

  • Dryads have taken loggers hostage.
  • A scientist is experimenting on monstrous creatures, creating monster repellents and charms to exert control over them. He needs parts from certain creatures to complete his experiments, but his assistants have run off due to the danger involved. He's currently looking for new, braver assistants. Once met, the scientist will try to hire the party to help him capture creatures or acquire certain parts and byproducts.
  • Irann Blum (a local priest) contacts the party and asks for their help.

Edrath has outlawed worship of traditional gods, known for its skilled craftsmen and its strong drink. The hamlet is surrounded by no walls, with mostly Tabaxi and Human residents.

Phoenix Fix

The bridge into town has a phoenix perched on it, and the villagers are all scared to pass which has effectively shut down entry or exit into the town. The phoenix is not hostile, but will caw defensively at anyone who approaches, which results in a hasty retreat. Let the players come up with their own solution and call for appropriate skill checks with DC 12, attempting to befriend the bird could be Animal Handling or they might try something else. Once the phoenix is calmed or scared, it will fly off and allow trade to resume.

If the PCs attempt to contact A local priest then they will meet with Irann Blum who can tell them a bit about the valkyrie and where to find her.

Irann Blum, Female Half-Elf

Description: An older woman who prefers to wear yellow clothing when she does not wear armor, she is not a threatening figure. Her blonde hair is greasy and uncared for. Her thin eyebrows rest above her beady violet eyes.

Personality: A grumpy gal she will invite people to lunch so she can critique them. Yet she still seems generally likeable, like a lovable grump. She is lazy, selfish, vain, and jealous. She is not an evil woman, and she has not killed or seriously harmed anyone in any of her years, nor does she generally wish harm to others; she simply thinks the world revolves around her.

History: She was born to a wealthy landowner in a frontier town, living a normal and happy childhood. A gypsy cursed her at a young age, leading to her ugly appearance. One night she noticed a nearby shooting star which she hiked out to see where it landed. It turned out to be an ancient artifact of some kind. She has done her darndest to repair it but it is currently non-functional.

Motivation:She's repulsed by the PC; and she has money and likes to spend it

Voice: Scandinavian accent

If the PCs look into the dryad issue, or look into the monster experiments, they can meet with Cimer Idea. The tiefling will ultimately ask them to travel out into the ruins to solve the issue, which will cause them to stumble upon the valkyrie's stronghold.

Cimer Idea, Male Tiefling

Description: A hulking man with gigantic muscles, he wears white robes with leather pauldrons. Though occasionally he wears more armor. He prefers to carry a monstrous two handed axe, but if one is not available he will default to his longbow. His red hair is matted, messy, and big. His red eyes dart from person to person.

Personality: He is inclined to make off color jokes and interpret anything that could be construed as such as innuendo. He pushes his goals aggressively. He is also a coward if confronted.

History: A child with a great deal of music talent his parents made sure he got the chance to thrive. He has chosen to use the inheritance that was left to him frivolously. He now mingles about in high society.

Motivation:He is greedy; and he is wracked by social anxiety

Voice: Slow speaker

When the PCs are ready, they can travel to city ruins on mountainous cliffs. The journey takes 4 days and they see there are crystals that mystically answer questions.

Navigation DC 15, Foraging DC 20. The temperature is -4°C (24°F) at day -18°C (-05°F) at night When heat below -17°C (1°F), without cold weather gear must make DC 10 Con save every hour for exhaustion. The weather is light snow with no wind.

Valkyrie Stronghold

Valkyrie Stronghold

Dungeon Info

Type: Earth Mine
Noises: Bang or slam
Air: Clear and damp
Odors: Putrid
Enemy Patrol: 1 Rakdos Lampooner (CR 2: Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica), 1 Warlock of the Great Old One (CR 6: Volo's Guide to Monsters p. 220) [Hard, 2,750 XP rewarded] [Customize]
Chance of Encounter Per Rest: 15%

Room Contents

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Damaged rapiers, greased warhammers, moldy glaives, and other ruined weapons are scattered out across the floor, fallen from the empty copper weapon racks that line the walls. Each of its walls holds a three-foot by three-foot stone plate, mounted at the center of the wall and featuring a three-inch-diameter hole cut through the plate and the rock behind it. A balcony set into the south wall watches over the cavern and has a squat well atop it, with a green velvet curtain behind it.

There is an east path that leads to #2


A tunnel opens up into a large cavern, roughly 50 by 50 feet with a 35 foot high ceiling covered in stalactites. Murals marred with age adorn the cavern, but their particulars are impossible to make out. The walls are adorned with bones and skulls, arranged in a morbidly decorative fashion. The arched window in the west wall is covered with blankets.

There are 1 Monk of the Scattered Sands (CR 4: Nerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 70), 1 Warlock of the Great Old One (CR 6: Volo's Guide to Monsters p. 220) [Hard, 3,400 XP rewarded] [Customize] here.

There is a west path that leads to #1

In the south path is a stuck door (DC 15) that leads to #3


A lingering fog limits visibility to a few feet. This dank, drab cavern is partitioned by walls of battered bars that split the cavern into three cells. The walls here are lined with copper hooks, upon which hang a gray gown and cape. The tunnel continues after the cavern, curving abruptly to the north and out of sight. Above a door in the eastern wall is mounted the skull of a drider. Fresh white drapes cover the windows of this circular room, and a heavy curtain hangs across an archway to the south.

There are 2 Commoner (CR 0: Monster Manual p. 345), 1 Berserker (CR 2: Monster Manual p. 344), 1 Firefist (CR 7: Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica) [Deadly, 3,370 XP rewarded] [Customize] here.

There is a west path that leads to #10

In the east path (red) is a wide, deep pit that spans the path with a ruined rope bridge hanging from the side that leads to #13

In the north path is a stuck door (DC 15) that leads to #2

In the south path is an unlocked door that leads to #4


This cavern stands in deadly silence. Two open stone chests stand against the east wall. A layer of fine dirt coats the inside of the chests and the floor around them. A stone door in the south wall is carved with a halfling's visage.

In this cavern is Spiderwebs (DC 12 Dex or restrained. DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics to escape. AC 10, 15 HP, fire vulnerability, immunity to bludgeoning / piercing / psychic)

There is a north path that leads to #3

There is a south path that leads to #5


A dark, sweltering tunnel jerks down into the mine, the air growing more stale. A massive book lies open on a fountain, with an inkwell and a book next to it. Swells of a curious buzzing come from elsewhere, sounds outing into the cavern.

There are 3 Thug (CR 1/2: Monster Manual p. 350), 1 Cult Fanatic (CR 2: Monster Manual p. 345), 1 Tarkanan Assassin (CR 2: Eberron: Rising from the Last War) [Easy, 1,200 XP rewarded] [Customize] here.

There is an east path that leads to #11

There is a north path that leads to #4

In the south path (red) is a wide, deep pit that spans the path with a ruined rope bridge hanging from the side that leads to #6


The passageway straightens into a round-walled cavern some 40 feet long and 20 feet wide. Guttering orange torches set in sconces along the walls illuminate the cavern, and a mighty desk sits on a platform at the opposite end. Two doors stand opposite one another in the corner of the south wall and the north wall, with a round recess in the south wall. A gate of rough-hewn timber blocks a lengthy passage to the west. A large nest has been fashioned here out of branches and rubble, with 1 egg and 1 runed orb, in which rests the phoenix that looks up and caws as you enter.

The phoenix from before rests at its nest, warming and protecting its eggs. There are 2 eggs in the nest, but one is a runed orb that needs to be placed into a recess next to the south wall to cause the door to open. Depending on how the PCs resolved the previous encounter with the phoenix, its temperament can be friendly, neutral, or hostile.

The phoenix will shriek angrily at anyone approaching its nest, alerting the valkyrie and other remaining creatures in the dungeon. Run this as another freeform skill challenge with an average DC of 12 depending on how much you like their skill use, where failure results in the phoenix making an attack against the PC with +11 to-hit, dealing 8d10 slashing damage.

There is a runed orb and recess here. When the orb is pushed into the recess, it causes the wall to slowly open at the green path.

In the west path is a stuck door (DC 15) that leads to #7

In the north path (red) is a wide, deep pit that spans the path with a ruined rope bridge hanging from the side that leads to #5

In the south path (green) is a false wall that seals the path that leads to #17


Arched frames of natural stone form a low, damp ceiling over this cavern. In the middle of the room is a table with statues sitting at it.

In this cavern is a trap. This trap is activated when an intruder steps on a hidden pressure plate that opens vents in the floor and releases poisonous spores into the area.

Effect: Targets all creatures within a 10 ft. square area, Poisonous spores are released which deal 66 (10d10) poison damage and DC 18 CON save or be poisoned for 1 hour.

Trigger: pressure plate, activates when 20 or more pounds are placed on it.

Countermeasures: A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check will spot the pressure plate, and wedging an iron spike or other object under the pressure plate prevents the trap from activating.

A strong gust of wind (at least 10mph) will disperse the spores. [Customize]

Across a 25 ft gap, they find 140 sp, and 100 gp [Customize]

There is an east path that leads to #6

There is a north path that leads to #8


A pair of doors open to reveal a 50-foot-wide, 25-foot-long cavern leading to a brightly lit desk. A skeleton dressed in rags lies atop a granite slab in the middle of the cavern. There is a banded door in the south wall and a smaller unbanded door in the north wall.

Within this cavern is a cave-in, creating difficult terrain.

In the north path is a locked door (DC 15), with a key on a nearby creature or furniture, that leads to #9

There is a south path that leads to #7


A narrow hill surveys a deep, black crevasse that rips the cavern in two. A risky-looking vine bridge, frayed and thin, reaches over the space. Suspended above is a web-shrouded chandelier of forged copper. A stone door in the north wall is carved with a halfling's visage. A cramped hallway leads to another long cavern on the other side of this one.

In this cavern is a trap. This trap is activated when a creature touches its surface, which causes the needle to spring out, delivering a dose of poison.

Effect: Targets any creature that touches it, Placed in lock or opening mechanism, dealing 6 (2d10) poison damage and DC 10 CON save or be poisoned for 1 hour.

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 10) cast on the surface destroys the trap.

Destroying the mechanism will prevent the trap from triggering but also render the object unopenable. [Customize]

There is a north path that leads to #10

There is a south path that leads to #8


Glowing coals in a crude hearth illuminate this cavern. Exotic stains cover the floor of this area. Soiled cloths have been tossed in one corner.

An object in this cavern bestows resistance or vulnerability.

There is an east path that leads to #3

There is a south path that leads to #9


Glowing coals in a crude hearth illuminate this cavern. A gate of rough-hewn timber blocks a brief passage to the east.

In this cavern is A Shrieker (Basic Rules pg. 309)

There is a west path that leads to #5

There is an east path that leads to #16

In the north path is a stuck door (DC 15) that leads to #12


A black, warm tunnel spirals down into the mine, the air growing more stagnant. A short chest is set next to beds. This cavern is congested with rough-hewn bunks, animal hides, and coals, and the floor is spread with filthy pelts. Ash paneling decorates the walls to a height of four feet.

In this cavern is A Shrieker (Basic Rules pg. 309)

There is a north path that leads to #13

There is a south path that leads to #11


The walls and floor of this natural cave have been precisely carved. Vines hang like dusty lace down every side of the cavern. A gate stands closed to the west. A barricade next to the far wall leads to the east.

In this cavern is A Shrieker (Basic Rules pg. 309)

There is a puzzle: A Hallway that looks normal but ends in a dead end. When you turn around there is a wall 5 ft behind you. You are now stuck. The wall appears solid. On the end wall there is writing saying 'keep your eye here and you may escape.' The player has to look at the writing and walk backwards to escape the hallway. Solving the puzzle causes the rope bridge to magically repair at the red path.

In the west path (red) is a wide, deep pit that spans the path with a ruined rope bridge hanging from the side that leads to #3

In the east path is an unlocked door that leads to #14

There is a south path that leads to #12


This brick walled cavern is roughly furnished and decorated compared to the rest of the mine. Its floor is swathed in a heavy carpet, and it holds four-poster bed, its headboard carved in depictions of a knight, armoire, bunk bed, and stone crib with a statue of a small, ugly child standing in it. A balcony set into the south wall overlooks the cavern and has a modest pentagram atop it, with a yellow animal hide behind it. Two open archways in the south wall lead to another cavern. The ceiling past the first archway is damp.

Within this cavern is overgrown mushrooms that block progress and must be hacked down (25 percent chance of a mold or fungus dungeon hazard hidden among them).

In the west path is a locked door (DC 15), with a key on a nearby creature or furniture, that leads to #13

There is a south path that leads to #15


Stifling air fills this round cavern, the walls of which are cloaked with dew and worn smooth. Ragged and marred tapestries cover the bronze barred windows of this round room, and empty torch sconces line the walls. 10 feet ahead, arched doorways lead south and north from each side of the hallway. In each arched doorway, a stone door stands closed.

In this cavern is Spiderwebs (DC 12 Dex or restrained. DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics to escape. AC 10, 15 HP, fire vulnerability, immunity to bludgeoning / piercing / psychic)

There is a north path that leads to #14

There is a south path that leads to #16


The ceiling is almost 90 feet overhead, and bright flecks and gleaming granite formations are visible in the distance. Curious stains cover the floor of this area. A heavy book lies open on a trophy pedestal, with a book and a quill next to it. Opening off both sides of this cavern are alcoves that contain moldy worn notebooks, bloodstained cloth, and surgical tools.

There are 2 Lantern Dragonette (CR 1/2: Tome of Beasts p. 270) [Easy, 200 XP rewarded] [Customize] that are not hostile here.

In the cavern is a puzzle: What question can you never honestly answer yes to? A: Are you asleep? (or dead).

If the puzzle is solved, they find 130 sp, and 70 gp [Customize]

In the west path is a stuck door (DC 15) that leads to #11

There is a north path that leads to #15


The air here is humid and smells of fine perfume. A dozen small robes hang on the walls from copper hooks. This enormous cavern is lined with ten great pillars, carved into the forms of giants and griffons, that support the vaulted ceiling high above. The west end of this room has collapsed, exposing the room beyond. A dark archway leads out through the north wall.

In this cavern is a trap. This trap is activated when a creature touches its surface, which delivers a dangerous surprise to anyone touching the lever.

Effect: Targets any creature that touches it, 17 (2d10) damage and DC 11 CON save or stunned for 1 round

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 11) cast on the surface destroys the trap.

Attempting to destroy the lever will trigger the trap, activating the lever at range (such as with Mage Hand) can trigger the trap from a safe distance. [Customize]

In the west path is a locked door (DC 15), with a key on a nearby creature or furniture, that leads to #18

In the north path (green) is a false wall that seals the path that leads to #6


Thick dust covers the floor, and moss and leaves choke the passage. A squat, smoky fire pit crackles in the middle of this cavern. A draft draws the smoke up through a hole in the ceiling. The floor is strewn with provisions and crates. On the granite floor, fallen chandeliers lie amid rotting statues and other furnishings. A plain stone door is set into the east wall, and light seeps through its cracks.

In this cavern is a trap. Targets all lawful creatures that touch it, DC 18 WIS save or take 51 (10d10) damage and become confused stunned for 3 (1d4) rounds

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 18) cast on the surface destroys the trap.


There is a west path that leads to #19

In the east path is an unlocked door that leads to #17


The floor has been cut into hollow steps, but the walls and ceiling are still natural stone. A cramped pot bubbles over a blazing stone brazier in the middle of the cavern, its yellow, muddy contents churning.

There are 1 Valkyrie (CR 8: Monster Module p. 8) [Hard, 3,900 XP rewarded] [Customize] here.

If combat breaks out with the valkyrie, the pot bubbles over each round on initiative 10, causing the yellow liquid to spread out in every direction. Any part of the terrain covered with the liquid is difficult terrain, and anyone that begins or ends their turn in the liquid must make a DC 15 Dexterity Save or fall prone.

Talking down the valkyrie is a skill challenge, she's stubborn and proud, believing that the PC's kingdom is dangerous and corrupt. If the skill challenge is failed, the valkyrie summons a pegasus and gets a surprise attack.

Political Fallout

If the valkyrie is killed, the other kingdoms in her political alliance will see this as an assassination, further worsening tensions between the kingdom and making war a likely outcome. If the valkyrie survives but is unconvinced, then war is guaranteed. This could lead into a campaign about trying to repair collapsing diplomacy and a full-scale war.

If the valkyrie is convinced, then tensions between the kingdoms will de-escalate, and questions will likely arise about the priest Irann Blum. If they return to find the priest, she will be gone. This could lead into a campaign or recurring villain where the demon continues to sabotage political relations between the kingdoms with the goal of inciting war.

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