Wobbles Pingun, Male Gnome [Permalink]
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Description: He is wearing a tight tan one piece outfit complete with pants, hood, and a cape, and he perpetually has his club ready. His hair is always cut to a buzz. His fair skin shows little sign of his aristocratic breeding.
Personality: Eccentric and domineering, Wobbles will drive conversation. A friendly and beautiful Gnome, he is rarely seen without a few beauties around his arms. Though a playboy in all rights, he is no lame duck.
History: He was born several months after his father was called into army service. At a young age both his parents were killed in an accident. His uncle (a powerful person with enemies on both sides of the law) took him in and had him trained in basic self defense. Recently a tribe of goblins attacked the village and all able bodies who could hold a blade were quickly armed and sent to the walls. Wobbles fought at the side of some of the regions greatest heroes but was never overshadowed.
Motivation: To get a good night's sleep; and a rival would like him out of the picture
Ideals: Fighting, Extrovert. Flaws: Insomniac. Bonds: Attractive, Military, Criminal record. Occupation: Miner
Voice: Rolls R's
Attributes [hide]
Small (3'3") Gnome, Lawful Evil (CR 1)
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 7 (1d6)
Speed 20 ft.
16 (+3) | 16 (+3) | 12 (+1) | 14 (+2) | 12 (+1) | 10 (+0) |
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Gnome, Infernal, Draconic
Attacks Melee +5 / 1d4+3, Ranged +5 / 1d4+3, Grapple +3
DC | 0 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | |
Spell /Day | 11 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Possessions: 30 pp.
Ahinar Selevarun, Female Elf [Permalink]
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Description: The light-skinned woman stands 5'3" and wears a shirt that is too small, which lets her gut show, with a ratty tan coat over it. Her hair is always cut to a buzz. Her gray eyes have a joyful gleam in them most of the time.
Personality: She misses her glory days as an athlete. She does not mind her job, but it is boring in comparison. She is accommodating to her spouse and as such limits her hospitality. She is brave and levelheaded in the face of danger and has proven herself a capable leader.
History: She was born several months after her mother was called into army service. Her mother was a soldier and died while she was still young. Ahinar was left her mother's suit of armor and trained in its use and care. She now has a substantial network of resources ranging from contacts to ships to peers.
Motivation: She possesses a valuable artifact that the thieves guild wishes to steal; and she has comitted a past crime that haunts her to this day
Ideals: Athletic, Entrepeneur. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: In love, Military, Criminal record. Occupation: Sage
Voice: Sounds elderly
Attributes [hide]
Medium (5'3") Elf, True Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 16 (3d6)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2) | 17 (+3) | 13 (+1) | 12 (+1) | 15 (+2) | 7 (-2) |
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elven, Ignan
Attacks Melee +4 / 1d8+2, Ranged +5 / 1d8+3, Grapple +3
Possessions: 16000 cp. 1 Alchemist’s fire.
Ogthrak Redfield, Male Half-Orc [Permalink]
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Description: A man with a calm yet intense air about him, he wears dull white sweaters, loose black pants, and alligator leather shoes. Beneath his sweater he keeps a concealed kukri, just in case. His red hair is greying along the sides and has receded to reveal a widow's peak. His half smiles and violet eyes are beguiling and draw you in.
Personality: He has a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. He is not one for noise or eating so much, which is in direct contrast with his big mouthed big gutted partner. His partner is his best friend in the world. The two are very close despite being more or less each other's opposites. His job bores him to no end. He has decided to make it more interesting.
History: He was born to a criminal king-pin and mafia family At a young age he wooed the heart of his future spouse and the two had a long relationship before they wed. He has taken up leadership of the village's small militia in response to giants demanding more tribute than usual.
Motivation: Find a way to reverse the transformation of his brother; and a deep hatred of giants
Bonds: Attractive, Adventurer, Criminal record, In love, Enemies, Family. Occupation: Barber
Voice: Deep voice with rolling R's
Attributes [hide]
Medium (5'8") Half-Orc, Chaotic Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 20 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) | 10 (+0) | 13 (+1) | 7 (-2) | 10 (+0) | 12 (+1) |
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Orc
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d8+1, Ranged +2 / 1d8+0, Grapple +3
DC | 0 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | |
Spell /Day | 8 |
Possessions: 300 gp.
Dagger Of Storm, Female Tabaxi [Permalink]
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Description: She wears a fine chain shirt which she covers with pastel colored cloaks and clothing. She carries a battered falchion and tarnished bastard sword as well. She has white fur. Her voice is smooth and creepy, always level, but somehow just slightly unnerving.
Personality: She speaks before she thinks and is too direct. She pushes her goals aggressively. She is also a coward if confronted.
History: She was born blind and as such lacked many opportunities for work. Her spouse left her for another, whom she beat to an almost bloody pulp. She did not win them back, but she came to a realization. To get what you want from life, you must take it. She hopes to save up enough money to one day pay a cleric to cure her.
Motivation: To prove her worth to the world; and she is not mentally stable, and does not behave rationally
Ideals: Fighting. Flaws: Insane, Impulsive, Fearful, Disease. Occupation: Doctor
Voice: Speaks with back of mouth
Attributes [hide]
Medium (4'10") Tabaxi, Chaotic Neutral (CR 2)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 26 (2d12)
Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1) | 17 (+3) | 13 (+1) | 15 (+2) | 14 (+2) | 11 (+0) |
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Gnoll, Gnome
Attacks Melee +1 / 1d6-1, Ranged +5 / 1d6+3, Grapple +2
Possessions: 140 gp. 1 Masterwork Common Ranged Weapon.
Mugrunden Fharngnarthnost, Male Dragonborn [Permalink]
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Description: This man is moderately tanned and has just the faintest trace of an accent. He likes to wear ponchos typically of a light black in addition to tight pants. His rusty crest is greasy and uncared for. His thin eyebrows rest above his beady red eyes.
Personality: He is happy with his job as a Barkeep. He turns his eye from what people do, preferring to live and let live. He disdains his fellow northerners, claiming they make him look unintelligent just for using an accent.
History: Born to a Actor, his father struggled to pay the bills. His childhood dream was to be a Actor, but he was a colossal failure. He was recently attacked on the road and savagely beaten by bandits.
Motivation: Expand his business; and to end his boredom
Flaws: Ugly, Mundane. Bonds: Immigrant, Job, Poor. Occupation: Barkeep
Voice: High pitched, excited
Attributes [hide]
Medium (6'5") Dragonborn, Chaotic Evil (CR 7)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 38 (7d8)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) | 14 (+2) | 12 (+1) | 11 (+0) | 8 (-1) | 12 (+1) |
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +4 / 2d8+1, Ranged +5 / 2d8+2, Grapple +2
DC | 0 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | |
Spell /Day | 10 |
Possessions: 1200 gp. Embroidered silk and velvet mantle with numerous moonstones (2000 gp). Sapphire pendant on gold chain (2000 gp). Eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone (600 gp). Sapphire pendant on gold chain (2000 gp). 1 Minor magic item.
Shout outs: Stacey, Phil Mehl, Wesley Muncy, elijah D. maben, R., bruschkin, Vincent Drone, thea musing, Brian Nunziato, Matt Yates, Elisa Martinez, Ryan Flagg, Jade Arrowood, Angelo Anderson, Dave Walker, Rhonda Seiter, Jonathan Lekse, Katie White, JollyGamer, Tiernan Greenman, Burlyfighter, Gillian Tolbert, David R Abbott, Rick Marsh, Brittany DeNicholas, Phillip Hash, Amanda Kettles, Pythor Sen, Desedent, Michael Isberg, Nat, Thomas Wilhelm, Krueger82, Irate The Pirate, Mark L, Conall Reilly, Cam Largent, Siren, AstroLass, Lizzie, Michael Hamilton, Vedie V, Mylon Schroder, Nathan, Jordan Florez, Robert Rich, Rodney O'Dell, Robin Ellis-Foster, Jess, Zee Livezey, Kevin, Kerry Melton, Mary Kieser, SallySparrow132, Naomi B, J, Millergendraft, Federica Frezza, Nick Soucy, Melanie Warga, Jeremiah Walker, Bryan Sheairs, Bryan Kempka, chris wilson, Max Hops, Sarah Holland, Joshua David Maddox, Jennifer Smith, Liz Fontain, Ray Bissonnette, Joe Dalby, Joline Tran, Nicholas Zamora, ShortyMcgibble, Mr. Vinclair, mtnman1979@aol.com, KFB_Patreon, eric sun, Kayleigh Sulin, Dani, Gundar Wez, Nahellion, Nicholas Hanke, bilbens baggo, Stuart, Brysen Packer, Maxwell Mayer, Gannon Dubay, Thobek, Aaron Teupe, Mage1X, XMrMonkyx ., Miss Zilla M, Jordan Brazeal, Kyle Clark, Jake Lane, Adam Ruiz, Phillip P Torchia, Stefan Gottschalk's, Remora Jewel, Alex Harford (VA7OMM), jeremy baisch, Daniel Edwards, Zealot23, Shane Andrews, Brandon Mußiq, CJMAXP, Lisa Tucker, KingHavok1217, Mx Charlie, Justin Snyder, Zachary Burgess-Hicks, Shazear, Steve Rosenlund, Ezzela1891, John Nazario, Gordon Alexander Fallon, Justin Stensgard, Jason Clark, Trey Vickory
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!