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Ronwe Faith, Female Tiefling [Permalink]

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Description: She tends to wear a large green jacket. She carries a battered hammer and tarnished shield as well. Her blue hair is long and unkept. Her gold eyes lackadaisically let the world flow into them.

Personality: She is a hateful person. She taunts others and blames them for her problems. She is kind towards other women and children and will generally offer women help without question. Others will generally need to prove themselves to her.

History: Her psionic talent manifested at a young age. Aiming to upstage a rival house, her parents had her trained. She was taken as a slave by a traveling circus and forced to perform She was betrayed by a partner and left for dead, teaching her a humbling lesson in trusting others.

Motivation: She is currently in port desperately looking for someone to get her out; and she's repulsed by the pc

Ideals: Fighting, Philantrophist, Gifted. Flaws: Ugly, Antagonistic. Bonds: Slave. Occupation: Courier

Voice: Speaks with squeezed throat

Attributes [hide]

Ronwe Faith, Female Tiefling Aristocrat 8
Medium (5'0") Tiefling, Chaotic Good (CR 8)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 54 (8d8)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0)11 (+0) 12 (+1)13 (+1) 8 (-1)22 (+6)
Skills Nature +4, Sleight of Hand +3
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Auran
Attacks Melee +3 / 2d10+0, Ranged +3 / 2d10+0, Grapple +0

Possessions: 300 gp. Eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone (1500 gp). A life-sized copper and silver statuette of a cockatrice. (10 gp). Gold and topaz bottle stopper cork (1500 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Katherine Hayhurst, Female Human [Permalink]

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Description: A plain young-adult woman, she wears grey painted combat armor at almost all times. Her white hair is lengthy and is close to two feet long. Her amber eyes are slightly larger than normal.

Personality: She is quite rude, and likes to deride her opponents skill and shout insults at them. She has a habit of throwing herself into exceedingly dangerous situations.

History: She was born to loving parents in a slum to the north. Through the years after Katherine was born, her mother became increasingly distant from her family, instead choosing to pursue power in the north. Katherine's mother didn't care for her much, and the feeling was mutual. She became a Mercenary soon after.

Motivation: Further expansion of business; and to protect her home

Flaws: Antagonistic, Impulsive. Bonds: Poor, Job, Guardian. Occupation: Mercenary

Voice: Hollow voice

Attributes [hide]

Katherine Hayhurst, Female Human Commoner 1
Medium (5'4") Human, Chaotic Neutral (CR 1)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)11 (+0) 7 (-2)13 (+1) 9 (-1)10 (+0)
Skills Persuasion +2, Religion +3
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Gnome
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d4+1, Ranged +2 / 1d4+0, Grapple +1

Possessions: 90 gp.

Social Check DCs

Vicky Wharton, Female Human [Permalink]

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Description: The woman speaks with an almost imperceptible accent. She seems to always be the slightest bit damp as if she got out from a pool a few moments ago. She dresses well wearing brown shirts, loose pants, and blazers most of the time. Her black hair is still thick. Her face is full, her cheeks are rosy, and she always seems to sport a perfect smile and a twinkle in her gray eyes.

Personality: She will use flattery and sarcasm to attack and weaken her opponents. Despite her formidable combat skills she remains a coward. Any perceived weakness will be pressed and exploited. She is seen as merciless and passionate.

History: Trained by her mother for as long as she can remember she had it drilled in her head that it was her duty to serve her country. She was one of the best in her class, and was picked up by her current employer. She quickly showed her capability and was soon promoted to a head role. She left for the west, certain she would find work there.

Motivation: To be a Butcher again; and expand her business

Ideals: Fighting. Bonds: Attractive, Immigrant, Criminal record, Military, Job. Occupation: Spice Merchant

Voice: Deep voice with rolling R's

Attributes [hide]

Vicky Wharton, Female Human Fighter 3
Medium (4'9") Human, True Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 26 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)10 (+0) 16 (+3)11 (+0) 10 (+0)9 (-1)
Skills Animal Handling +2, Religion +2
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d8+1, Ranged +2 / 1d8+0, Grapple +1

Possessions: 100 gp.

Social Check DCs

Serpent On the Mountaintop, Female Tabaxi [Permalink]

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Description: She wears a shirt and pants that are bristling with pockets overflowing with maps, compasses, and other navigational equipment. She has a slight overbite and is overall scrawny. She wears a broad hat to hide her balding. Her copper eyes are passionate and lively.

Personality: She resents people who mock her appearance or her, so she has learned to be the meanest son of a gun. She dislikes loud distracting noises, but is overall hospitable. Her biggest love is that of knowledge and as such will purchase any books or pay to listen to tales that travelers might have.

History: She was born the only child of a wealthy merchant. Her father was very strict, and drilled into her lessons on being the perfect lady. She has drifted from career to career and currently works as a Herbalist.

Motivation: Wants to have a good time and be beloved; and to be a baker again

Ideals: Entrepeneur, Logical, Impeccable, Optimist. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Job. Occupation: Herbalist

Voice: Pronounces O like U

Attributes [hide]

Serpent On the Mountaintop, Female Tabaxi Expert 14
Medium (5'11") Tabaxi, Lawful Evil (CR 14)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 96 (14d6)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4)17 (+3) 19 (+4)9 (-1) 8 (-1)18 (+4)
Skills Performance +9, Religion +4
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +9 / 4d6+4, Ranged +8 / 4d6+3, Grapple +4

Possessions: 900 pp. Carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems (300 gp). A pair of silk slippers encrusted with tiny pearls. (140 gp). Silver chalice with lapis lazuli gems (140 gp). A roughly beaten golden orb (140 gp). A finely crafted rug of intricate, geometric designs worked with silver threading (40 gp). Black velvet mask with numerous citrines (140 gp). Gold cup set with emeralds (10000 gp). Large well-done wool tapestry (600 gp). An ornate, electrum-trimmed steel scabbard worked in swirl-patterns (140 gp). Embroidered silk and velvet mantle with numerous moonstones (500 gp). Gold dragon comb with red garnet eye (1400 gp).

Social Check DCs

Zook Dunben, Male Gnome [Permalink]

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Description: This man is tall and muscular. He prefers to wear the grand gowns of high society. He carries his fan with him everywhere and carries himself as the perfect gentleman. He wears his hair in dreadlocks. His fierce violet eyes like to dwell on things.

Personality: He is quiet and anti-social and can barely make it a few minutes in conversation before his hampering stammer kicks in. His temper goes off on the smallest of things. He tends to lash out at those around him.

History: He was born in a small mountains village. He was an athlete and attended two major summer competitions. He never won. He ran away from his former home and has been making his living as a Sage for the past few years.

Motivation: He's repulsed by the PC; and wants to work out more often

Ideals: Athletic. Flaws: Shy, Antagonistic. Bonds: Rich, Nature, Job. Occupation: Sage

Voice: Squeaky

Attributes [hide]

Zook Dunben, Male Gnome Monk 8
Small (3'3") Gnome, Chaotic Neutral (CR 8)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 28 (8d8)
Speed 20 ft.
11 (+0)12 (+1) 10 (+0)3 (-4) 14 (+2)14 (+2)
Skills Insight +5
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Gnome
Attacks Melee +3 / 2d10+0, Ranged +4 / 2d10+1, Grapple +1

Possessions: 1000 gp. An elaborate, whalebone scrimshaw carving of intertwined orbs, each showing the legend of creation story (40 gp). Solid gold idol (800 gp).

Social Check DCs

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