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Burana Lhamboldennish, Female Dragonborn [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: This woman stands a little under 6'4" and is a bit bulky. She is very muscular particularly in the legs. She wears a well pressed and immaculate suit (or dress). Her crest is copper and curly. Her gold eyes dart from person to person.

Personality: Burana hangs on like a leech to those who appreciate her. It was this clingy personality that held back her singing career. She misses her home and complains about the freezing weather, even in summer.

History: Her parents moved while she was still in utero so she is the first generation to be born here. Her parents enrolled her in a Sorcerer school at a young age so that she could practice her druidic talents. She is untrained/undisciplined, which makes her dangerous.

Motivation: A need for knowledge about a nearby landmark; and meet up once more with her childhood friend

Ideals: Artistic, Gifted. Flaws: Insane. Bonds: Immigrant, Adventurer. Occupation: Apothecary

Voice: Hard of hearing, loud

Attributes [hide]

Burana Lhamboldennish, Female Dragonborn Sorcerer 4
Medium (6'4") Dragonborn, Chaotic Good (CR 4)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 20 (4d4)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4)13 (+1) 14 (+2)12 (+1) 16 (+3)10 (+0)
Skills Deception +2, Stealth +3
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Aquan
Attacks Melee +6 / 1d10+4, Ranged +3 / 1d10+1, Grapple +4
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day11663

Possessions: 80 pp. 1 Masterwork Artisan’s tools. 1 Average lock. 1 Backpack. 1 Silver holy symbol.

Social Check DCs

Claira Franklin, Female Half-Elf [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: 5'0" and lanky with angular features, she is an attractive figure. She wears light armors faded through time and improper care. Her hair is cut close to her head. Her face possesses mild wrinkles. Her smile is extraordinarily sincere though she does not smile often.

Personality: She likes to be helpful to her clients. She likes to prescribe proper advice to her clients. She is accommodating to her spouse and as such limits her hospitality. She is brave and levelheaded in the face of danger and has proven herself a capable leader.

History: When she was but 8 years old her parents immigrated from the west. She helped her father out around the business and became quite the natural. She's also a talented Healer, but doesn't like to broadcast it.

Motivation: Expand her business; and marry her sister to traveling adventurers

Bonds: Attractive, Job, In love, Immigrant, Family. Occupation: Merchant

Voice: Speaks like tongue is numb

Attributes [hide]

Claira Franklin, Female Half-Elf Commoner 5
Medium (5'0") Half-Elf, Chaotic Evil (CR 5)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 18 (5d4)
Speed 30 ft.
9 (-1)16 (+3) 14 (+2)13 (+1) 13 (+1)11 (+0)
Skills Intimidation +3, Investigation +4
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Elven, Giant
Attacks Melee +2 / 2d4-1, Ranged +6 / 2d4+3, Grapple +3

Possessions: 500 gp.

Social Check DCs

Three Of Spirit, Male Tabaxi [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: 6'9" and muscular, this northern man wears professional attire. His orange fur is lengthy and is close to two feet long. He has gleaming, smiling yellow eyes.

Personality: He considers himself the protector of his home. He feels this is his duty and calling. More though he will beg to come along on any journeys. He will attempt to stowaway on any ship he can in the hopes that it will get him further away.

History: He was born in the north. He dropped out of school before completing his studies. He left for the north, certain he would find work there.

Motivation: Wants to work out more often; and to protect his home

Ideals: Athletic, Logical. Bonds: Attractive, Guardian, Slave, Immigrant. Occupation: Courier

Voice: Laughs frequently while speaking

Attributes [hide]

Three Of Spirit, Male Tabaxi Aristocrat 6
Medium (6'9") Tabaxi, Lawful Evil (CR 6)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 38 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2)11 (+0) 14 (+2)13 (+1) 15 (+2)13 (+1)
Skills Arcana +4, Sleight of Hand +3
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Undercommon
Attacks Melee +5 / 2d6+2, Ranged +3 / 2d6+0, Grapple +2

Possessions: 800 gp. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Lidda Sunmeadow, Female Halfling [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: An older woman who is wearing the road beaten gear of a warrior, she is not a threatening figure. Her red hair is matted, messy, and big. Her eyes are amber and catlike.

Personality: Here is a woman who knows she is the smartest in the room. She talks down to others constantly. She is always in debt, since she spends her money on lavish parties and gifts for friends

History: Born in the north to a Body Guard, Lidda learned a great deal about her mother's area of expertise. Her childhood dream was to be a Map Maker, but she was a colossal failure. She's also a talented Map Maker, but doesn't like to broadcast it.

Motivation: She is unsatisfied with her job; and wants to open a new tavern

Ideals: Fighting, Impeccable. Flaws: Ugly, Insane, Impulsive. Bonds: Job. Occupation: Body Guard

Voice: Speaks fast with a slight lisp

Attributes [hide]

Lidda Sunmeadow, Female Halfling Monk 3
Small (2'10") Halfling, Lawful Good (CR 3)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 26 (3d8)
Speed 20 ft.
12 (+1)14 (+2) 14 (+2)10 (+0) 13 (+1)6 (-2)
Skills Persuasion +0, Sleight of Hand +4
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Halfling
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d8+1, Ranged +4 / 1d8+2, Grapple +2

Possessions: 100 gp.

Social Check DCs

Quick Of Shadows, Male Tabaxi [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: He has a missing right arm. He very much looks the part of a Architect. His lavender fur is smooth and relatively long. His green eyes are desperate and heavily dilated. He has the appearance of someone under the heavy influence of drugs.

Personality: Prone to second guessing himself, he comes off as nervous. He is afraid of women and trembles around them

History: He was born with several neurological imbalances, which makes sleep difficult for him. It may also be what makes him so good at details. Like his mother and his brother before him, after school he went straight into learning to become a Architect. He remains aloof and afraid to be himself due to all the ideals others have placed upon him.

Motivation: Sabotage a competitor.

Flaws: Addict, Shy, Disease, Insomniac. Bonds: Job. Occupation: Architect

Voice: Speaks with lower jaw sticking out

Attributes [hide]

Quick Of Shadows, Male Tabaxi Adept 14
Medium (5'3") Tabaxi, Chaotic Good (CR 14)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 79 (14d6)
Speed 30 ft.
9 (-1)17 (+3) 14 (+2)14 (+2) 12 (+1)15 (+2)
Skills Nature +7, Religion +7
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Terran, Druidic
Attacks Melee +4 / 4d6-1, Ranged +8 / 4d6+3, Grapple +3
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day14333

Possessions: 6000 gp. Golden yellow topaz (600 gp). Violet garnet (600 gp). Jasper (70 gp).

Social Check DCs

Hillanot Baharoosh, Female Dragonborn [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: What flesh remains visible is marred by burns. She wears green leather gloves, a green jacket, and tight pants. Her red crest is long and unkept. She wears round tiny glasses practically rammed into her face.

Personality: She is shy and timid. She has not had much interaction with people and is skittish around them. She is a thrill seeker, she laughs at people and throws down challenges. She is highly competitive and combative.

History: She was born the only child of a wealthy merchant. She found a children's book about a Dragonborn Sorcerer who fought for good and justice and never realised it was just a child's story. She modeled her life after the story, seeing herself destined a hero. She then took over the family business and is one of the better Armorer for hire.

Motivation: She wants to get laid; and wants a kiss

Ideals: Entrepeneur. Flaws: Ugly, Shy. Bonds: Adventurer, Job, Has a crush. Occupation: Armorer

Voice: Hollow voice

Attributes [hide]

Hillanot Baharoosh, Female Dragonborn Sorcerer 6
Medium (6'4") Dragonborn, Chaotic Neutral (CR 6)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 8 (6d4)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3)14 (+2) 8 (-1)15 (+2) 15 (+2)19 (+4)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +5
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling
Attacks Melee +6 / 2d6+3, Ranged +5 / 2d6+2, Grapple +5
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day13665300

Possessions: 700 gp. Aquamarine (1000 gp). Rock crystal (70 gp). Fiery yellow corundum (600 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Kyle Dryden, Male Human [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: This malnourished man wears a brown tunic with grey highlights, and long brown pants that bunch up around his shoes. He wears a Stetson hat to cover his moderate length white hair. His face is scarred and worn.

Personality: He is enamored with his job. He loves it. He likes the challenge and he likes helping those less fortunate than him. He uses divination through singing.

History: He was born at the edge of vast desert. He sought a place where he would be rewarded solely on the merits of his skills. This search led him directly into Seamstress work with an outfit from a few towns over. Seamstress work suited him well, and with each successful project, he earned more gold and more respect from his peers. He has gone from town to town till he finds a spot where he can set up a sustainable business.

Motivation: Retire the richest man in the east; and to be a ploughman again

Ideals: Gifted, Entrepeneur. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Poor, Job, Nature. Occupation: Seamstress

Voice: Forgets to breathe while speaking

Attributes [hide]

Kyle Dryden, Male Human Wizard 8
Medium (5'7") Human, Neutral Evil (CR 8)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 12 (8d4)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1)10 (+0) 9 (-1)10 (+0) 9 (-1)16 (+3)
Skills Arcana +3, History +3
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +4 / 2d10+1, Ranged +3 / 2d10+0, Grapple +1
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day114

Possessions: 1500 gp. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

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