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Dee Goodbarrel, Female Halfling [Permalink]

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Description: She is of a modest build and height, but she carries herself more imposing than she is. She wears light armors faded through time and improper care. Her head has been shaved. She wears crescent spectacles with a black brim.

Personality: While she is on the job, she is grim and serious. She understands how dangerous the world is and the need to stay safe. She is fiercely devoted to her father, and views her father's ex-spouse as an evil person for separating her from her legal half-sister.

History: A studious child she never was much for a social life, not because she was unlikable, but because she did not seek it out. A few years later when the east was not economically sound they moved to her current location. She has recently gotten a pet goose that steals things from people.

Motivation: Marry her sister to traveling adventurers; and her relatives are trying to arrange a marriage

Ideals: Gifted. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Criminal record, Family, Immigrant. Occupation: Gardener

Voice: Tuts and clicks tongue

Attributes [hide]

Dee Goodbarrel, Female Halfling Druid 1
Small (2'9") Halfling, Chaotic Neutral (CR 1)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1)15 (+2) 14 (+2)10 (+0) 15 (+2)7 (-2)
Skills Insight +4, Religion +2
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Halfling
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d4+1, Ranged +4 / 1d4+2, Grapple +2
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day12310000

Possessions: 2000 cp. Obsidian (6 gp). 1 Masterwork studded leather.

Social Check DCs

Meriele Nailo, Female Half-Elf [Permalink]

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Description: She appears as an extremely gaunt Half-Elf, and stands approximately 5'0". She is armored in gleaming platemail with gilded edges. A flowing violet cape and mantle trimmed with soft yellow waves gently in the breeze, and her gloved hand is found clutching a axe. Her hair is silver, silky, and of moderate length. She wears large thick round spectacles.

Personality: She misses her glory days as an athlete. She does not mind her job, but it is boring in comparison. She is vehemently anti-magic. All of it is evil and corrupting in her opinion.

History: She is the product a well kept family trust fund and as such has never really known need. She inherited a moderately successful company from her father. Under her leadership it has flourished, and using capital from her venture she effectively owns an entire region. She leaves a trail of broken hearts and full pockets wherever she goes.

Motivation: She uses money and sex appeal to get what she needs; and wants to work out more often

Ideals: Athletic, Opinionated. Flaws: Disease. Bonds: Rich, Attractive. Occupation: Weaver

Voice: Pronounces 'its' and 'is' like 'eats' and 'ease'

Attributes [hide]

Meriele Nailo, Female Half-Elf Druid 14
Medium (5'0") Half-Elf, Chaotic Neutral (CR 14)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 102 (14d8)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0)10 (+0) 14 (+2)12 (+1) 8 (-1)17 (+3)
Skills Medicine +4, Religion +6
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic
Attacks Melee +5 / 4d6+0, Ranged +5 / 4d6+0, Grapple +0
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day12

Possessions: 2000 gp. Emerald (1600 gp). Malachite (15 gp). Deep blue spinel (1100 gp). Tiger eye turquoise (15 gp). Black pearl (1100 gp). Bloodstone (40 gp). Silver pearl (100 gp). Rhodochrosite (15 gp). Blue quartz (15 gp). Moss agate (15 gp). Golden yellow topaz (1100 gp). Rhodochrosite (15 gp). Tourmaline (100 gp). Tourmaline (100 gp). 1 Medium magic item.

Social Check DCs

Biri Dhyrktelonis, Female Dragonborn [Permalink]

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Description: This tall, slender woman wears long strands of aquamarine and short black dresses (or suits) accompanied by the proper stockings and shoes, with gloves of varying lengths. Her red crest is drawn into a tight pony tail with a dagger scrunchie. She is missing an eye and her face is severely sunburned. Her one remaining eye shines gold.

Personality: She is extraordinarily eccentric. She takes great joy in being the best Beggar in town.

History: She was raised by priests from a young age. Like her mother and her sister before her, after school she went straight into learning to become a Beggar. She has built up a small fortune and can afford her own way.

Motivation: She has money and likes to spend it; and balancing her hectic life and new beggar responsibilities is difficult

Flaws: Ugly, Insane. Bonds: Rich, Job, Religious, Mentor. Occupation: Beggar

Voice: Spits words with contempt

Attributes [hide]

Biri Dhyrktelonis, Female Dragonborn Aristocrat 6
Medium (6'5") Dragonborn, Neutral Good (CR 6)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 39 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)13 (+1) 13 (+1)11 (+0) 14 (+2)14 (+2)
Skills Deception +5, Sleight of Hand +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +4 / 2d6+1, Ranged +4 / 2d6+1, Grapple +1

Possessions: 40000 cp. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Althaea Holimion, Female Elf [Permalink]

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Description: She is an average looking northern female in her early mid-life. She wears a tan coat over a yellow low-cut shirt, and a wide-brimmed hat upon her head. She wears her golden hair down. Her violet eyes dart around the room hyper actively observing anyone and anything.

Personality: Abrasive and pushy, she has a hard time making friends. She uses divination through singing.

History: Her divine talent manifested at a young age. Aiming to upstage a rival house, her parents had her trained. She was an adventurer many years ago and she formed a blood bond with her Tiefling companion (her 'brother'). She has since married many spouses, only to have them die. She claims to not be responsible.

Motivation: Wishes to resurrect an old love.

Ideals: Gifted. Flaws: Antagonistic. Bonds: Adventurer, In love. Occupation: Knight

Voice: Jamaican accent

Attributes [hide]

Althaea Holimion, Female Elf Barbarian 3
Medium (4'7") Elf, Lawful Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 18 (3d12)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)19 (+4) 7 (-2)14 (+2) 8 (-1)12 (+1)
Skills Perception +1, Sleight of Hand +6
Senses Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Elven, Orc, Ignan
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d8+1, Ranged +6 / 1d8+4, Grapple +4

Possessions: 200 gp.

Social Check DCs

Anbera Goldfinder, Female Dwarf [Permalink]

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Description: She has a missing right arm. She is generally well dressed albeit a few years behind the times. She has a very tight haircut. She has a dull look in her violet eyes.

Personality: While she is on the job, she is grim and serious. She understands how dangerous the world is and the need to stay safe. Flattery will make her almost putty in your hands.

History: She was always a brilliant, if unscrupulous mind. In her youth she was part of a gang. She got caught, but did not rat out her comrades and served her time in prison. She used her abilities to trick people and travel the world for free.

Motivation: Seeks redemption; and she feels that her past leaves her morally obligated to help

Ideals: Logical. Flaws: Selfish, Insane. Bonds: Attractive, Criminal record. Occupation: Performer

Voice: Tuts and clicks tongue

Attributes [hide]

Anbera Goldfinder, Female Dwarf Bard 9
Medium (3'10") Dwarf, Chaotic Evil (CR 9)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 43 (9d6)
Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1)15 (+2) 12 (+1)9 (-1) 16 (+3)7 (-2)
Skills Arcana +2, History +2
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Dwarven
Attacks Melee +4 / 3d4+1, Ranged +5 / 3d4+2, Grapple +2
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day10

Possessions: 30 pp.

Social Check DCs

Ahinar Leeming, Female Half-Elf [Permalink]

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Description: An older woman who wears a yellow tunic with brown highlights, and long white pants that bunch up around her shoes, she is not a threatening figure. Her red hair is drawn into a tight pony tail with a skull scrunchie. Her brown eyes are desperate and heavily dilated. She has the appearance of someone under the heavy influence of drugs.

Personality: She cares much about the opinion of others, both in good and in bad: when keeping in line with her opinion, she thinks highly of the other person, but when opinions clash, she can get violently argumentative. She is stubborn though. She always likes to keep a trick up her sleeve. She likes to fight dirty and will kick and punch below the belt if she feels she even has a chance of losing.

History: The child of western immigrants she idolized her mother. Ahinar was a troubled youth. She spent her days as a hard laborer instead of attending school, and spent her evenings with numerous mobsters and gang members. Ahinar decided she wanted neither the life of her mother nor that of the evil petty criminals she associated with. During her early adolescence, she took a sudden opportunity while working the docks and commandeered a vessel that was left unmanned. She is untrained/undisciplined, which makes her dangerous.

Motivation: Marry her sister to traveling adventurers; and seeks redemption

Ideals: Opinionated. Flaws: Addict, Insane. Bonds: Criminal record, Immigrant, Family. Occupation: Shoemaker

Voice: Puts emphasis on the wrong words

Attributes [hide]

Ahinar Leeming, Female Half-Elf Ranger 2
Medium (5'9") Half-Elf, Chaotic Neutral (CR 2)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 12 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.
17 (+3)11 (+0) 13 (+1)9 (-1) 11 (+0)13 (+1)
Skills Investigation +1, Medicine +2
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Elven
Attacks Melee +5 / 1d6+3, Ranged +2 / 1d6+0, Grapple +3
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day1000

Possessions: 600 sp. Coral (160 gp).

Social Check DCs

Jezebeth Still, Female Tiefling [Permalink]

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Description: A pudgy woman standing about 6'4" has a big stupid grin on her face most of the time. She wears just a green suit. Her black hair is heavily combed to the right. Her silver eyes are passionate and lively.

Personality: Calm and collected, she is a well trained Slave Trader. She is underhanded and not above using her wealth and body to get others to do her bidding.

History: She was a bastard born out of an affair, and her father always resented and mistreated her for it out of spite. Since her father passed away years ago, her mother had doted on her, and she came to think her herself as special and better than other people in town. A notion that was reinforced by her attractiveness, a trait in which she easily excels the other women of her town. Days after completing her studies, news broke out that her hometown was attacked by drow. Jezebeth was horrified and prayed that her mother was alright. However, she heard that her mother had died fighting off the drow.

Motivation: Her name or reputation has been wronged in the past by drow, and she desires to right it.

Flaws: Antagonistic. Bonds: Job, Attractive, Enemies. Occupation: Slave Trader

Voice: Laughs frequently while speaking

Attributes [hide]

Jezebeth Still, Female Tiefling Commoner 4
Medium (6'4") Tiefling, Lawful Evil (CR 4)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 19 (4d4)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2)14 (+2) 14 (+2)17 (+3) 6 (-2)16 (+3)
Skills Intimidation +5, Performance +5
Senses Passive Perception 8
Languages Common, Orc, Auran, Aquan
Attacks Melee +4 / 1d10+2, Ranged +4 / 1d10+2, Grapple +2

Possessions: 36000 sp. Aquamarine (900 gp).

Social Check DCs

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