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Gillyd Frostbeard, Female Dwarf [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: This western woman is abnormally tall. She tends to wear a brown poncho over her likewise colored trousers and shirt. Her whole body is exceptionally muscular. Her white hair is slicked back into a classic pompadour. Her face is scarred and worn.

Personality: Prone to second guessing herself, she comes off as nervous. She takes great pride in her work and is very well organized. Her planner is full of calendar events.

History: She got into the Sage business at a young age. She was an apprentice working in her mother's forge. She came across an abandoned tomb where she found a relic that called out to her. After picking it up she was cursed by vampirism.

Motivation: Sabotage a competitor.

Flaws: Ugly, Shy, Disease. Bonds: Immigrant, Job, Adventurer. Occupation: Sage

Voice: Relaxed voice

Attributes [hide]

Gillyd Frostbeard, Female Dwarf Druid 9
Medium (4'0") Dwarf, Lawful Evil (CR 9)
Armor Class 9
Hit Points 74 (9d8)
Speed 20 ft.
10 (+0)9 (-1) 19 (+4)13 (+1) 12 (+1)13 (+1)
Skills Intimidation +4, Nature +4
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarven, Gnoll
Attacks Melee +3 / 3d4+0, Ranged +2 / 3d4-1, Grapple +0
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day12644

Possessions: 110 pp.

Social Check DCs

Zaffrab Scheppen, Male Gnome [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: The light-skinned man stands 3'6" and wears a simple tan robe with black stripes complete with hood. His long blonde hair is drawn into a two foot long braid. He is very pretty but has cold, dead eyes.

Personality: He believes there is no problem he cannot solve with sufficient elbow grease and persistence, if it is the best or most economic solution matters not. He will often invite strangers home for dinner and talk their ears off. He cares deeply for his spouse and does his best to make sure his guests look presentable.

History: He was always a brilliant, if unscrupulous mind. While he appears to be a normal Gnome, he's... not quite right. Perhaps he's slightly insane, or otherwise so mentally alien to the rest of the world that he plain doesn't fit in. He is untrained/undisciplined, which makes him dangerous.

Motivation: Wishes to resurrect an old love; and to share knowledge with the world

Ideals: Persistence, Optimist, Logical. Flaws: Insane. Bonds: Attractive, In love. Occupation: Baker

Voice: Boston accent

Attributes [hide]

Zaffrab Scheppen, Male Gnome Sorcerer 4
Small (3'6") Gnome, Lawful Evil (CR 4)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (4d4)
Speed 20 ft.
7 (-2)15 (+2) 14 (+2)16 (+3) 14 (+2)11 (+0)
Skills History +5, Intimidation +2
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Gnome, Ignan, Orc, Abyssal
Attacks Melee +0 / 1d10-2, Ranged +4 / 1d10+2, Grapple +2
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day136630000

Possessions: Chrysoprase (40 gp). Golden yellow topaz (600 gp).

Social Check DCs

Giselle Everly, Female Human [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: 5'1" and muscular, this southern woman prefers to wear fine silks, though has several suits of combat armor for her hunting needs. Her long chestnut hair is drawn into a two foot long braid. Her eyes are gray.

Personality: She is calm most of the time but flees social interaction. She has a minor phobia of water and hates getting wet.

History: She was born a particularly ugly child, much to the horror of her parents. She helped her father out around the business and became quite the natural. She now mingles about in high society.

Motivation: She is wracked by social anxiety.

Ideals: Athletic. Flaws: Shy, Fearful, Ugly. Bonds: Rich, Job. Occupation: Stylist

Voice: Low rumbling, strings words together

Attributes [hide]

Giselle Everly, Female Human Ranger 2
Medium (5'1") Human, Lawful Good (CR 2)
Armor Class 9
Hit Points 14 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1)9 (-1) 12 (+1)12 (+1) 12 (+1)15 (+2)
Skills Nature +3, Survival +3
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarven
Attacks Melee +3 / 1d6+1, Ranged +1 / 1d6-1, Grapple +1
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day11000

Possessions: 260 gp. Lapis lazuli (9 gp).

Social Check DCs

Skirt Of Wine, Female Tabaxi [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: She is scrawny and has patchy beige fur. She wears a brown collared shirt and red skirt. She accessorizes with a brown scarf around the waist and a strap diagonally across her shirt. She has a hunchback. Her beige fur is thinning but still full. She has a very pronounced jaw and large eyebrows. She wears rectangular glasses with silver brims.

Personality: She is overprotective of those who hire her services. Energy wise she seems alert and responsive.

History: Born in the south to a Servant, Skirt learned a great deal about her father's area of expertise. She always admired necromantic-users and wanted to develop the talent, but never had the affinity for it. She has gone from town to town till she finds a spot where she can set up a sustainable business.

Motivation: She wants to get laid; and she's attracted to the pc

Ideals: Professionalism, Gifted. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Guardian, Job, Has a crush. Occupation: Servant

Voice: Switch between two voices

Attributes [hide]

Skirt Of Wine, Female Tabaxi Wizard 5
Medium (4'7") Tabaxi, Chaotic Evil (CR 5)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 17 (5d4)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0)13 (+1) 10 (+0)12 (+1) 8 (-1)9 (-1)
Skills History +4
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Ignan
Attacks Melee +3 / 2d4+0, Ranged +4 / 2d4+1, Grapple +1
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day12432

Possessions: 80 pp. Chrysoprase (70 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Quick Of Wine, Female Tabaxi [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: This woman is bedraggled and starved. She very much looks the part of a Animal Trainer. Her black fur is smooth and relatively long. Her half smiles and yellow eyes are beguiling and draw you in.

Personality: A skeptical and narcissistic woman, Quick's first love is herself. Her second love is also herself. She takes great joy in being the best Animal Trainer in town.

History: She was born to a pair of big game hunters, but was frequently ill as a child. She was an athlete and attended two major summer competitions. She never won. She then took over the family business and is one of the better Animal Trainer for hire.

Motivation: She doesn't get along with people that don't share her tastes; and wants to open a new tavern

Ideals: Impeccable, Athletic. Flaws: Disease. Bonds: Job, Poor, Attractive. Occupation: Animal Trainer

Voice: Strong lisp

Attributes [hide]

Quick Of Wine, Female Tabaxi Expert 8
Medium (5'5") Tabaxi, Lawful Evil (CR 8)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 43 (8d6)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3)15 (+2) 15 (+2)12 (+1) 14 (+2)13 (+1)
Skills Intimidation +4, Perception +5
Senses Passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Terran
Attacks Melee +6 / 2d10+3, Ranged +5 / 2d10+2, Grapple +3

Possessions: 70000 cp. Sard (60 gp). Red-brown spinel (80 gp). Rhodochrosite (6 gp). Pink pearl (80 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

Social Check DCs

Gildmak Swiftwhistle, Male Halfling [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: This man stands a little under 3'4" and is a bit bulky. He is very muscular particularly in the legs. He wears a white armored body suit, with a simple blue line shooting up and back down. With a patchy chestnut beard and wild chestnut hair. He has blue eyes.

Personality: He speaks before he thinks and is too direct. He is able to make almost anything out of random pieces of junk.

History: Born in the south his family was never financially stable. A gifted student he started as a Barber, but he got bored and became a Banker. He has achieved small success as a Banker.

Motivation: Revenge; and several ex partners dislike his way of doing things and want revenge

Ideals: Gifted. Flaws: Impulsive. Bonds: Poor, Job, Enemies. Occupation: Banker

Voice: Scandinavian accent

Attributes [hide]

Gildmak Swiftwhistle, Male Halfling Cleric 3
Small (3'4") Halfling, Chaotic Good (CR 3)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 11 (3d8)
Speed 20 ft.
11 (+0)12 (+1) 10 (+0)12 (+1) 17 (+3)13 (+1)
Skills Investigation +3, Medicine +5
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Halfling, Ignan
Attacks Melee +2 / 1d8+0, Ranged +3 / 1d8+1, Grapple +1
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day1342100000

Possessions: 400 gp.

Social Check DCs

Donaar Linxakasendalor, Male Dragonborn [Permalink]

Personal [hide]

Description: A man with a friendly, welcoming air about him, he wears a green shirt with thin black vertical stripes and violet pants. His crest is short and black. His red eyes are desperate and heavily dilated. He has the appearance of someone under the heavy influence of drugs.

Personality: He is filled with cunning. He likes to feign weakness letting people think he is weak. His home and work are filled with various knick knacks he has acquired through the years. He cares a great deal for his adopted teenage daughter.

History: Donaar was born to in a poor docking district. He spent his early days working in the same smith shop his mother was employed at, doing general labor. From there he went from mercenary job to mercenary job. He was always very intelligent and has formed a secret society of freemasons.

Motivation: Half-Elven compassion; and to reunite with his absent mother

Flaws: Addict, Secretive, Racist. Bonds: Family, Poor, Adventurer. Occupation: Locksmith

Voice: Speaks with lips pursed

Attributes [hide]

Donaar Linxakasendalor, Male Dragonborn Barbarian 5
Medium (6'2") Dragonborn, Lawful Good (CR 5)
Armor Class 8
Hit Points 34 (5d12)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)6 (-2) 11 (+0)15 (+2) 11 (+0)13 (+1)
Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Halfling, Giant
Attacks Melee +4 / 2d4+1, Ranged +1 / 2d4-2, Grapple +1

Possessions: 100 gp.

Social Check DCs

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