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Roger Norton, Male Human [Permalink]

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Description: A man with a warm, jovial air about him, he wears an old set of leather armor, nicked and torn by the ravages of time and battle. His silver hair is cut short with large spiked bangs in the front. He wears large thick round spectacles.

Personality: He is a sleazy, sleazy guy. He has no qualms about using his powers of suggestion to get people to do what he wants. He takes great joy in being the best Mortician in town.

History: Roger was born the youngest of three triplets. His father worked until he suffered an accident while they were digging through a hill for a new route. He had to support his now crippled father and took his father's old job. He inherited the family business which he has now maintained for 8 years.

Motivation: His name or reputation has been wronged in the past by orcs, and he desires to right it; and a deep hatred of orcs

Ideals: Entrepeneur. Bonds: Attractive, Job, Family, Enemies. Occupation: Mortician

Voice: Low and grunting

Attributes [hide]

Roger Norton, Male Human Fighter 3
Medium (6'5") Human, Neutral Evil (CR 3)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
15 (+2)16 (+3) 11 (+0)12 (+1) 14 (+2)15 (+2)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Survival +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Ignan
Attacks Melee +4 / 1d8+2, Ranged +5 / 1d8+3, Grapple +4

Possessions: 300 gp.

Social Check DCs

Alexandre Southey, Male Human [Permalink]

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Description: A hulking man with gigantic muscles, he is dressed in an above average manner. His blonde hair is thinning but still full. He has several tiny sapphire earrings on each ear.

Personality: Stoic and calm, he prefers to meditate than take action. His respect, as difficult as one would find it to earn, is unwavering; those who more than prove themselves to him, a bar set well above any reasonable standard, he tolerates in varying degrees. Though less modest and more hasty in his reactions to snap at those who irritate him, Alexandre is combative with any and all who dare try his patience in the slightest.

History: He was born to a wealthy landowner in a frontier town, living a normal and happy childhood. He was part of a huge silver rush, which was taken over by a mining company. The company confiscated a lot of silver, but the shipment was lost. He ran away from his former home and has been making his living as a Map Maker for the past few years.

Motivation: Meet up once more with his childhood friend; and he desires power and/or immortality

Ideals: Disciplined, Justice. Bonds: Attractive, Rich, Adventurer, Job. Occupation: Map Maker

Voice: Cold and demanding tone

Attributes [hide]

Alexandre Southey, Male Human Fighter 3
Medium (6'5") Human, Lawful Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
7 (-2)17 (+3) 10 (+0)13 (+1) 15 (+2)14 (+2)
Skills Religion +3, Stealth +5
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarven
Attacks Melee +0 / 1d8-2, Ranged +5 / 1d8+3, Grapple +3

Possessions: 2100 sp.

Social Check DCs

Roger Gracey, Male Human [Permalink]

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Description: He wears just a grey suit. He carries a battered sickle and tarnished axe as well. His hair is always cut to a buzz. His fair skin shows little sign of his aristocratic breeding.

Personality: He swings through moods quickly. One moment he is cool and collected, the next he is carried away by passions. He also is a firm believer in the manly ideal.

History: Born to a poor family in the city he treasured whatever gifts he got. He worked as a nervous Masseuse and found it very stressful. He has gone from town to town till he finds a spot where he can set up a sustainable business.

Motivation: To be a Architect again.

Ideals: Fighting, Passionate. Flaws: Impulsive. Bonds: Attractive, Poor, Job. Occupation: Masseuse

Voice: Soothing and warm

Attributes [hide]

Roger Gracey, Male Human Fighter 3
Medium (6'0") Human, True Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 9
Hit Points 23 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2)9 (-1) 14 (+2)17 (+3) 13 (+1)11 (+0)
Skills Nature +5, Persuasion +2
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Orc, Ignan, Aquan
Attacks Melee +4 / 1d8+2, Ranged +1 / 1d8-1, Grapple +2

Possessions: 300 gp. Bloodstone (40 gp). Eye agate (6 gp).

Social Check DCs

Alexandre Wordsworth, Male Human [Permalink]

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Description: This man is unhealthily muscled, almost every single one of his veins is visible when he is not flexing. His shirts and pants tend to be short and undersized for him due to the difficulty of finding a good tailor. His hair is chestnut and curly. This amber eyed westerner is not easily forgotten.

Personality: He likes to brag about his accomplishments and constantly tries to beat others to the punch. He can see the true alignment of people by looking at them, and uses this to pass judgement.

History: Born in the west to a Scribe, Alexandre learned a great deal about his father's area of expertise. He worked as a nervous Scribe and found it very stressful. He then took over the family business and is one of the better Scribe for hire.

Motivation: Money/treasure.

Ideals: Fighting, Athletic, Passionate, Gifted. Bonds: Rich, Job. Occupation: Scribe

Voice: Slow speaker

Attributes [hide]

Alexandre Wordsworth, Male Human Fighter 3
Medium (5'6") Human, Chaotic Neutral (CR 3)
Armor Class 8
Hit Points 20 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
9 (-1)7 (-2) 12 (+1)11 (+0) 14 (+2)13 (+1)
Skills Athletics +1, Insight +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Attacks Melee +1 / 1d8-1, Ranged +0 / 1d8-2, Grapple +4

Possessions: 400 gp.

Social Check DCs

Gerard Tinley, Male Human [Permalink]

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Description: He is renowned for his bright yellow suits and hats. He cuts an attractive figure and his suit of old armor is well cared for even if it is obsolete. His red hair is cut jaggedly and amateurishly. His brown eyes lackadaisically let the world flow into them.

Personality: A grumpy guy he will invite people to lunch so he can critique them. Yet he still seems generally likeable, like a lovable grump. Flattery will make him almost putty in your hands.

History: He was a bastard born out of an affair, and his father always resented and mistreated him for it out of spite. He was married off to the eldest child of a minor noble. His spouse died of illness and he inherited everything. He was betrayed by a partner and left for dead, teaching him a humbling lesson in trusting others.

Motivation: He is greedy; and he uses money and sex appeal to get what he needs

Ideals: Philantrophist. Flaws: Antagonistic, Selfish. Bonds: Attractive, Rich. Occupation: Adventurer

Voice: Speaks in third person

Attributes [hide]

Gerard Tinley, Male Human Fighter 3
Medium (5'9") Human, Lawful Evil (CR 3)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 18 (3d10)
Speed 30 ft.
11 (+0)16 (+3) 9 (-1)14 (+2) 9 (-1)12 (+1)
Skills Deception +3, Survival +1
Senses Passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Orc, Gnoll
Attacks Melee +2 / 1d8+0, Ranged +5 / 1d8+3, Grapple +3

Possessions: 1400 sp. 1 Masterwork Common Melee. 1 Masterwork Common Ranged Weapon. 1 Masterwork Common Melee.

Social Check DCs

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