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D&D 4e Encounters List

Here's a list of encounters people have made in the Encounter Builder. You can add your own by saving an encounter to your account and marking it as public.

Name Level Size
Work Camp 5 5
Sharing Example 3 5
At The Walls 5 5
Rival Party L6 6 6
Rivals 1 1
(No Name) 1 4
Forced Flank 3 3
University Attic 5 6
Rival Party L6 6 6
Rule of 3 6 6
Rule of 3 6 6
Death From Above 6 6
Death From Above 6 6
Pirate Fight 6 6
Beherschter Wachtrupp 1 4
Der Aufseher 6 4
RATS 1 4
Beherschter Sphtrupp 1 4
Duergar of the Molten Sea 5 5
Infiltration of the Surface Keep 5 5
Kidnapping 5 5
(No Name) 1 5
NorkleTest 1 5
Thuggin fo live 7 5
Bulettes 7 5
Dryads 7 5
Navy Taskforce 7 5
Thri-kreen 7 6
Goblins 7 6
1 Careful Movement 1 5
Kobold Ambush A1 1 3
Assassination at the Adventurers League 6 6
3 - Adventuring Party 1 5
Cave Swim 3 4
Take the bait 3 3
Abyssal Frontrunners 22 6
Assassins 22 6
Sirithils Tomb 3 3
TroglodyteAbberant Underground Ambush 6 7
Demon 3 5
Return to Bandit Fort - Cuther Olred Bandit Leader 1 5
Return to Bandit Fort - Main Floor 1 6
Forest- Attacked by Wolves 2 6
bar fight 1 3
Goblins 1 3
Crypt at Winterfell 1 4
Room 9 7 5
Room 14 7 5
Room 12 7 5
Room 13 7 5
Room 1 7 5
Room 11 8 5
Room 4 7 5
Room 15 8 5
Kobold Ambush 1 5
Stirge Cave 1 5
Yeti Cave 1 5
KotS Above Ground 2 5
Sewer 2 5
Trap Room 1 5
Xivort Cave 2 5
rad kobolds 1 5
Lizards of the Swamp 4 5
spider cave 4 4
Filth Pit 4 4
Orc Ambush 2 5
28-07-13 10 5
Drake Pits 1 5
Bear Cave 2 5
(No Name) 4 4
BD Kobold Dance Party 8 3
ettinmoor 8 3
Lizards of the Swamp 4 2
Goblin Team 4 3
Legion Devils 4 2
27-07-13 10 4
Primo livello della nave 16 5
Secondo livello della nave 16 4
Lvl 6 Legion 5 2
Second Random 4 5
Far Realm Shift 4 5
Myconid Main Group 3 5
Myconid Forward Group 3 5
Pirate Attack 1 5
(No Name) 4 7
Ghost Town 5 6
City Watch 2 4 5
City Watch 1 4 5
Bear Cave 3 5
Pirates 4 7
S1E2 1 5
S1E1 1 5
S1E3 1 5
S1E4 1 5
S1E5 1 5
kruthik ambush 2 5
black raven boss 12 5
Dire Scouts 1 4
Rats 1 4
Cracked Tomb 1 4
Lower Dungeon 2 6
Locked Room 1 6
Contested Hallway 3 6
E2 - Hunting party 1 3
Assassin 1 5
Harry Potter 2 6
Bridge Trolls 2 6
Wherein Varg is found 2 6
Kill the orcs 2 6
Rats 1 4
Spider Crypt Fight 2 2 2
A Child in Peril 5 6
(No Name) 1 5
first cave encounter 6 6
in the woods 5 6
Attack on the Elf Castle 2 6
Zombies in the Elven Graveyard 2 6
Elf Treachery 3 6
In the wyld 3 6
Warcaster and soldier 1 3
Raid On Loudwater 1 3
slaad 6 6
(No Name) 1 3
Bloodrot and Brain 5 4
beast1 6 4
Control Room 5 3
Delete 7 7
Human Band_Random Encouter 7 5
Delete 7 7
Ambush_Raptor 7 5
Random_Werewolf 7 7
Ooze_Random 7 7
Delete 7 7
U01 - Wilderness 6 4
Gnolls at the gates 5 5
Hags Quarters 6 6
The real threat 6 6
Research Center 5 4
prisonroom3 1 5
prisonroom4 1 5
prisonroom5 3 3
prisonroom9 3 3
prisonroom11 3 3
prisonroom12 3 3
prisonroom16 3 3
Ibrahim 6 4
S2E1 2 5
forest2 3 3
S2E2 2 5
S2E3 2 5
Random 3 7 5
Delete 6 6
Fight in the woods 7 6
The raid on Loudwater 1 5
Slave 3 6
Slavers come to roost 16 6
Final Room 1 5
B3 Contested Hallways 1 3
(No Name) 1 5
Arena 1 1 6
On the road again 4 4
In The Church 4 4
Skeletons Tomb 4 4
Spiders Lair 4 4
Boss Battle 4 4
Blue Slime 1 5
Centipede Swarm 1 1
Daefs premiere 3 5
(No Name) 3 3
Kaysi and the sunshine gang 3 5
Maze 1 7 5
Salvation Gate 7 5
Cave 7 5
beatin up orcs arc2 1 1
Goblin party arc 1 1 4
Orc Raiding Party arc 2 1 4
powder begins 7 5
Troll general arc 2 1 4
Elvin Ambush 2 8
First Ever Encounter For My Campaign1 1 4
Dun Rothar Mines Encounter 1 7 4
Dun Rothar Mines Encounter 2 7 4
Dun Rothar Mines Encounter 3 8 4
MAZE A 7 5
Temple Room 1 5 3
Temple Room 4 3
Elven Friends 3 5
(No Name) 3 5
U02 - Manor Entrance 6 4
U09 - Boss Fight 6 4
U03 - Library 6 4
First orc fight 6 4
Ogre smash 6 4
The lab 6 4
Final battle part 1 6 4
Final fight part 2 6 5
test level 20 20 4
Kraken 9 5
Pirates 9 5
Sea snakes 9 5
Thuggin 9 5
(No Name) 10 2
Re Entry 4 7
Zombie Attack 4 6
Room 12 4 5
1st Encounter 1 6
1st Encounter 1 6
1st Encounter 1 1
(No Name) 1 5
sinners tears 5 5
here be dragons 5 5
Tunnel too deep 3 3
Raining bats 3 6
Training Pit Skrimage 1 4
Godforged 30 4
white war 5 5
white war 5 5
Further Trail 1 4
Cave Guards 1 4
On the Path 1 4
Last stand 1 4
The tent 1 4
Warehouse 1 4
On tap 1 1
Crunk 5 5
The Frost Twins 3 5
bar fight 1 1
(No Name) 3 3
Icy Wings 4 4
(No Name) 3 3
(No Name) 3 3
(No Name) 3 3
Boss Fight 4 5
(No Name) 3 3
valenhal castle of groves 7 4
black hand swamp 7 4
Ambush 1 1
Wolves 1 5
Zombie Hounds 1 4
Crypt E1 2 5
(No Name) 1 1
Aberrent Goblins 1 3
Dumb Goblins 1 3
Forest Final 5 5
Town Final 5 4
Round 1 1 6
Round 2 1 1
Boss Encounter 1 6
Goblin Round 1 6
Werewolf 2 5
Wintery Death 6 6
Orc part 2 8 3
Fungal Dragon fight 4 4
RE 1 2 6
Orc_3 9 4
Greenwall attack 3 4
Goblin Scouts 1 3
Goblin_sciamano_fenditeschio 1 5
Kobold Surprise 1 5
Kobold pre-ritual 1 5
First Encounter 1 6
2nd encounter 1 6
Final Encounter 21 6
Possible encounter 1 6
On the High Seas 6 5
On the swampboat 6 5
Outside the villiage 6 5
River hag 6 5
Dryads 6 5
Troglodyte Village Rage 6 5
U01 - Wilderness 6 6
Hags Quarters 6 5
slaad 6 6
Lover 13 5
Dauschul the weary 1 1
Goblin Hallway 4 4
High Shaman 4 4
ships crew 3 6
First Fight 1 2
1st sighting 1 5
Just in time 1 1
Strike Force Hobgoblins Goblins Bugbear 3 5
opening 1 6
Beholder Boss Encounter Lvl5 5 6
Sewer fight 5 5
Confrontation with the River Rats 5 5
Side Bounty I 5 5
1st night Wolf pack 5 5
Dragon Tomb 11 5
Spider chamber 11 5
Reshapen Leader 11 5
Reshapen patrol 11 8
Church Showdown 3 2
Choker Ambush 1 5
(No Name) 4 5
Kobold 1 2 5
Goblin Pet Owner 1 2
Dread Pirate Showdown 3 5
dread pirate showdown v2 3 3
Necromancer Ritual 1 5
Fomorian Slaving Party 14 4
Orc1 3 7
Bear1 3 7
Armstrong 1 5
entryway goblins 1 5
(No Name) 8 5
First Goblins 1 5
Bats 1 4
The Mighty Hand of Isis 4 7
dfsfds 1 5
Goblin Village 1 6
Warband1 1 5
Warband1 1 5
Skeletons Tomb 1 2
Skeletons Tomb 1 2
First encounter 1 4
First encounter 1 4
Ganon 30 6
The Eyes 9 6
The Eyes 9 6
(No Name) 1 5
Captains Camp 11 8
2 2 4
Guards in the Alley 3 3
Guards in the Alley 3 3
(No Name) 1 5
Ghost Town 5 5
Cultists 1 5
Kobold Defenses 1 5
Kobold Defenses 1 5
Prologue Encounter 1 11 4
Skeletons 3 5
Skeletons 3 5
A 10 4
Ratten Kanalisation 1 4
(No Name) 1 5
first 1 1
Human Noble Enc 1 5
test 1 5
(No Name) 10 1
(No Name) 10 1
(No Name) 1 1
(No Name) 1 1
(No Name) 0 1
1 10 1
1 10 1
lcAQHnV5 10 1
-1 OR 2+711-711-1=0+0+0+1 -- 10 1
-1 OR 2+460-460-1=0+0+0+1 10 1
-1' OR 2+318-318-1=0+0+0+1 -- 10 1
-1' OR 2+562-562-1=0+0+0+1 or 'zYqKq8UK'=' 10 1
-1" OR 2+967-967-1=0+0+0+1 -- 10 1
(No Name) 10 1
(No Name) 10 1
(No Name) 10 1
Hunt in the woods 4 5
Mansion Approach 1 7
(No Name) 10 1
Entry Encounter 1 3
Goblin Ambush 1 5
(No Name) 1 5
Shadow Wolf 1 5
Dauschul the weary 1 1
Dauschul the weary 1 1
(No Name) 3 5
(No Name) 3 5
test 3 5
Goblin Army 7 5
Knights of the Shield 5 6
Unwelcome Party 5 6
Cry for Help 1 1
Undead Encounter 1 1 2
Cry for Help 5 6
Ghastly Meal 5 6
Ghoul Pack 5 6
Hateful Patrol 5 5
Group 4 Hellish Hunters 5 6
Imp Sales Pitch 5 6
Narzugon Cavalier 5 6
Vrock Philosophy 5 6
Zombie Horde 5 6
Torms Bridges 5 6
Approaching the High Hall 5 6
Group 1 Abishai and Cultists 5 6
Group 2 Crab Attack 1 1
Undead Encounter 1 1 2
Group 2 Crab Attack 5 6
Group 3 Devilish Brigands 5 6
Bandit Encounter 1 1 2
Goblin-Kobold alliance scavengers 2 2
Goblin-Kobold alliance scavengers - final 2 2
Shade Assassins 2 2
Undead assault 2 2
The Necromancers Ritual 3 2
Sharing Example 3 3
Elemental Assault 2 3
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Shout outs: Stacey, Iofire, Caitlin W., Damon Carrington, zzz, Mario Pizzamiglio, Phil Mehl, Wesley Muncy, elijah D. maben, R., bruschkin, Vincent Drone, thea musing, Brian Nunziato, Matt Yates, Elisa Martinez, Ryan Flagg, Jade Arrowood, Angelo Anderson, Syn21, Dave Walker, Rhonda Seiter, Jonathan Lekse, Katie White, JollyGamer, Tiernan Greenman, Burlyfighter, Gillian Tolbert, David R Abbott, Rick Marsh, Brittany DeNicholas, Phillip Hash, Amanda Kettles, Lou Bliss, Sik Makoyi, Pythor Sen, Bryson Waits, Desedent, Mark L, Siren, AstroLass, Lizzie, Michael Hamilton, Vedie V, Mylon Schroder, Nathan, Jordan Florez, Robert Rich, Rodney O'Dell, Robin Ellis-Foster, Jess, Lars Yell, Zee Livezey, Kevin, Kerry Melton, Mary Kieser, SallySparrow132, Naomi B, J, Millergendraft, Federica Frezza, Nick Soucy, Jeremiah Walker, Bryan Sheairs, chris wilson, Max Hops, Sarah Holland, Joshua David Maddox, Jennifer Smith, Liz Fontain, Ray Bissonnette, Joe Dalby, Matt Price, Nicholas Zamora, ShortyMcgibble, Mr. Vinclair, mtnman1979@aol.com, KFB_Patreon, eric sun, Kayleigh Sulin, Dani, Gundar Wez, Nahellion, Nicholas Hanke, bilbens baggo, Stuart, Brysen Packer, Maxwell Mayer, Gannon Dubay, Thobek, Aaron Teupe, Mage1X, XMrMonkyx ., Miss Zilla M, Jordan Brazeal, Kyle Clark, Jake Lane, Adam Ruiz, Phillip P Torchia, Stefan Gottschalk's, Remora Jewel, Connor, jeremy baisch, Daniel Edwards, Zealot23, Shane Andrews, Brandon Mußiq, CJMAXP, Lisa Tucker, KingHavok1217, Mx Charlie, Justin Snyder, Zachary Burgess-Hicks, Shazear, Steve Rosenlund, Ezzela1891, John Nazario, Gordon Alexander Fallon, Jason Clark, Trey Vickory
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!

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