
Exploration Map

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Fog of War:
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Description | New Events
Sights: A lost, weeping child. If the characters take the child home, the parents reward them with 3 potions of healing.


Description | New Events
Sights: A half erected statue of an old folk hero. Either under construction or half crumbled.


Description | New Events
Sights: There’s a half-buried village in the sand, with sandstone walls being the only remnants… except for one house, which has a simple roof and door carved into the stone.


Description | New Events
Sights: Deep in a forest, trees are marred with years old axe and sword marks. Hundreds of skeletons dressed in rusted armor and weapons lie in this area. Taking a trinket, or even loitering may be unwise.


Description | New Events
Sights: Royal customs agents have set up a checkpoint to search travellers for fruit from a neighbouring kingdom, following reports that some shipments have been infested with the eggs of dangerous species of exotic spider.


Description | New Events
Sights: An area of Blessed Radiance. Each creature carrying the holy symbol of a deity from a non-evil plane while in the region gains advantage on saving throws for the next 24 hours.


Description | New Events
Sights: Dashed upon the rocks are the remains of a large merchant ship. Weathered and ancient, the skeletons of the crew still scattered around though most everything of value has long since been looted.


Description | New Events
Sights: Young lovers have sought refuge to meet, their families do not approve.


Description | New Events
Sights: A large tree in the forest that bends and splits in such a way that the bottom looks like a foot, with toes.


Description | New Events
Sights: On the side of a rocky cliff are a well carved trio of protruding faces all looking the same direction.


Description | New Events
Sights: A natural rock formation that just happens to look like the face of an old man with a long beard. Ruins of temples from several ancient civilizations can be found in the valley below, apparently attracted there to worship the face, or perhaps just to be under his watchful gaze. Most humanoid races in the region are sure the old man looks like their race and have their own legend about him.


Description | New Events
Sights: A traveling merchant selling standard equipment at 10% over book price.


Description | New Events
Sights: A Haunted locale (Tasha's pg. 154).


Description | New Events
Sights: Peals of silvery laughter that echo from a distance


Description | New Events
Sights: A small stone platform on the top of a hill, standing on the platform makes a person irrationally angry. Barbarians may involuntarily rage as a result.


Description | New Events
Sights: Battlefield where lingering fog occasionally assumes humanoid forms.


Description | New Events
Sights: A person looks to be threatened by a skeleton, but on closer inspection the skeleton is assisting them.


Description | New Events
Sights: Farmers on their way to the market.


Description | New Events
Sights: A troupe of entertainers, led by an overdressed and curious Elf. The Elf is a ring leader in a traveling circus of sorts and is always looking for new and exciting acts for his traveling performances. The Elf will pay top gold for any such acts or items that he can use in his shows.


Description | New Events
Sights: Your players pass a soothsayer and see an Omen. He offers reward for everyone who gives a second opinion.


Description | New Events
Sights: Royal customs agents have set up a checkpoint to search travellers for fruit from a neighbouring kingdom, following reports that some shipments have been infested with the eggs of dangerous species of exotic spider.


Description | New Events
Sights: A fairly tall and elaborate tree made entirely out of glass raises from the earth, at its base there is a plaque written in dwarven, it’s to commemorate a dwarf leader who fell in battle.


Description | New Events
Sights: For a few hundred feet, wherever the characters step, flowers bloom and emit soft light.


Description | New Events
Sights: A garden from a former ancient culture, which vanished out of unknown reasons. One of the only things found was this tree garden. Are the trees made of stone or turned to, no one knows.


Description | New Events
Sights: A secluded hot spring, with the initials of many young lovers carved into nearby rocks. Discarded and forgotten undergarments can be found on tree branches in the area.


Description | New Events
Sights: A pool of clear, still water. Gold coins litter the bottom, but they disappear if removed from the pool.


Description | New Events
Sights: Strong gravity. Jump distance and carrying capacity are halved, and fall damage is doubled.


Description | New Events
Sights: Deep in a forest, trees are marred with years old axe and sword marks. Hundreds of skeletons dressed in rusted armor and weapons lie in this area. Taking a trinket, or even loitering may be unwise.


Description | New Events
Sights: A massive artwork carved into a boulder placed some ways away from the banks of a nearby river. The artwork seems to depict a struggle between giants and dragons, with the giants as the victors. The faintly red runes which line it are giantish, and anyone who can decipher them will read that it marks a momentous battle between giants and dragons, over which should decide the course of the river.


Description | New Events
Sights: A garden from a former ancient culture, which vanished out of unknown reasons. One of the only things found was this tree garden. Are the trees made of stone or turned to, no one knows.


Description | New Events
Sights: In a valley, there are 8-10 adult dragon skeletons, half-buried.


Description | New Events
Sights: On top of this hill is a pool surrounded with stone. The water is always cool, and at night the full moon can always be seen in its reflection, regardless of clouds or moon cycle.


Description | New Events
Sights: The ancient ruins of a strangely ‘modern-looking’ tavern located in the deepest patches of forest. No path leads to it, no other buildings or ruins are found besides it, but dozens of deformed footsteps can be found heading out of the site. At night, the faint, muffled sound of a single viol can be heard coming out of the muddy floor.


Description | New Events
Sights: It’s an oak tree with the word hope carved into it in large letters. No one knows who did it or why, but it’s turned into a useful landmark for the local village.


Description | New Events
Sights: Forest of petrified or awakened trees.


Description | New Events
Sights: A seemingly average looking berry bush that happens to grow small jewels instead of berries. If one where to try and consume one of the jewels picked off of the bush within 24hrs, that person gains a temporary magical effect or bonus, otherwise it’s a normal jewel.


Description | New Events
Sights: A friendly arcanaloth using alter self spells to assume Humanoid form as it searches for one of the Books of Keeping.


Description | New Events
Sights: In the middle of a grassy field stands an 8ft slim cone made of iron bars, in the middle of the structure lies a sun-bleached skeleton bound in iron shackles.


Description | New Events
Sights: For a few hundred feet, wherever the characters step, flowers bloom and emit soft light.


Description | New Events
Sights: An abandoned graveyard (there's minor treasure in a crypt, guarded by undead).


Description | New Events
Sights: Totem pole.


Description | New Events
Sights: A large gray solid stone table with ancient carvings on the sides. Upon its surface are newly lit candles and a banquet of food that seems to be warm, fresh, and untouched by its surroundings. If one where to eat or take anything from the table, the next day it would be completely restocked and replenished.


Description | New Events
Sights: Wrecked ship, which might be nowhere near water.


Description | New Events
Sights: Permanent portal to another plane of existence.


Description | New Events
Sights: A blind alchemist (or witch) living in some crumbling ruins.


Description | New Events
Sights: It’s an oak tree with the word hope carved into it in large letters. No one knows who did it or why, but it’s turned into a useful landmark for the local village.


Description | New Events
Sights: A group of 3 standing stones with anxiety. When encountered in their clearing, they will disappear once all eyes are off them. Careful inspection will reveal them to hiding nearby – peeking from behind a nearby tree, bottom of a lake, hidden by bushes, behind where the party is now looking, etc. If discovered, they disappear again if not observed. The stones are not malicious, and do not harm the party. They would just rather you all left them alone.


Description | New Events
Sights: For a few hundred feet, wherever the characters step, flowers bloom and emit soft light.


Description | New Events
Sights: A 120ft diameter crater. Now filled with water and inhabited by pond creatures.


Description | New Events
Sights: Razorvine. AC 11, HP 25, immunity to bludgeon, pierce, psychic. On contact, DC 10 Dex save or take 1d10 slashing damage.


Description | New Events
Sights: Canyon containing a dragons' graveyard.


Description | New Events
Sights: A copse of trees growing in a single spot on an otherwise barren mountain. Unbeknownst to the world, it is the burial place of a great wizard of earthen magics. It is watched over by a trio of stone golems and a handful of slumbering treants to guard the immense knowledge held within the tomb.


Description | New Events
Sights: A clear pool of water with 6 sleeping animals lying around its edge


Description | New Events
Sights: An old weathered statue of a god with beautiful gems inlaid and surrounded with wicker basket offerings of gold, flowers, food, and trinkets. Stealing from the statue result in a curse (permanent level of exhaustion) from the deity until either greater restoration is cast on the thief or they repent and make an offering of twice the amount stolen. Award inspiration for respectful offerings or prayers given to the statue.


Description | New Events
Sights: Ruined or toppled obelisk.


Description | New Events
Sights: An abandoned graveyard (there's minor treasure in a crypt, guarded by undead).


Description | New Events
Sights: It’s an oak tree with the word hope carved into it in large letters. No one knows who did it or why, but it’s turned into a useful landmark for the local village.


Description | New Events
Sights: A funerary procession carrying a large coffin.


Description | New Events
Sights: Ruined or toppled obelisk.


Description | New Events
Sights: A 15ft tall stone hand stretches from the ground, reaching for the sky.


Description | New Events
Sights: A Haunted locale (Tasha's pg. 154).


Description | New Events
Sights: An evil race (drow, monster, etc) is being executed.


Description | New Events
Sights: Strong gravity. Jump distance and carrying capacity are halved, and fall damage is doubled.


Description | New Events
Sights: A secluded hot spring, with the initials of many young lovers carved into nearby rocks. Discarded and forgotten undergarments can be found on tree branches in the area.


Description | New Events
Sights: A roadside corpse.


Description | New Events
Sights: In a valley, there are 8-10 adult dragon skeletons, half-buried.


Description | New Events
Sights: A cave with a chest that says, ‘if you take something, leave something.’ It’s unlocked and has several trinkets inside.


Description | New Events
Sights: An inn that has been carefully constructed to appear as if it was turned upside-down.


Description | New Events
Sights: Ramparts, high hills, and trenches filled with water that stretch for mile marking the location an ancient battlefield. It has grown over.


Description | New Events
Sights: Wishing well.


Description | New Events
Sights: Two sequoia trees whose bases are over a hundred feet apart have grown together and connect about 160 to 180 feet off the ground. The branches and leaves of these giant trees create a pleasantly shaded area below which is often used by the local populace as sites of wedding ceremonies.


Description | New Events
Sights: A cliff that has been entirely covered in paint from hundreds of people.


Description | New Events
Sights: A small waterfall that appears to reverse direction on every night with a bright full moon, running up instead of down.


Description | New Events
Sights: There’s a half-buried village in the sand, with sandstone walls being the only remnants… except for one house, which has a simple roof and door carved into the stone.


Description | New Events
Sights: A large, circular pool off of a main river which is geothermally heated.


Description | New Events
Sights: A religious procession.


Description | New Events
Sights: A minor noble returning from an unsuccessful hunt, with retinue. The noble is not a skilled hunter yet thinks himself to be the greatest in the land, partially due to the plethora of compliments he receives on a daily basis from his followers. He challenges the party to a contest of who can bring down the largest brown bear and wagers his pouch of gold.

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