
D&D 5e Combat Generator / Calculator

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Reroll this enemy Treasure Drops
Party SizeParty Level
Easy: 125 exp
Medium: 250 exp
Hard: 375 exp
Deadly: 500 exp

Daily: 1,500 exp

Your Encounter

Difficulty: None
Total Cost: 0
Exp Awarded: 0 (0 each)
Group Cost Mod: 1x
AC: to
HP: to

Aarakocra1/4MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Neutral GoodMonster Manual p. 12
Aarakocra Captain3MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Neutral Good Monster Module p. 3
Aarakocra Priest of Aerdrie8MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Neutral GoodMonster Module p. 4
Aarakocra Sharpshooter1/2MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Neutral GoodMonster Module p. 3
Aarakocra Simulacra1/8MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Neutral GoodStorm King's Thunder pg 188
Aaztar-Ghola4MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 5
Abhorrent Overlord9MediumFiendChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Abjurer9MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 209
Aboleth10LargeAberrationLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 13
Aboleth Sovereign16HugeAberrationLawful EvilMonster Module p. 5
Abominable Beauty11MediumFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 11
Abominable Yeti9HugeMonstrosityChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 306
Abyssal Wretch1/4MediumFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 136
Acererak23MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTomb of Annihilation pg 209
Acolyte1/4MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 342
Adult Amethyst Dragon16HugeDragon (gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons, page 161
Adult Blue Dracolich17HugeUndeadLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 84
Adult Brass Dragon13HugeDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 105
Adult Cave Dragon16HugeDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 125
Adult Crystal Dragon12HugeDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 171
Adult Dream Dragon 14HugeDragonNeutralKassoon's Monsters
Adult Flame Dragon16HugeDragonChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 129
Adult Green Dragon15HugeDragonLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 94
Adult Leucrotta2LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 164
Adult Moonstone Dragon15HugeDragonNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 212
Adult Red Dragon17HugeDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 98
Adult Sapphire Dragon15HugeDragon (Gem)Lawful NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 215
Adult Silver Dragon16HugeDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 117
Adult Topaz Dragon13HugeDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 221
Adult White Dragon13HugeDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 101
Aeorian Absorber10MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Aeorian Reverser8MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Aerisi Kalinoth7MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 192
Agathion4MediumCelestialLawful GoodMonster Module p. 7
Ahmaergo9MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 193
Air Elemental Myrmidon7MediumElementalNeutralPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 212
Akroan Hoplite3MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Al-Aeshma9LargeElementalChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 211
Alagarthas3MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 144
Albino Dwarf Warrior1/4MediumHumanoid (dwarf)Chaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Alehouse Drake1/2TinyDragonChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 148
Algorith10MediumConstructLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 14
Alkilith11MediumFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 130
Allosaurus2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 79
Allowak Yeti3MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Alquam, Demon Lord of Night21HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 84
Alseid1MediumFeyChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Ambitious Assassin5SmallHumanoidNeutral EvilBook of Many Things pg 45
Amethyst Dragon Wyrmling4MediumDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 162
Amidor the Dandelion1/2SmallPlantNeutral GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 135
Amnizu18MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 164
Amphisbaena1/2MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Anarch1/4MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Ancient Amethyst Dragon23GargantuanDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 160
Ancient Blue Dragon23GargantuanDragonLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 90
Ancient Bronze Dragon22GargantuanDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 107
Ancient Crystal Dragon19GargantuanDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 170
Ancient Deep Dragon18GargantuanDragonNeutral EvilFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 173
Ancient Emerald Dragon21GargantuanDragon (Gem)Lawful NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 195
Ancient Gold Dragon24GargantuanDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 113
Ancient Mithral Dragon18GargantuanDragonNeutralTome of Beasts p. 132
Ancient Red Dragon24GargantuanDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 97
Ancient Sea Dragon22GargantuanDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 135
Ancient Silver Dragon23GargantuanDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 116
Ancient Titan12GargantuanCelestial (Titan)Neutral GoodTome of Beasts p. 380
Ancient Void Dragon24GargantuanDragonChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 138
Ancient Wind Dragon22GargantuanDragonChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 142
Androsphinx17LargeMonstrosityLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 281
Angler Worm4HugeMonstrosityUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 22
Animated Armor1MediumConstructUnalignedMonster Manual p. 19
Animated Breath6LargeElementalNeutral EvilFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 163
Animated Chained Library1LargeConstructUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 24
Animated Jade Serpent1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Animated Staff0MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Animated Stove3MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Animated Tree9MediumPlantChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Animators Staff3SmallConstructUnalignedMonster Module p. 9
Ankheg2LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 21
Ankylosaurus Zombie3MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Ant Lion4LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 11
Anvilwrought Raptor1/2MediumConstructChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Ape1/2MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 317
Apprentice Wizard1/4MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 209
Arasta21MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Arboreal Grappler3MediumAberrationNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 25
Arcane Guardian8MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 358
Archaic18GargantuanCelestialNeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 184
Archer3MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 210
Archmage12MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 342
Archon of the Triumvirate14MediumCelestialChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Arenea3LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 13
Aridni5SmallFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 26
Armanite7LargeFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 131
Art Elemental Mascot1/4SmallElementalNeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 185
Artus Cimber7MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral GoodTomb of Annihilation pg 212
Asanbosam5LargeAberrationChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 27
Ash Drake4SmallDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 149
Asharra2MediumHumanoid (Aarakocra)Lawful NeutralTomb of Annihilation pg 69
Aspect of Bahamut30GargantuanDragon (Metallic)Lawful GoodFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 165
Aspirant of the Comet1/2MediumHumanoidany alignmentBook of Many Things pg 91
Assassin Bug5MediumBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 17
Assassin Vine3MediumPlantChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Astral Dreadnought21GargantuanMonstrosity (titan)UnalignedMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 117
Astral Shark5LargeFiendNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 19
Atropal13MediumUndead (titan)Chaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Auril (First Form)9MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 275
Auril (Third Form)11SmallElementalNeutral EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 278
Aurochs2LargeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 207
Aurumvorax (Golden Gorger)5SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 20
Automata Devil10LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 102
Avarice7MediumHumanoid (Tiefling)Lawful EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 269
Avoral Guardinal9MediumCelestialNeutral GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 32
Awakened Elk1/4MediumBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Awakened Rat0MediumBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Awakened Tree2HugePlantUnalignedMonster Manual p. 317
Awakened Zurkhwood2HugePlantUnalignedOut of the Abyss pg 230
Azbara Jos4MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 88
Azer Artisan3MediumElementalLawful NeutralMonster Module p. 13
Azza Gremlin1/4SmallFeyNeutralTome of Beasts p. 28
Baba Lysaga11MediumHumanoid (Human, Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilCurse of Strahd p. 228
Baba Yagas Horsemen11MediumFeyLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 29
Baboon0SmallBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 318
Bael19LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 170
Bag of Nails8MediumHumanoid (Tabaxi)Chaotic NeutralTomb of Annihilation pg 102
Bak Mei13MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 168
Balor19HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 55
Bandit1/8MediumHumanoid (any)Non-lawfulMonster Manual p. 343
Bandit Lord4MediumHumanoid (any)Non-lawfulTome of Beasts p. 418
Baphomet23HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 235
Barbed Devil5MediumFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 70
Barghest4LargeFiend (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 123
Barlgura5LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 56
Barovian Witch1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilCurse of Strahd p. 229
Bastet Temple Cat1SmallBeastChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 32
Bat0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 318
Battlehammer Dwarf1/2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful GoodIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 107
Bear King12MediumFey (Shapechanger)Lawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 186
Bearfolk3MediumHumanoid (Bearfolk)Chaotic GoodTome of Beasts p. 33
Beastman Hunter1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 224
Beastman Warrior1/4MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 224
Beggar Ghoul1/2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 213
Beholder13LargeAberrationLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 28
Beholder Zombie5LargeUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 316
Bel25LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 115
Belashyrra22MediumAberrationChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Beli2SmallFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 35
Berbalang2MediumAberrationNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 120
Bernard Denholm 5MediumUndeadNeutral EvilKassoon's Monsters
Berstuc11LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 76
Bhaal, Ravager24HugeBeastLawful EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 93
Bheur Hag7MediumFeyChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 160
Big Xorn8MediumElementalChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Billy Beaver3MediumConstructChaotic EvilLost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
Bjornhild Solvigsdottir5MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 306
Black Bear1/2MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 318
Black Circle Wizard12MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic NeutralPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 227
Black Earth Guard2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 195
Black Gauntlet of Bane6MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Black Guard Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 158
Black Pudding4LargeOozeUnalignedMonster Manual p. 241
Blackguard8MediumHumanoid (Any Race)Non-goodVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 211
Bleak Cabal Void Soother3SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 54
Blind Grim Guardian 4MediumHumanoid (Grimlock)Neutral EvilKassoon's Monsters
Blink Dog1/4MediumFeyLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 318
Blood Drinker Vampire8MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Blood Hawk1/4SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 27
Blood Hunter5MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Blood Orchid Grand Savant9HugeAberrationLawful EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 29
Blood Pudding2MediumOozeUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 187
Blood-Toll Harpy1/8MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Bloodsuckle3LargePlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 30
Blue Abishai17MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 161
Blue Greatwyrm27GargantuanDragon (Chromatic)Chaotic EvilFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 168
Blue Slaad7LargeAberrationChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 276
Boar1/4MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 319
Bodhi Irenicus15MediumUndead (Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 76
Boggle1/8SmallFeyChaotic NeutralVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 128
Boloti1TinyFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 38
Bone Collective8SmallUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 39
Bone Devil9LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 71
Bone Naga4LargeUndeadLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 233
Bone Naga (Spirit)4LargeUndeadLawful EvilMonster Manual pg 233
Bone Whelk1/4MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Boneless1MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 228
Bonesucker4LargeAberrationNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 35
Bore Worm16MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Borivik Windheim10MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 56
Boss Augustus9MediumMonstrosityNeutralBook of Many Things pg 82
Bouda5MediumFiend (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 44
Brahma Lutier2MediumHumanoid (Elf)NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 205
Bramble Blight1MediumPlantNeutral EvilMonster Module p. 18
Brass Dragon Wyrmling1MediumDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 106
Brass Man6LargeConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 37
Bridesmaid of Zuggtmoy1/8MediumPlantChaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 230
Brine Sea Serpent10HugeDragon (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 199
Broken King Antigonos3MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Brontotherium6HugeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 183
Bronze Greatwyrm28GargantuanDragon (Metallic)Lawful GoodFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 208
Bronze Sable1MediumConstructChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Broodiken1TinyConstructNeutralTome of Beasts p. 45
Brown Bear1LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 319
Brusipha3MediumHumanoid (Minotaur)Chaotic EvilBook of Many Things pg 127
Bugbear1MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 33
Bugbear Champion of Hruggek4MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Chaotic EvilMonster Module p. 20
Bukavac9LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 47
Bulezau3MediumFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 131
Bullywug Chief3MediumHumanoid (Bullywug)Neutral EvilMonster Module p. 22
Bullywug Hunter1/2MediumHumanoid (Bullywug)Neutral EvilMonster Module p. 22
Bullywug Royal3MediumHumanoid (bullywug)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Buraq11MediumCelestialLawful GoodTome of Beasts p. 48
Burnished Hart2MediumConstructChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Burrowling1/2SmallHumanoid (Burrowling)Lawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 49
Buster the Bear1MediumConstructChaotic EvilLost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
Cactid3LargePlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 50
Cadaver Collector14LargeConstructLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 122
Calcryx2MediumDragonChaotic EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 23
Cambion5MediumFiendAny EvilMonster Manual p. 36
Camel1/8LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 320
Canoloth8MediumFiend (yugoloth)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 247
Captain Othelstan5MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 89
Carrion Beetle4LargeBeastNeutralTome of Beasts p. 52
Carrion Ogre2MediumGiantChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Carrionette1SmallConstructUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 231
Cat0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 320
Category 2 Krasis6MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Caterprism4LargeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 45
Catoblepas5LargeMonstrosityUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 129
Cave Cricket1/4SmallBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 48
Cave Eel1/4MediumBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 49
Cave Fisher3MediumMonstrosityUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 130
Cavelight Moss4LargePlantNeutralTome of Beasts p. 53
Centaur Mummy6LargeUndeadLawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 231
Centaur Scout 1LargeMonstrosity (Centaur)Neutral GoodNerzugal's Extended Bestiary
Cerebral Stalker5MediumAberrationChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 53
Chain Worm12LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 54
Chamberlain of Zuggtmoy2LargePlantChaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 230
Changeling1/2MediumHumanoid (changeling, shapechanger)Chaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Chaos Quadrapod4MediumAberrationChaotic EvilAcquisitions Incorporated
Chardalyn Dragon11HugeConstructChaotic EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 281
Chelicerae7LargeAberrationNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 54
Chief Guh5HugeGiantChaotic EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 140
Chimera6LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 39
Chimeric Cat0TinyBeastUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 246
Chimeric Hare0TinyBeastUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 246
Chitine1/2SmallMonstrosityChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 131
Choker1SmallAberrationChaotic EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 232
Chosen Cultist3MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic NeutralPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 238
Chupacabra1SmallHumanoidChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 56
Churr4LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 58
Chuul Spore Servant4LargePlantUnalignedOut of the Abyss p. 228
Cikavak1/8TinyBeastNeutralTome of Beasts p. 58
Cimota Guardian4MediumUndeadLawful EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 59
Clamor2MediumAberration (Extraplanar, Incorporeal)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 62
Clawfoot1MediumBeastChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Clay Golem9LargeConstructUnalignedMonster Manual p. 168
Clockwork Abomination5LargeFiend (Construct, Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 59
Clockwork Beetle Swarm3LargeConstruct (Swarm)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 61
Clockwork Dragon1MediumConstructChaotic EvilAcquisitions Incorporated
Clockwork Huntsman3MediumConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 63
Clockwork Watchman1/2MediumConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 65
Cloud Giant9HugeGiantNeutral Good (50%) OMonster Manual p. 154
Cloud Giant Smiling One11HugeGiant (Cloud Giant)Chaotic NeutralVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 146
Cobbleswarm2MediumMonstrosity (Swarm)UnalignedTome of Beasts p. 68
Cockatrice1/2SmallMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 42
Cogwork Archivist4LargeConstructLawful NeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 188
Coldlight Walker5MediumUndeadChaotic EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 284
Commoner0MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 345
Conjurer6MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 212
Constructed Commoner0MediumConstructUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 149
Copper Dragon Wyrmling1MediumDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 111
Coral Drake7MediumDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 150
Core Spawn Emissary6MediumAberrationChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Core Spawn Worm15MediumAberrationChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Corpse Flower8LargePlantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 127
Corpse Rook4LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 66
Corpsespun1MediumUndeadNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 68
Corrupted Ogre Chieftain6LargeGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 423
Cosmotronic Blastseeker4MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Counterflux Blastseeker2MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Cow1/4LargeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 207
Crab0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 320
Crabman1LargeMonstrosityNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 69
Cranium Rat0TinyBeastLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 133
Cranium Rat Squeaker Swarm5MediumAberrationNeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 22
Creepy Doll2TinyConstructLawful EvilPlane Shift Innistrad pg 25
Crimson Basilisk3MediumMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 21
Crimson Mist7MediumAberrationNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 71
Crocodile1/2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 320
Crow0MediumBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Crushing Wave Reaver1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 205
Crypt Thing3MediumUndeadNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 72
Crystal Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 172
Crystal Greatwyrm26GargantuanDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 201
Cult Fanatic2MediumHumanoid (any)Non-goodMonster Manual p. 345
Cultist1/8MediumHumanoid (any)Non-goodMonster Manual p. 345
Cyclops6HugeGiantChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 45
Daemogoth10HugeFiendLawful EvilStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 189
Dagon20LargeFiend (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 73
Damaged Flesh Golem1MediumConstructChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Darakhul3MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 216
Dark Creeper1/4SmallHumanoidChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 74
Dark Stalker2MediumHumanoidChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 74
Dark Triton1LargeMonstrosity (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 233
Darkling Elder2MediumFeyChaotic NeutralVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 134
Darkweaver10MediumAberrationChaotic EvilMorte's Planar Parade pg 25
Dau4SmallFeyChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 70
Death Butterfly Swarm4LargeBeast (Swarm)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 71
Death Dog1MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 321
Death Knight17MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 47
Death Tyrant14LargeUndeadLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 29
Death Worm3LargeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 78
Death's Head of Bhaal5MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Deathlock4MediumUndeadNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 128
Deathlock Wight3MediumUndeadNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 129
Deathpact Angel14MediumCelestialChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Decapus2MediumAberrationChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 79
Deep Crow9MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilAcquisitions Incorporated
Deep Drake9LargeDragonChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 152
Deep Hunter Sea Serpent14GargantuanDragon (Aquatic)Lawful NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 200
Deep One Archimandrite8LargeHumanoid (Deep One)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 74
Deep One Hybrid Priest4MediumHumanoid (Deep One)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 73
Deep Scion3MediumHumanoid (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 135
Deepking Horgar Steelshadow V3MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilOut of the Abyss pg 82
Degenerate Titan8HugeGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 381
Demilich18TinyUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 48
Demilich (Acererak)21TinyUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 49
Demodand, Farastu7MediumFiendNeutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 135
Demodand, Shator15LargeFiendNeutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 135
Demon Pactmage 4MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilKassoon's Monsters
Demos Magen2MediumConstructUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 300
Derro1/4SmallHumanoid (Derro)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 224
Derro Fetal Savant4TinyHumanoid (Derro)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 92
Derro Shadow Antipaladin5SmallHumanoid (Derro)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 93
Deva10MediumCelestialLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 16
Devkarin Lich14MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Dhergoloth7MediumFiend (yugoloth)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 248
Diatryma1/4MediumBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Dining Table Mimic3MediumMonstrosity (shapechanger)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Dire Corby1/2MediumHumanoid (dire corby)Chaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Dire Troll13HugeGiantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 243
Displacer Beast3LargeMonstrosityLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 81
Dissimortuum7MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 119
Djinni11LargeElementalChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 144
Dogmole Juggernaut5LargeMonstrosityNeutralTome of Beasts p. 121
Dolgrim1/2MediumAberrationChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Domovoi4MediumFeyChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 122
Doombat3LargeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 23
Doomguard Rot Blade6SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 56
Doppelganger3MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)NeutralMonster Manual p. 82
Dorreq4MediumAberrationNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 124
Dracolisk7LargeDragonUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 85
Draconian Foot Soldier1/2MediumMonstrosityany alignmentFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 178
Draconian Mage2MediumMonstrosityany alignmentFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 179
Draconic Shard17HugeUndeadNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 181
Draft Horse1/4LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 321
Dragon Chosen3MediumHumanoidany alignmentFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 189
Dragon Speaker2SmallHumanoidany alignmentFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 189
Dragon Turtle17GargantuanDragonNeutralMonster Manual p. 119
Dragonbait5MediumHumanoid (Saurial)Lawful GoodTomb of Annihilation pg 218
Dragonbone Golem11LargeConstructUnalignedFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 183
Dragonborn of Sardior6MediumHumanoidNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 185
Dragonclaw1MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 89
Dragonflesh Abomination6HugeMonstrosityNeutral EvilFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 187
Dragonleaf Tree8LargePlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 147
Dragonsoul7MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilRise of Tiamat p. 89
Dragonwing2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 89
Dralmorrer Borngray3MediumHumanoid (High-elf)Neutral EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 90
Dread Doppelganger5MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 139
Dream Eater5MediumFiendLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 158
Dretch1/4SmallFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 57
Droki2SmallHumanoid (Derro)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 231
Drow Arachnomancer13MediumHumanoid (elf)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 182
Drow Favored Consort18MediumHumanoid (elf)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 183
Drow House Captain9MediumHumanoid (elf)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 184
Drow Mage7MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 129
Drow Priestess of Lolth8MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 129
Drow Spore Servant1/8MediumPlantUnalignedOut of the Abyss p. 229
Drowned Assassin4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Drowned Maiden5MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 159
Druid2MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 346
Dryad1MediumFeyNeutralMonster Manual p. 121
Duelist6MediumHumanoid (Elf)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 171
Duergar Darkhaft2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilOut of the Abyss pg 226
Duergar Hammerer2MediumConstructLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 188
Duergar Keeper of the Flame2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilOut of the Abyss pg 226
Duergar Screamer3MediumConstructLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 190
Duergar Soulblade1MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilOut of the Abyss p. 227
Duergar Spy2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 234
Duergar Stone Guard2MediumHumanoid (dwarf)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 191
Duergar Xarrorn2MediumHumanoid (dwarf)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 193
Duke Thalamra Vanthampur4MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 38
Dullahan11LargeFeyLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 161
Duodrone1/4MediumConstructLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 225
Durnn1MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Lawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 25
Duskthorn Dryad3MediumFeyAny ChaoticTome of Beasts p. 160
Dust Goblin1/4SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 232
Dwarven Ringmage7MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)AnyTome of Beasts p. 420
Dyrrn24MediumAberrationChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Dzaan's Simulacrum1MediumConstructLawful EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 270
Eala2SmallMonstrosityUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 163
Earth Elemental Myrmidon7MediumElementalNeutralPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 212
Eater of Dust (Yakat-Shi)9MediumAberrationNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 164
Eater of Knowledge6LargeAberrationNeutral EvilMorte's Planar Parade pg 29
Eblis1/2MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 89
Edimmu4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 165
Eel Hound2MediumFeyNeutralTome of Beasts p. 166
Egg Hunter Adult5SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 193
Eidolon12MediumUndeadAnyMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 194
Elder Brain14LargeAberrationLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 173
Elder Dinosaur30GargantuanMonstrosity (Titan)UnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 33
Elder Dinosaur (Ghalta, Primal Hunger)30GargantuanMonstrosity (Titan)UnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 33
Elder Dinosaur (Tetzimoc, Primal Death)30GargantuanMonstrosity (Titan)UnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 33
Elder Dinosaur (Zetalpa, Primal Dawn)30GargantuanMonstrosity (Titan)UnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 33
Elder Shadow Drake7LargeDragonChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 153
Eleinomae5MediumFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 168
Elephant4HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 322
Elizar Dryflagon5MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 202
Elkhorn2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 224
Elvish Veteran Archer3MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic Good Or ChaoTome of Beasts p. 422
Emerald Enclave Scout1/2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful NeutralOut of the Abyss pg 130
Emerald Greatwyrm26GargantuanDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 201
Emperor of the Ghouls20MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 218
Empyrean23HugeCelestial (Titan)Chaotic Good (75%) OMonster Manual p. 130
Enchanter5MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 213
Enchantress7MediumHumanoid (Elf)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 172
Engineer1/4MediumHumanoid (Rock gnome)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Envy5LargeMonstrosityUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 178
Eonic Drifter1MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 177
Erina Defender1SmallHumanoid (Erina)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 178
Erinyes12MediumFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 73
Eternal Flame Guardian2MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 200
Ettercap2MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 131
Euryale18MediumMonstrosity (Druid)Neutral GoodBook of Many Things pg 189
Evoker9MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 214
Expert0MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilEssentials Kit
Eye Golem11LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 233
Eye of the Deep5MediumAberrationNeutral EvilMonster Module p. 17
Ezmerelda d'Avenir8MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic GoodCurse of Strahd p. 231
Faerie Dragon (green)2TinyDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 133
Faerie Dragon (orange)1TinyDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 133
Faerie Dragon (violet)2TinyDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 133
Faerl1/8MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 104
Falcon0MediumBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Fang Guard5MediumMonstrosity (Serpentman)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 236
Far Darrig3SmallFeyNeutralTome of Beasts p. 179
Fastieth1/4MediumBeastChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Fate Hag4MediumFeyNeutralBook of Many Things pg 176
Fathomer2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 207
Fear Smith (Fiarsídhe)10MediumFeyChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 181
Felidar5MediumCelestialChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Female Steeder1LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 238
Fen Witch2MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 99
Ferrumach Rilmani9MediumCelestialNeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 44
Fext6MediumUndeadAnyTome of Beasts p. 183
Fidele5MediumCelestial (Shapechanger)Lawful GoodTome of Beasts p. 21
Fire Dancer Swarm7MediumElemental (Swarm)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 373
Fire Elemental5LargeElementalNeutralMonster Manual p. 125
Fire Elemental Myrmidon7MediumElementalNeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 203
Fire Giant Dreadnought14HugeGiant (Fire Giant)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 147
Firebird4SmallCelestialNeutral GoodTome of Beasts p. 201
Firegeist2SmallElementalNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 202
Firenewt Warlock of Imix1MediumHumanoid (Firenewt)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 143
First-Year Student1/2MediumHumanoid (Wizard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 191
Fist of Bane1/2MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Flab Giant4LargeGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 223
Flagstone Golem7LargeConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 126
Flail Snail3LargeElementalUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 144
Flameskull4TinyUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 134
Fleecemane Lion3MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Flimp Shagglecran9SmallHumanoid (Gnome)Lawful NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 32
Flitterstep Eidolon3MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Flumph1/8SmallAberrationLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 135
Flux Blastseeker5MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Flying Ape2LargeMonstrosityChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 12
Flying Dagger1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Flying Monkey0MediumBeastChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Flying Shield1/2SmallConstructUnalignedMonster Module p. 10
Flying Staff1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Flying Trident1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Folk of Leng2MediumHumanoidNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 204
Foo Dog3MediumMonstrosityChaotic GoodFifth Edition Foes p. 105
Forest Marauder4LargeGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 205
Forlarren3MediumFeyChaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Fox0TinyBeastUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 288
Fractal Mascot1/4SmallConstructNeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 192
Fraughashar1/2SmallFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 206
Frilled Deathspitter1/2SmallBeastUnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 30
Froghemoth11HugeAberrationUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 107
Frontline Medic1/4MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Frost Druid5MediumHumanoid (Human)any alignmentIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 288
Frost Giant Everlasting One12HugeGiant (Frost Giant)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 148
Frost Giant Zombie9MediumUndeadChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Frost Worm17MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Frostveil4MediumPlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 207
Fungal Servant15MediumUndeadLawful EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 217
Fungus Bat1/4MediumPlant (Fungoid)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 109
Furnace Golem9LargeConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 127
Galazeth Prismari23GargantuanDragon (Sorcerer)Chaotic NeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 193
Gallows Speaker6MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 234
Gallows Tree Zombie2MediumPlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 112
Galvanic Blastseeker5MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Gar Shatterkeel9MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 208
Gargoyle2MediumElementalChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 140
Gas Spore1/2LargePlantUnalignedMonster Manual p. 138
Gazer1/2TinyAberrationNeutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 126
Gearforged Templar6MediumHumanoid (Gearforged)Lawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 210
Geist4MediumUndeadany alignmentPlane Shift Innistrad pg 19
Gem Stalker5LargeMonstrosityNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 202
Geryon22HugeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 173
Ghast2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 148
Ghost Dragon17HugeUndeadany alignmentFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 203
Ghost-Ammonite2MediumUndeadUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 118
Ghostwalk Spider9LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 361
Giant Ant2LargeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 23
Giant Ant Queen4LargeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 23
Giant Badger1/4MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 323
Giant Beetle Exoskeleton2LargeConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 96
Giant Canary1/2LargeBeastUnalignedFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 23
Giant Clam1/4LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 61
Giant Coral Snake4MediumBeastChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Giant Crab Exoskeleton3LargeConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 97
Giant Crocodile5HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 324
Giant Eagle1LargeBeastNeutral GoodMonster Manual p. 324
Giant Elk2HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 325
Giant Fly0MediumBeastChaotic EvilDungeon Masters Guide
Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle10MediumElementalChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Giant Goat1/2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 326
Giant Hyena1LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 326
Giant Lightning Eel3LargeBeastUnalignedTales from the Yawning Portal p. 236
Giant Moray Eel2MediumBeast (Aquatic)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 91
Giant Octopus1LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 326
Giant Poisonous Snake1/4MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 327
Giant Rhinoceros Beetle4LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 24
Giant Scorpion3LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 327
Giant Sea Horse1/2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 328
Giant Shark5HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 328
Giant Slicer Beetle3LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 24
Giant Snail1/4LargeBeastUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 234
Giant Spider1LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 328
Giant Subterranean Lizard4HugeBeastUnalignedTales from the Yawning Portal p. 236
Giant Toad1LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 329
Giant Vulture1LargeBeastNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 329
Giant Wasp1/2MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 329
Giant Weasel1/8MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 329
Giant Wolf Spider1/4MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 330
Gibberling1/4SmallAberrationChaotic NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 141
Giff3MediumHumanoidLawful NeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 204
Gillmonkey1/4SmallBeast (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 121
Girallon4LargeMonstrosityUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 152
Gishath, Sun's Avatar10GargantuanBeastUnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 32
Githyanki Kith'rak12MediumHumanoid (gith)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 205
Githyanki Supreme Commander14MediumHumanoid (gith)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 206
Githzerai Anarch16MediumHumanoid (gith)Lawful NeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 207
Githzerai Futurist9MediumAberration (Gith)any alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 30
Githzerai Traveler3MediumAberration (Gith)any alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 31
Githzerai Zerth6MediumHumanoid (Gith)Lawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 161
Glacial Ooze1LargeOozeUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 178
Glass Gator1LargeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 228
Glasswork Golem2MediumConstructUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 193
Gloamwing8MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Gloom Weaver9MediumHumanoid (elf)NeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 224
Gnarljak6SmallConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 229
Gnoll1/2MediumHumanoid (Gnoll)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 163
Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu4MediumFiend (Gnoll)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 163
Gnoll Havoc Runner3LargeHumanoid (Gnolls)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 230
Gnoll Pack Lord2MediumHumanoid (Gnoll)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 163
Gnoll Witherling1/4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 155
Gnome Squidling1/2SmallAberrationUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 303
Goat0MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 330
Goblin1/4SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 166
Gohl8LargeAberrationChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 124
Gold Greatwyrm28GargantuanDragon (Metallic)Lawful GoodFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 208
Golden Cat0TinyBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 125
Goliath Warrior3MediumHumanoid (Goliath)any alignmentIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 292
Gorbel1/4SmallAberrationNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 130
Gorgon5LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 171
Goristro17HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 59
Grandolpha Muzgardt2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 176
Gray Ooze1/2MediumOozeUnalignedMonster Manual p. 243
Gray Slaad9MediumAberrationChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 277
Graz'zt24LargeFiend (Demon, Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 241
Greater Basilisk10HugeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Module p. 16
Greater Death Butterfly Swarm6HugeBeast (Swarm)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 71
Greater Star Spawn Emissary21HugeAberrationUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 245
Green Abishai15MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 162
Green Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragonLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 95
Green Guard Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 158
Green Hag3MediumFeyNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 177
Green Slaad8LargeAberrationChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 277
Gremishka 1/8TinyMonstrosityChaotic EvilVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, page 235
Grenl1/4SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Neutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 25
Grick Alpha7LargeMonstrosityNeutralMonster Manual p. 173
Griffon Cavalry Rider2MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Grim Champion of Desolation25MediumUndeadLawful EvilBook of Many Things pg 162
Grim Jester11MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 240
Grimm7LargeFeyNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 135
Grippli Warrior1/4SmallHumanoid (Grippli)UnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 99
Groff4LargePlantUnalignedStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 194
Grue (Type 2)2MediumAberrationChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 138
Grung1/4SmallHumanoid (Grung)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 156
Grung Wildling1SmallHumanoid (Grung)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 157
Guard Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 158
Guardian Giant8MediumGiantChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Guardian Portrait1MediumConstructUnalignedCurse of Strahd p. 227
Gug12HugeGiantNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 241
Gunvald Halraggson5MediumHumanoid (Human)NeutralIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 305
Gynosphinx11LargeMonstrosityLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 282
Hadrosaurus1/4LargeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 140
Halaster Horror4MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Half-Ogre (Ogrillon)1LargeGiantAny Chaotic AlignmenMonster Manual pg 238
Hamadryad2MediumFeyChaotic NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 143
Hanged Man1/2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 139
Hanu-naga2LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 175
Harengon Brigand1/8MediumHumanoidany alignmentThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 235
Harmonium Captain8SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 58
Harpy1MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 181
Harrow Hawk1TinyUndeadUnalignedBook of Many Things pg 177
Harshnag9HugeGiantChaotic GoodStorm King's Thunder pg 120
Haugbui13MediumUndeadLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 247
Hawanar7LargeFiendLawful NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 117
Hawktoad1/4SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 141
Helix Moth Larva2LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 142
Hellenrae5MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 198
Hellwasp5MediumFiendChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Helmed Horror4MediumConstructNeutralMonster Manual p. 183
Herald of Darkness7LargeFiendNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 249
Hew Hackinstone2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Chaotic NeutralTomb of Annihilation pg 33
Hezrou8LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 60
Hierophant Medusa17LargeMonstrosityany alignmentBook of Many Things pg 179
High Cimota6MediumUndeadLawful EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 60
Hippocamp1/2MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Hippogriff1LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 184
Hoar Fox1SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 145
Hoard Mimic8HugeMonstrosityNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 204
Hobgoblin1/2MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 186
Hobgoblin Devastator4MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 161
Hobgoblin Warlord6MediumHumanoid (Goblinoid)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 187
Hollyphant5MediumCelestialChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Homunculus Servant0MediumConstructChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Hook Horror Servant3MediumPlantUnalignedOut of the Abyss p. 229
Horakh9MediumMonstrosityNeutralTome of Beasts p. 250
Horncaller1MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Hound Archon4MediumCelestialLawful GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 16
Howler8LargeFiendChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 210
Howling Hatred Priest2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 190
Hraesvelgr the Corpse Swallower19HugeGiant (Shapechanger, Titan)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 224
Huge Gray Ooze8MediumOozeChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Hulgaz14LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilBook of Many Things pg 169
Hulking Whelp5SmallFey (Shapechanger)Chaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 252
Hundun10LargeCelestialChaotic GoodTome of Beasts p. 253
Hunter Shark2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 330
Husk Zombie1MediumUndeadChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Hyaenodon1LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 184
Hybrid Flier2MediumHumanoid (Simic hybrid)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Hybrid Shocker1MediumHumanoid (Simic hybrid)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Hydra8HugeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 190
Hyena0MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 331
Hythonia17MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Ice Devil14LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 75
Ice Maiden6MediumFeyLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 254
Ice Toad1MediumMonstrosityNeutralRise of Tiamat p. 90
Icewind Kobold1/8SmallHumanoid (Kobold)any alignmentIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 296
Idolic Deity8SmallConstructNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 255
Igniguana1MediumElementalUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 148
Illusionist3MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 214
Immortal Lotus Monk5MediumHumanoidUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 165
Imp1TinyFiend (Devil, Shapechanger)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 76
Imy-ut Ushabti3MediumMonstrosityNeutralTome of Beasts p. 256
Indentured Spirit1MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Ink Devil2SmallFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 107
Inquisitor of the Mind Fire8MediumHumanoidUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 248
Inquisitor of the Tome8MediumHumanoidUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 249
Intellect Devourer2TinyAberrationLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 191
Invisible Stalker6MediumElementalNeutralMonster Manual p. 192
Iron Consul2MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Iron Ghoul5MediumUndeadLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 221
Ironscale Hydra12MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Isolde5MediumFey (Elf)any evil alignmentVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 86
Isperia21MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Ixitxachitl1/4SmallAberrationChaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 225
Iymrith23GargantuanDragonLawful EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 241
Izek Strazni5MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilCurse of Strahd p. 232
Jabberwock13HugeDragonChaotic EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 236
Jackal0SmallBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 331
Jackalwere1/2MediumHumanoid (Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 193
Jaculi1/2MediumBeastChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Jade Tigress8MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 166
Jalester Silvermane4MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful GoodWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 205
Jandar Chergoba2MediumHumanoid (Tiefling)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 116
Jarl Storvald8HugeGiantNeutral EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 165
Jarund Elkhardt5MediumHumanoid (Human)NeutralIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 305
Jiangshi9MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 236
Jingle Jangle1/4SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Chaotic GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 70
Jotun Giant22GargantuanGiantChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 226
Juiblex23HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 243
Junior Drow Priestess of Lolth2MediumHumanoid (elf)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Juvenile Kraken14MediumMonstrosity (titan)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
K'thriss Drow'b3MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 202
Kaarghaz2MediumHumanoid (Troglodyte)Chaotic EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 45
Kagain11MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Neutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 118
Kalaraq Quori19MediumAberrationChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Kalka-Kylla3LargeMonstrosityNeutralTales from the Yawning Portal p. 238
Kamadan4MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Kampfult2MediumPlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 154
Kech1/2MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 155
Kelauklyth1MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 252
Kelpie4MediumPlantNeutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 238
Kelubar Demodand13MediumFiendNeutral EvilMorte's Planar Parade pg 27
Kettlesteam the Kenku1MediumHumanoid (Kenku)Chaotic NeutralThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 52
Khargra2SmallFiendUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 157
Kiddywidget1/2SmallConstructUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 136
Killer Whale3HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 331
King Hekaton13HugeGiantChaotic GoodStorm King's Thunder pg 222
Kishi8MediumFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 77
Klauth25GargantuanDragonChaotic EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 95
Knucklehead Trout0SmallBeastUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 295
Koalinth Sergeant2MediumHumanoid (goblinoid)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Kobold Alchemist2SmallHumanoid (Kobold)Lawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 261
Kobold Dragonshield1SmallHumanoid (Kobold)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 165
Kobold Scale Sorcerer1SmallHumanoid (Kobold)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 167
Kobold Underling1/8MediumHumanoid (kobold)Chaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Kolyarut20MediumConstruct (Inevitable)Lawful NeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 34
Koralk (Harvester Devil)11LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 108
Korred1SmallFeyChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 158
Kostchtchie25LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 105
Krake Spawn9HugeMonstrosityNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 269
Kraken Priest5MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 215
Kraul Warrior1/2MediumHumanoid (kraul)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Kruthik Hive Lord5LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 212
Kuo-toa Archpriest6MediumHumanoid (Kuo-toa)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 200
Kuo-toa Whip1MediumHumanoid (Kuo-toa)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 200
Kysh1MediumHumanoid (Triton)Lawful GoodGhosts of Saltmarsh pg 240
Lady Gondafrey2MediumElementalLawful GoodWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 152
Laeral Silverhand17MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic GoodWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 207
Lake Troll7LargeGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 389
Lampad3MediumFeyChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Langdedrosa Cyanwrath4MediumHumanoid (Half-dragon)Lawful EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen pg 91
Lantern Archon2SmallCelestialLawful GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 17
Large Mimic3MediumMonstrosity (shapechanger)Chaotic EvilLost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
Larva0MediumFiendChaotic EvilDungeon Masters Guide
Lava Child1MediumElementalNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 161
Lawmage6MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Lazav17MediumMonstrosity (shapechanger)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Lemurfolk1/4SmallHumanoid (Lemurfolk)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 271
Leng Spider6HugeAberrationChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 162
Leshy1MediumMonstrosityChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 272
Lesser Fire Crab1/8SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 101
Lesser Star Spawn Emissary19MediumAberrationUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 245
Leucrotta3LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 169
Liara Portyr4MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilTomb of Annihilation pg 227
Lich21MediumUndeadAny EvilMonster Manual p. 202
Lich Hound4MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 274
Light Devourer4MediumAberrationChaotic EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 58
Lightning Treant6HugePlantNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 231
Lindwurm5LargeDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 276
Liondrake7LargeMonstrosityNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 207
Lionwere2LargeMonstrosity (Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 228
Lithonnite4LargeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 165
Living Blade of Disaster8SmallConstructChaotic EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 299
Living Cloudkill7MediumConstructChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Living Doll2TinyConstructNeutral EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 238
Living Lightning Bolt5MediumConstructChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Living Temple20GargantuanConstructLawful NeutralNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 59
Living Wick1/4SmallConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 278
Lizard King4MediumHumanoid (Lizardfolk)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual pg 205
Lizard Queen4MediumHumanoid (Lizardfolk)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual pg 205
Lizardfolk Commoner1/4MediumHumanoid (lizardfolk)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Lizardfolk Scaleshield1MediumHumanoid (lizardfolk)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Lizardfolk Subchief3MediumHumanoid (lizardfolk)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Locathah Hunter2MediumHumanoid (locathah)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Lord of the Azer8MediumElementalLawful EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 18
Lords' Alliance Guard1/4MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Chaotic GoodOut of the Abyss pg 131
Lorehold Apprentice2MediumHumanoid (Wizard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 197
Lorehold Professor of Chaos7MediumHumanoid (Wizard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 198
Lorelei5MediumFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 279
Losser Mirklav6SmallHumanoid (Halfling)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 85
Lothar9MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 80
Loxoda6HugeMonstrosityNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 280
Lycanthropickle1/8MediumPlantChaotic EvilLost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
Mad Golem12MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Mador Kheb, Priest of Set2MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 253
Maelephant10LargeFiendLawful EvilMorte's Planar Parade pg 35
Mage Hunter5LargeMonstrosityLawful EvilStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 199
Magister Umbero Zastro0MediumHumanoid (Half-elf)Lawful NeutralWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 82
Magma Mephit King4SmallElementalNeutral EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 66
Magmin1/2SmallElementalChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 212
Mahadi the Rakshasa14MediumFiendLawful EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 127
Maiden of Ice9HugeGiantNeutral GoodNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 62
Malaxxix18HugeFiend (Yugoloth)Neutral EvilBook of Many Things pg 173
Male Steeder1/4MediumBeastUnalignedOut of the Abyss p. 231
Mallqui8MediumUndeadLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 282
Mammon25HugeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 99
Mammoth Beetle5HugeBeastUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 64
Manabane Scarab Swarm4MediumBeast (Swarm)UnalignedTome of Beasts p. 374
Mandragora1/8SmallPlant (Fungoid)Neutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 167
Manes1/8SmallFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 60
Manshoon Simulacrum8MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 208
Manticore3LargeMonstrosityLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 213
Mantrap1MediumPlantChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Margoyle5MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 116
Marilith16LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 61
Marlos Urnrayle8MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 199
Martial Arts Adept3MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 216
Mask Wight13MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 285
Master of Souls4MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Master Thief5MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 216
Mastodon4HugeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 185
Mavka12MediumUndead (Fey)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 286
Maw of Sekolah7HugeMonstrosityNeutral EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh pg 244
Mbielu3HugeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 114
Mechachimera6MediumConstructChaotic EvilThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Mechuiti, Demon Lord of Apes27GargantuanFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 88
Medusa6MediumMonstrosityLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 214
Meeseeks0MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilLost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
Meletian Hoplite3MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Mephistopheles27LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 99
Mercykiller Bloodhound7SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 60
Merfolk Hydromancer9MediumHumanoid (Merfolk)Neutral GoodNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 68
Merfolk Scout1/2MediumHumanoid (merfolk)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Merrenoloth3MediumFiend (yugoloth)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 250
Merrow Shallowpriest4MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Metallic Peacekeeper4MediumConstructNeutral GoodFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 210
Mezzoloth5MediumFiend (Yugoloth)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 313
Mi-Go, Starcrown6MediumPlant (Extraterrene)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 244
Miirym22LargeUndeadUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 16
Mimic2MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)NeutralMonster Manual p. 220
Mind Drinker Vampire4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Mind Flayer Arcanist8MediumAberrationLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 222
Mind Flayer Psion8MediumAberrationLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 71
Mind's Eye Matter Smith4SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 60
Mindwitness5LargeAberrationLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 176
Minotaur Archaeologist1/4MediumHumanoidany alignmentBook of Many Things pg 126
Minotaur Living Crystal Statue6MediumConstructChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Minsc and Boo!10MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 68
Miraj Vizann6MediumHumanoid (Earth genasi)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 198
Mirror Hag6MediumFeyChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 243
Mister Light3MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 26
Mite1/4MediumFeyChaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Mngwa4MediumAberrationNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 293
Molliver3MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 226
Molten Spider2MediumBeastUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 69
Mongrelfolk1/4MediumHumanoid (Mongrelfolk)AnyCurse of Strahd p. 234
Monodrone1/8MediumConstructLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 224
Monolith Footman3LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 295
Monstrous Peryton11MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Moon-Beast8LargeAberration (Extraterrene)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 245
Moonstone Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragonNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 213
Mordakhesh15MediumFiendChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Môrgæn4MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 199
Morphoi1/2MediumPlantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 297
Mosasaur7HugeBeastUnalignedPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 221
Mountain Goat1/8MediumBeastUnalignedIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 304
Mr. Dory10MediumAberrationChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh pg 246
Muiral13LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage pg 314
Mummy3MediumUndeadLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 228
Mummy of the Deep2MediumUndead (Aquatic)Neutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 173
Murgaxor9MediumHumanoid (Bullywug)Neutral EvilStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 180
Musteval Guardinal2SmallCelestialNeutral GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 33
Myconid Adult1/2MediumPlantLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 232
Myconid Sprout0SmallPlantLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 230
Mysterious Starcaller9MediumCelestialChaotic NeutralNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 71
Na0SmallHumanoid (Human)NeutralTomb of Annihilation pg 228
Naergoth Bladelord11MediumUndeadNeutral EvilRise of Tiamat p. 90
Nagpa17MediumHumanoid (nagpa)Neutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 215
Naiad2MediumFeyChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Nalfeshnee13LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 62
Narzugon13MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 167
Necrichor7MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 238
Necromancer3MediumHumanoid (Any Race)Lawful EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 75
Necrotic Centipede11MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Needle Lord3MediumPlantChaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Neo-Otyugh7HugeAberrationNeutralInfernal Machine Rebuild pg 75
Neogi Hatchling1/8TinyAberrationLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 179
Neothelid13GargantuanAberrationChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 181
Nereid2MediumFeyAny ChaoticTales from the Yawning Portal p. 240
Neronvain9MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral EvilRise of Tiamat p. 91
Nessk Charmer9MediumMonstrosity (Serpentman)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 237
Nichny6MediumFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 303
Night Blade1/4MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Night Hag (coven)7MediumFiendNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 178
Nightgarm6LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 305
Nightmare3LargeFiendNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 235
Nightveil Specter10MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Nihileth12LargeUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 8
Nilbog1SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 182
Nine-Fingers Keene5MediumHumanoid (Human)NeutralBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 170
Nintra Siotta16LargeFeyChaotic EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 197
Nivix Cyclops8MediumGiantChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Nkosi Pridelord4MediumHumanoid (Nkosi, Shapechanger)Lawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 306
Noctiny2MediumHumanoid (Noctiny)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 308
Norker1/2MediumHumanoid (goblinoid)Chaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Nosferatu8MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 239
Nothic2MediumAberrationNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 236
Nupperibo1/2MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 168
Nyx-Fleece Ram1MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Oaken Bolter5MediumConstructUnalignedMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 126
Obliteros5HugeBeastChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 66
Obsidian Golem7LargeConstructUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 78
Oceanus1/2MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral GoodGhosts of Saltmarsh pg 246
Octon Modron11LargeConstructLawful NeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 40
Oculo Swarm4LargeMonstrosity (Swarm)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 309
Ogre2LargeGiantChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 237
Ogre Bolt Launcher2LargeGiantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 220
Ogre Howdah2LargeGiantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 221
Ogre Warchief4LargeGiantChaotic EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 79
Ogremoch20HugeElementalNeutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 216
Old Troglodyte1/8MediumHumanoid (troglodyte)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Olive Slime0LargePlant (Fungoid)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 176
Omin Dran5MediumHumanoid (Half-elf)Lawful NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 196
Oni7LargeGiantLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 239
Ooze Master10HugeUndeadLawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 241
Oracle of Strixhaven15MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral GoodStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 200
Orc Blade of Ilneval4MediumHumanoid (Orc)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 183
Orc Eye of Gruumsh2MediumHumanoid (Orc)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 247
Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus1/2MediumHumanoid (Orc)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 184
Orc Ruffian 1MediumHumanoid (Orc)Chaotic EvilKassoon's Monsters
Orcus26HugeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 245
Oreioth2MediumElemental (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 212
Oriq Blood Mage9MediumHumanoid (Warlock)Neutral EvilStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 201
Orobas Devil14LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 111
Orond Gralhund1/8MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 213
Orzhov Giant6MediumGiantChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Otherworldly Corrupter17SmallAberrationChaotic EvilBook of Many Things pg 47
Otyugh5LargeAberrationNeutralMonster Manual p. 248
Owl0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 333
Owlbear3LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 249
Ox1/4LargeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 208
Panopticus Wizard1/4MediumHumanoid (dwarf)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Paper Bird0TinyConstructUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 166
Parasite-infested Behir11HugeUndeadNeutral EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 220
Pazuzu25LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 103
Pech1/4SmallFeyNeutral GoodFifth Edition Foes p. 181
Pelyious Avhoste9MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 120
Pentadrone2LargeConstructLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 226
Pest Mascot1/4TinyMonstrosityUnalignedStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 203
Phaerimm15LargeAberrationNeutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 147
Phantomania 4MediumUndeadAny AlignmentKassoon's Monsters
Phase Spider3LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 334
Phoenix Anvil2MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 206
Phoori Dark Shaman6MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 233
Phycomid1/2SmallPlant (Fungoid)Neutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 182
Pidlewick II1/4SmallConstructNeutral EvilCurse of Strahd p. 236
Piercer1/2MediumMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 252
Pirate Bosun1/2MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Pirate Deck Wizard1MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Pit Fiend20LargeFiend (Devil)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 77
Plague Nomad4MediumHumanoid (Extraterrene)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 249
Planetar16LargeCelestialLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 17
Podling1/2MediumPlantUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 227
Poisonous Fire Snake1/2SmallFiendUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 102
Polar Bear2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 334
Pollenella the Honeybee0TinyBeastUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 135
Polukranos19MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Pony1/8MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 335
Possessed Pillar7LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 314
Priest2MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 348
Prince of the Pale Hand13MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilPrimeval Thule Gamemaster's Companion p. 17
Prismari Pledgemage4MediumHumanoid (Sorcerer)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 205
Prismari Professor of Perfection7MediumHumanoid (Sorcerer)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 206
Prophetess Dran2MediumHumanoid (elf)Chaotic EvilAcquisitions Incorporated
Psoglav7LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 79
Pterafolk1MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Purple Worm15GargantuanMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 255
Putrid Haunt2MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 315
Pyrolisk1/2SmallMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 188
Quadricorn4LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 189
Quaggoth2MediumHumanoid (Quaggoth)Chaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 256
Quaggoth Thonot3MediumHumanoid (Quaggoth)Chaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 256
Quandrix Pledgemage4MediumHumanoid (Wizard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 208
Quandrix Professor of Theory7MediumHumanoid (Wizard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 209
Quetzalcoatlus2HugeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 140
Quickling Thief 2TinyFeyChaotic EvilKassoon's Monsters
Quipper0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 335
Radiant Idol11MediumCelestialChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Raezil1MediumHumanoid (Elf)neutral or any neutral alignmeThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 193
Rak Tulkhesh28MediumFiendChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Rakdos Lampooner2MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Rakdos Performer, Fire Eater1MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Rakshasa13MediumFiendLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 257
Rakshasa Infiltrator10MediumFiendNeutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 234
Rakshasa Swordspirit2MediumFiendNeutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 235
Ramag1/4MediumHumanoid (Ramag)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 317
Rat0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 335
Ratatosk4TinyCelestialChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 319
Ratfolk Rogue1SmallHumanoid (Ratfolk)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 320
Ravager 5LargeBeastUnalignedHomebrew
Ravenala5LargePlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 321
Ravenfolk Scout1/2MediumHumanoid (Kenku)NeutralTome of Beasts p. 322
Razerblast5MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 201
Reaper of Bhaal2MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Red Abishai19MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 162
Red Dragon Wyrmling4MediumDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 98
Red Guard Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 158
Red Jester5MediumUndeadChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 192
Red-Banded Line Spider1/4TinyBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 363
Redcap6MediumFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 325
Reef Shark1/2MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 336
Relentless Juggernaut12LargeFiendUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 243
Relic Sloth2HugeBeastUnalignedStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 210
Remorhaz11HugeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 258
Replica Duodrone1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Replica Pentadrone2MediumConstructChaotic EvilThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Replica Tridrone1/2MediumConstructChaotic EvilThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Returned Drifter1/4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Returned Palamnite4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Revenant5MediumUndeadNeutralMonster Manual p. 259
Rhinoceros2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 336
Riding Horse1/4LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 336
Rift Swine5LargeAberrationChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 326
Rime Worm Grub1MediumElementalNeutralTome of Beasts p. 327
Rip Tide Priest2MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Risen Reaver7LargeUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 328
River King16MediumFeyChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 196
Roachling Skirmisher1/4SmallHumanoid (Roachling)Chaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 329
Ronus1/4MediumMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 193
Rosie Beestinger3SmallHumanoid (Halfling)Chaotic GoodAcquisitions Incorporated pg 203
Rothe1/4MediumBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 208
Rotting Wind6LargeUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 330
Rubezahl10MediumFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 80
Ruin Grinder5LargeConstructUnalignedStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 211
Rum Gremlin1/2TinyFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 239
Rusalka6MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 331
Rust Drake8MediumDragonChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 155
Rutterkin2MediumFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 136
Ryven1MediumHumanoidNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 195
Saber-Toothed Tiger2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 336
Sacred Stone Monk1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 196
Saeth Cromley3MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful GoodWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 216
Sahuagin1/2MediumHumanoid (Sahuagin)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 263
Sahuagin Blademaster6MediumHumanoid (sahuagin)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Sahuagin Coral Smasher1MediumHumanoid (sahuagin)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Sahuagin Hatchling Swarm3MediumSwarm of tiny beastsChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Sahuagin High Priestess5MediumHumanoid (sahuagin)Chaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Sahuagin Warlock of Uk'otoa3MediumHumanoid (sahuagin)Chaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Salamander5LargeElementalNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 266
Salt Golem10LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 235
Sand Hag5MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 245
Sand Spider7LargeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 364
Sandman5MediumCelestialChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 333
Sap Demon4SmallOozeChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 335
Sapphire Greatwyrm26GargantuanDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 201
Sarastra, Queen of Night and Magic21MediumFeyNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 192
Sarevok15MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 124
Satyr1/2MediumFeyChaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 267
Satyr Thornbearer2MediumFeyChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Scaladar8MediumConstructChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Scheznyki6SmallFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 339
Scorpion0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 337
Scorpion Helot3MediumHumanoid (Human)NeutralPrimeval Thule Gamemaster's Companion p. 18
Screaming Devilkin1/4SmallFiendLawful EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 197
Scufflecup Teacup0TinyConstructUnalignedStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 159
Sea Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 136
Sea Hag2MediumFeyChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 179
Sea Horse0TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 337
Sea Spawn1MediumHumanoidNeutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 189
Selang4MediumFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 341
Septon Modron12LargeConstructLawful NeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 40
Sergeant1/8MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Servitor Thrull1/4MediumConstructChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Seven Knives Darkblade3MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 241
Seven Knives Thug1/4MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 240
Shabti8MediumConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 343
Shadow1/2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 269
Shadow Beast7MediumFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 345
Shadow Demon4MediumFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 64
Shadow Horror9MediumAberrationChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Shadow Mastiff2MediumMonstrosityNeutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 190
Shadow Rat0TinyUndeadUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 191
Shadrix Silverquill22GargantuanDragon (Bard)NeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 212
Shapechanged Roper5MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Sharkbody Abomination2MediumAberrationChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Sharwyn Hucrele1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 242
Shell Shark2MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Shemeshka14MediumF (Yugoloth)Neutral EvilMorte's Planar Parade pg 46
Shield Guardian7LargeConstructUnalignedMonster Manual p. 271
Shipbreaker Sea Serpent20GargantuanDragon (Aquatic)Chaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 202
Shockerstomper14GargantuanConstructUnalignedWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage pg 174
Shoggoth19HugeAberrationChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 347
Short-Faced Bear5LargeBeastUnalignedPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 222
Shroom4SmallPlant (Fungoid)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 209
Sibriex18HugeFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 137
Silver Greatwyrm28GargantuanDragon (Metallic)Lawful GoodFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 208
Silverquill Pledgemage4MediumHumanoid (Bard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 214
Silverquill Professor of Shadow7MediumHumanoid (Bard)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 215
Sir Braford1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 243
Sir Talavar2TinyDragonLawful GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 69
Sire of Insanity12MediumFiend (demon)Chaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Sirene3MediumFeyChaotic NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 145
Skabatha Nightshade8MediumFey (Hag)Neutral EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 218
Skein Witch12MediumCelestialNeutralTome of Beasts p. 349
Skeletal Juggernaut5MediumUndeadChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Skeletal Swarm2MediumSwarm of medium undeadChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Skeleton Key1/4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Skeleton Warrior14MediumUndeadNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 210
Sken Zabriss1MediumHumanoid (Goliath)Lawful EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount pg 221
Skitterhaunt4LargeOozeUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 352
Skitterwidget5MediumConstructUnalignedCandlekeep Mysteries pg 136
Skulk1/2MediumHumanoidChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 214
Skull Lasher of Myrkul1MediumHumanoid (human)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Skum5MediumAberrationChaotic EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh
Skylla2MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 220
Skyweaver3MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 191
Slarkrethel25GargantuanMonstrosity (Titan)Chaotic EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 224
Slitherin, Diseased 0.5MediumHumanoid (Titanspawn)Any EvilHomebrew
Slithering Tracker3MediumOozeChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 191
Sluagh1/8TinyFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 376
Small Air Elemental1/2SmallElementalUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 39
Small Fire Elemental1/2SmallElementalUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 40
Small Water Elemental1/2SmallElementalUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 41
Smiler the Defiler7MediumFey (Elf)Chaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 133
Snarla5MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 102
Snow Leopard1/4MediumBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 163
Snurrevin2MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 53
Solar21LargeCelestialLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 18
Solar Dragon Wyrmling3MediumDragonNeutralBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 53
Soluun Xibrindas4MediumHumanoid (Elf)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 202
Soul Eater7MediumFiendNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 356
Soul Monger11MediumHumanoid (elf)NeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 226
Space Clown2MediumFiendChaotic EvilBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 54
Space Guppy0SmallBeastUnalignedBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 55
Space Mollymawk0SmallBeastUnalignedBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 57
Spark7TinyElementalChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 357
Spawn of Arbeyach5MediumAberrationLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 97
Spectator3MediumAberrationLawful NeutralMonster Manual p. 30
Spectral Guardian6MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 358
Spellcaster0MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilEssentials Kit
Spellcaster (Mage)0MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilStorm Lords Wrath
Sphinx of Judgment11MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Spider of Leng7LargeAberrationChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 365
Spiked Tomb Guardian6MediumConstructChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Spinosaurus13GargantuanBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 116
Spirit Naga8LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 234
Spirit Troll11LargeGiantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 244
Spitting Sea Serpent5LargeDragon (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 204
Spring Eladrin10MediumFey (elf)Chaotic NeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 196
Spy1MediumHumanoid (any)AnyMonster Manual p. 349
Ssendam, Lord of Madness23LargeAberration (Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 105
Ssurran Poisoner1/2MediumMonstrosity (Lizardfolk)any alignmentBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 58
Star Spawn Grue1/4SmallAberrationNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 234
Star Spawn Larva Mage16MediumAberrationChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 235
Star Spawn Seer13MediumAberrationNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 236
Star-Thing of Nheb9LargeAberration (Extraterrene)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 247
Statue of Talos10MediumElementalChaotic EvilStorm Lords Wrath
Steam Golem13LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 237
Steel Crane8MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 164
Steel Predator16LargeConstructLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 239
Stegosaurus4HugeBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 140
Stirge1/8TinyBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 284
Stone Cursed1MediumConstructLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 240
Stone Giant7HugeGiantNeutralMonster Manual p. 156
Stone Golem10LargeConstructUnalignedMonster Manual p. 170
Stone Juggernaut12MediumConstructChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Stonemelder4MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 197
Storm Giant Quintessent16HugeGiant (Storm Giant)Chaotic GoodVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 151
Storm Raven2TinyBeastUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 86
Strahd Zombie1MediumUndeadUnalignedCurse of Strahd p. 241
Strangle Weed2LargePlant (Aquatic)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 218
Strixhaven Campus Guide1SmallConstructLawful GoodStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 217
Stryx1/8TinyMonstrosityNeutralTome of Beasts p. 369
Stygian Fat-Tailed Scorpion3TinyBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 340
Su-monster1MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Succubus4MediumFiend (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilMonster Manual pg 285
Suldil Baldoriel10MediumHumanoid (Half-elf)Chaotic GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 66
Sunbird13GargantuanMonstrosityUnalignedPlane Shift Ixalan pg 32
Sunfly0TinyCelestialChaotic GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 47
Swamp Adder1/4SmallBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 354
Swarm of Ball Bearings1MediumConstructUnalignedMonster Module p. 11
Swarm of Beetles1/2MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual pg 338
Swarm of Campestris1MediumPlantUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 232
Swarm of Cranium Rats5MediumBeast (Swarm)Lawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 133
Swarm of Gremishkas 2MediumSwarmChaotic EvilVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, page 235
Swarm of Insects1/2MediumBeast (Swarm)UnalignedMonster Manual p. 338
Swarm of Mechanical Spiders1/2MediumSwarm of tiny constructsChaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist
Swarm of Quippers1MediumBeast (Swarm)UnalignedMonster Manual p. 338
Swarm of Ravens1/4MediumBeast (Swarm)UnalignedMonster Manual p. 339
Swarm of Scarabs3MediumBeastUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 247
Swarm of Sunflies1MediumCChaotic GoodMorte's Planar Parade pg 47
Swarm of Undead Snakes2MediumSwarm of tiny undeadChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Swarm of Zombie Limbs1MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 254
Swavain Basilisk7MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Sword Weird9LargeElementalNeutral EvilPrimeval Thule Gamemaster's Companion p. 17
Sword Wraith Warrior3MediumUndeadLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 241
Tabaxi1/2MediumHumanoidChaotic NeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 219
Tabaxi Minstrel1/4MediumHumanoid (tabaxi)Chaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Talis the White5MediumHumanoid (Half-elf)Lawful EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen p. 93
Talon Beast7LargeMonstrosityUnalignedBook of Many Things pg 183
Tanazir Quandrix24GargantuanDragon (Wizard)Lawful NeutralStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 218
Tarkanan Assassin2MediumHumanoid (any race)Chaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Tarul Var13MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 244
Tasloi1/4SmallHumanoid (Goblinoid)Chaotic EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 153
Tazelwurm / Tatzelwurm2LargeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 222
Tcho-Tcho Lama4SmallHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Gamemaster's Companion p. 21
Tecuziztecatl4LargeMonstrosityNeutralTales from the Yawning Portal p. 245
Temple Guard of Set1/4MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 253
Temporal Crawler2MediumAberrationNeutral EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 223
Tendril Puppet2MediumPlantLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 403
Teratashia15LargeFiendChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 80
Terror Beast10SmallAberrationChaotic EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 88
Thane Kayalithica7HugeGiantNeutral EvilStorm King's Thunder pg 153
Thayan Apprentice2MediumHumanoid (Human)Non-goodTales from the Yawning Portal p. 245
The Angry13MediumMonstrosityLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 231
The Emerald Queen7MediumFeyLawful EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 89
The Hungry11MediumMonstrosityLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 232
The Lonely9MediumMonstrosityLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 232
The Lost7MediumMonstrosityLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 233
The Wretched1/4SmallMonstrosityLawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes pg 233
Thessalar12MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilInfernal Machine Rebuild pg 57
Thessalhydra 4HugeMonstrosityUnalignedHunt for the Thessalhydra p. 41
Theullai10HugeElementalChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 379
Thorn Slinger1/2LargePlantUnalignedTales from the Yawning Portal p. 246
Thorvin Twinbeard0MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful NeutralWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 216
Thousand Teeth6LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilGhosts of Saltmarsh pg 256
Thri-kreen1MediumHumanoid (Thri-kreen)Chaotic NeutralMonster Manual p. 288
Thri-kreen Hunter2MediumMonstrosityany alignmentBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 61
Thug1/2MediumHumanoid (any)Non-goodMonster Manual p. 350
Thulean Cyclops10LargeGiantNeutral EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 228
Thulean Elk3LargeBeastUnalignedPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 223
Thulean Musk Ox2LargeBeastUnalignedPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 223
Thurl Merosska3MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 192
Thurstwell Vanthampur1/8MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus pg 34
Tiberius Inuus9MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 44
Time Dragon Wyrmling5MediumDragonNeutralMorte's Planar Parade pg 51
Tin Soldier1SmallConstructUnalignedThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 115
Titanoboa12GargantuanBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 382
Tlincalli5LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 193
Tloques-Popolocas5MediumUndeadNeutral EvilTales from the Yawning Portal pg 68
Tomb Guardian5MediumConstructChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Tombwalker 2MediumUndeadNeutral EvilKassoon's Monsters
Topaz Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 223
Tophet8HugeConstructNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 383
Tortle1/4MediumHumanoid (tortle)Lawful GoodMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 242
Tortoise1/2MediumBeastUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 21
Tosculi Elite Bow Raider5MediumHumanoid (Tosculi)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 386
Tosculi Warrior2SmallMonstrosityLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 386
Transcendent Order Conduit8SmallHumanoidany alignmentMorte's Planar Parade pg 62
Transmuter5MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 218
Treacle1/4TinyOozeUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 387
Treant Sapling2LargePlantChaotic GoodThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 36
Trepsin6LargeGiantChaotic EvilHoard of the Dragon Queen pg 63
Tressym0TinyBeastChaotic NeutralStorm King's Thunder p. 242
Tri-flower Frond1/2MediumPlantChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Triceratops5HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 80
Triton Master of Waves8MediumHumanoid (triton)Chaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Troglodyte1/4MediumHumanoid (Troglodyte)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 290
Troll5LargeGiantChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 291
Tromokratis26MediumMonstrosity (titan)Chaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Tsucora Quori7MediumAberrationChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Tunnel Worm8HugeMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 237
Twig Blight1/8SmallPlantNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 32
Two-Headed Crocodile1LargeBeastUnalignedInfernal Machine Rebuild pg 89
Two-headed Troll6LargeGiantChaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 235
Tyrannosaurus Rex8HugeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 80
Udaak16MediumFiendChaotic EvilExplorer's Guide to Wildemount
Ulitharid9LargeAberrationLawful EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 175
Ultroloth13MediumFiend (Yugoloth)Neutral EvilMonster Manual pg 314
Umbral Vampire7MediumFiendChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 397
Undead Cockatrice1/2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilThe Orrery of the Wanderer
Undead Tree9MediumUndeadChaotic EvilBaldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus
Underworld Cerberus6MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMythic Odysseys of Theros
Undying Soldier2MediumUndeadChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Unspeakable Horror8HugeMonstrosityUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 250
Urochar (Strangling Watcher)17HugeAberrationChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 393
Ushabti9LargeConstructUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 394
Vaettir4MediumUndeadLawful EvilTome of Beasts p. 395
Valenar Hawk1/8MediumFeyChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Valenar Steed1/2MediumFeyChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Valin Sarnaster16MediumUndeadLawful EvilCandlekeep Mysteries pg 182
Valkyrie11MediumCelestialNeutralTome of Beasts p. 396
Valygar9MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 36
Vampirate Captain6MediumUndeadLawful EvilBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 63
Vampire13MediumUndead (Shapechanger)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 297
Vampire Rose1/4SmallPlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 238
Vampire Spellcaster15MediumUndead (Shapechanger)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 298
Vampire Warrior15MediumUndead (Shapechanger)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 298
Vampiric Ixitxachitl Cleric2MediumAberrationChaotic EvilOut of the Abyss pg 226
Vampiric Mind Flayer5MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 252
Vampiric Mist3MediumUndeadChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 246
Vanifer (in lair)12MediumHumanoid (Tiefling)Chaotic EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 203
Vargouille1TinyFiendChaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 195
Varnyr1/8MediumHumanoid (Elf)Chaotic GoodCandlekeep Mysteries pg 63
Vegepygmy1/4SmallPlantNeutralVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 196
Vegepygmy Chief3MediumPlant (Fungoid)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 239
Vegepygmy Guard1/2SmallPlant (Fungoid)UnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 239
Vellin Farstride9SmallHumanoid (Halfling)Neutral GoodMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 62
Velociraptor1/4TinyBeastUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 140
Venom Troll7LargeGiantChaotic EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 245
Verbeeg Longstrider5LargeGiantNeutralIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 311
Vesiculosa11GargantuanPlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 399
Veteran of the Gauntlet3MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful GoodOut of the Abyss pg 130
Viconia DeVir13MediumHumanoid (Drow)Neutral EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 126
Viktor9MediumHumanoid (Human)Lawful NeutralMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 82
Vile Barber (Siabhra)2SmallFeyChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 401
Vine Lord7MediumPlantLawful NeutralTome of Beasts p. 402
Vine Troll Skeleton9LargePlantUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 351
Vladimir Horngaard7MediumUndeadLawful EvilCurse of Strahd p. 241
Void Scavver11HugeMonstrosityUnalignedBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 49
Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm1/4MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic GoodTomb of Annihilation pg 235
Vorin9HugeMonstrosity (Aquatic)Chaotic EvilFifth Edition Foes p. 242
Vrock6LargeFiend (Demon)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 64
Vulture0MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 339
Walnut Dankgrass3MediumHumanoid (Elf)Lawful NeutralAcquisitions Incorporated pg 204
Wampus Cat1MediumMonstrosityChaotic NeutralTome of Beasts p. 405
War Priest9MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 218
Warduke5MediumHumanoid (Human)Chaotic EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 221
Warforged Soldier1MediumHumanoid (warforged)Chaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Warhorse1/2LargeBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 340
Warlock of the Archfey4MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 219
Warlock of the Great Old One6MediumHumanoid (Any Race)AnyVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 220
Warrior2MediumConstructNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 10
Warrior0MediumHumanoidChaotic EvilStorm Lords Wrath
Water Elemental5LargeElementalNeutralMonster Manual p. 125
Water Elemental Myrmidon7MediumElementalNeutralMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 203
Water Weird3LargeElementalNeutralMonster Manual p. 299
Weeping Treant6HugePlantNeutralTome of Beasts p. 388
Werebat2MediumHumanoid (goblin, shapechanger)Chaotic EvilWaterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Wereboar4MediumHumanoid (Human, Shapechanger)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 209
Wererat2MediumHumanoid (Human, Shapechanger)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 209
Weretiger4MediumHumanoid (Human, Shapechanger)NeutralMonster Manual p. 210
Werewolf3MediumHumanoid (Human, Shapechanger)Chaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 211
Wharfling1/8TinyBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 407
White Abishai6MediumFiend (devil)Lawful EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 163
White Dragon Wyrmling2MediumDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 102
White Guard Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 158
Widow Creeper10LargePlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 247
Wight3MediumUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 300
Will-o'-Wisp2TinyUndeadChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 301
Wind Drake2MediumDragonUnalignedNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 38
Winged Ape5LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilPrimeval Thule Campaign Setting p. 242
Winged Kobold1/4SmallHumanoid (Kobold)Lawful EvilMonster Manual p. 195
Winged Thrull1/2MediumConstructChaotic EvilGuildmasters Guide to Ravnica
Winter Wolf3LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 340
Witch Grass0SmallPlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 248
Witchlight Hand (Medium)1/8MediumHumanoidany alignmentThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 27
Witherbloom Pledgemage4MediumHumanoid (Druid)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 222
Witherbloom Professor of Growth7MediumHumanoid (Druid)any alignmentStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 223
Witherstench0SmallMonstrosityUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 249
Wolf1/4MediumBeastUnalignedMonster Manual p. 341
Wolf Spirit Swarm6LargeUndead (Swarm)Neutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 377
Wolfwere Alpha6MediumHumanoid (Beast)Chaotic EvilMinsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy pg 155
Wood Woad5MediumPlantLawful NeutralVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 198
Wooden Golem3MediumConstructUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 129
Woolly Rhinoceros6LargeBeastUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 186
Worker1/2SmallConstructNeutralFifth Edition Foes p. 9
Wraith5MediumUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 302
Wretched Sorrowsworn1/4SmallMonstrosityNeutral EvilMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 233
Wyvern6LargeDragonUnalignedMonster Manual p. 303
Xandala7MediumHumanoid (Half-elf)Neutral EvilTomb of Annihilation pg 236
Xardorok Sunblight5MediumHumanoid (Dwarf)Lawful EvilIcewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pg 287
Xill3MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilMordenkainens Fiendish Folio
Xvart1/8SmallHumanoid (Xvart)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 200
Xvart Warlock of Raxivort1SmallHumanoid (Xvart)Chaotic EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 200
Y'demi9MediumHumanoid (Human)Neutral EvilStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos pg 172
Yagra Stonefist1/2MediumHumanoid (Half-orc)NeutralWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 20
Yakfolk Warrior3LargeMonstrosityNeutral EvilStorm King's Thunder p. 244
Yan-C-Bin18HugeElementalNeutral EvilPrinces of the Apocalypse p. 221
Ychen Bannog11GargantuanBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 413
Yellow Musk Creeper1LargePlantUnalignedFifth Edition Foes p. 250
Yellow Musk Zombie1/4MediumUndeadChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Yestabrod4LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilOut of the Abyss p. 233
Yeti3LargeMonstrosityChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 305
Yga-Ygo, The Dweller in Dreams23HugeAberration (Extraterrene)Neutral EvilPrimeval Thule Gamemaster's Companion p. 22
Yinra Emberwind1/2MediumHumanoid (Elf)Neutral GoodExplorer's Guide to Wildemount pg 223
Yorn1/2MediumHumanoid (Half-orc)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 150
Young Amethyst Dragon9LargeDragon (Gem)NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 161
Young Blue Dragon9LargeDragonLawful EvilMonster Manual p. 91
Young Bronze Dragon8LargeDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 108
Young Copper Dragon7LargeDragonChaotic GoodMonster Manual p. 112
Young Deep Dragon5LargeDragonNeutral EvilFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 175
Young Emerald Dragon8LargeDragon (Gem)Lawful NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 197
Young Gold Dragon10LargeDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 115
Young Hellhound1MediumFiendLawful EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 53
Young Kruthik1/8SmallMonstrosityUnalignedMordenkainen's Tome of Foes p. 211
Young Lunar Dragon7LargeDragonLawful EvilBoo's Astral Menagerie pg 35
Young Moonstone Dragon8LargeDragonNeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 213
Young Red Dragon10LargeDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 98
Young Remorhaz5LargeMonstrosityUnalignedMonster Manual p. 258
Young Sea Dragon9LargeDragonNeutral EvilTome of Beasts p. 136
Young Silver Dragon9LargeDragonLawful GoodMonster Manual p. 118
Young Spinosaurus5HugeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 117
Young Topaz Dragon7LargeDragon (Gem)Chaotic NeutralFizban's Treasury of Dragons pg 223
Young White Dragon6LargeDragonChaotic EvilMonster Manual p. 101
Yuan-ti Abomination7LargeMonstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-ti)Neutral EvilMonster Manual p. 308
Yuan-ti Broodguard2MediumHumanoid (Yuan-ti)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 203
Yuan-ti Malison (Type 1)3MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilMonster Manual pg 309
Yuan-ti Malison (Type 3)3MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilMonster Manual pg 309
Yuan-ti Malison (Type 5)3MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters pg 96
Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker4MediumMonstrosity (Shapechanger, Yuan-ti)Neutral EvilVolo's Guide to Monsters p. 205
Yuan-ti Priest3MediumMonstrosity (shapechanger, yuan-ti)Chaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Yusdrayl1SmallHumanoid (Kobold)Lawful EvilTales from the Yawning Portal p. 248
Zakya Rakshasa5MediumFiendChaotic EvilEberron: Rising from the Last War
Zanskaran Viper1LargeBeastUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 354
Zaratan26GargantuanMonstrosityUnalignedTome of Beasts p. 414
Zargash3MediumHumanoid (Cleric)Chaotic EvilThe Wild Beyond the Witchlight pg 223
Zebra1/4MediumBeastChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation
Zephyros13HugeGiantNeutral GoodStorm King's Thunder pg 33
Zhentarim Thug1/2MediumHumanoid (Human)NeutralOut of the Abyss pg 131
Zimwi4MediumGiantChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 415
Ziraj the Hunter8MediumHumanoid (Half-orc)Lawful EvilWaterdeep: Dragon Heist pg 201
Zmey Headling5MediumDragonChaotic EvilTome of Beasts p. 417
Zoblin Boss1SmallUndead (Goblinoid)Neutral EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 97
Zombie1/4MediumUndeadNeutral EvilMonster Manual p. 316
Zombie Plague Spreader4MediumUndeadUnalignedVan Richten's Guide to Ravenloft pg 255
Zombie Warrior2SmallUndeadNeutral EvilNerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 97
Zorbo1/2MediumMonstrosityChaotic EvilTomb of Annihilation

Want to see some ready-made encounters? Check out the Encounter List

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10. Honor Guard

Name Party Level Party Size Difficulty Delete


Select your party size and level in the top left. If you have PCs of different levels you can click on "Add Different Levels" to add them. The experience amounts to the right are your difficulty budgets

If you just want an encounter immediately, click on "Random Medium" below the party info. If you click the down arrow next to it you can select a different difficulty. Clicking the lock checkbox will keep the monster around when you click the random button again.

To build your own encounter, select the filters you'd like to use in the top right. Monsters that match your filters will appear in the list below. Click the + button to the left of the monster's info to add it to your current encounter. Your encounter's difficulty and xp rewarded will be updated automatically. Note that larger groups of monsters have a difficulty multiplier added to them as per the rules. When searching by text, you can use | (OR) to search for multiple keywords. For example, "goblin|worg" will include all goblins and all worgs in your filter.

You can theme your random encounters by selecting filters before clicking on the "random" button. A random encounter will be generated using the filters specified unless you uncheck the checkbox "Use filters for random." You can, for instance, generate a forest environment encounter using only tiny beasts.

Some monsters have roles set from the Monster List that give you an idea of what they can do in combat, these appear as icons beneath the count that you can hover over. If you check the "Require roles" option, your random encounter will try to include a variety of these roles, which can make for better combats with more unique abilities and synergies.

If a monster isn't present, or you'd like to use one of your own, you can enter a Name and CR in the first table row and add it like you would any other monster.

Red: 1 of these is a deadly encounter
Orange: 1 of these is a hard encounter
Yellow: 1 of these is a medium encounter
Green: 1 of these is an easy encounter, 2 is hard or deadly
Blue: 2 of these is a medium encounter
Purple: 3-4 of these is a medium encounter
White: 5-8 of these is a medium encounter
Uncolored entries are likely either too hard or too easy

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Shout outs: Stacey, Micah Isaiah, Stefku, rtlowe80, Brian Nunziato, Garrett Smith, Marinos Papadimitriu, Carlo Puche, PartySheep, Matt Yates, Elisa Martinez, Ryan Flagg, JMartins, Jade Arrowood, Sean Kane, Angelo Anderson, yoland katamari, Dave Walker, Rhonda Seiter, Alexa Hobusch, Jonathan Lekse, Katie White, JollyGamer, Jayden wingler, Yi Tan, Burlyfighter, Gillian Tolbert, David R Abbott, Rick Marsh, Brittany DeNicholas, Phillip Hash, Amanda Kettles, John Trent Dumproff, Lou Bliss, Pythor Sen, Michael Isberg, Nat, Cory Evans, Thomas Wilhelm, Krueger82, BestWorseCaseScenario, Damian Steele, Irate The Pirate, Icarus Unleashed, Mark L, Conall Reilly, keith oneal rogers, Patrick Natale, Cam Largent, Thaddeus Johnson, Siren, Donavan Guay, AstroLass, Lizzie, Michael Hamilton, Vedie V, Mylon Schroder, Nathan, Tiffany Mathis, Jordan Florez, Robert Rich, Rodney O'Dell, Robin Ellis-Foster, Deanna Pyle, Jess, Lars Yell, Zee Livezey, Kevin, Kerry Melton, Mary Kieser, SallySparrow132, Naomi B, J, Millergendraft, Federica Frezza, Nick Soucy, Melanie Warga, Jeremiah Walker, Bryan Sheairs, Bryan Kempka, chris wilson, Max Hops, Sarah Holland, Joshua David Maddox, Jennifer Smith, Liz Fontain, Ray Bissonnette, Joe Dalby, Joline Tran, Nicholas Zamora, ShortyMcgibble, Mr. Vinclair, mtnman1979@aol.com, KFB_Patreon, eric sun, Dani, Bruce Willison, Gundar Wez, Nahellion, Ben Pytlik, Nicholas Hanke, bilbens baggo, Stuart, Brysen Packer, Maxwell Mayer, Gannon Dubay, Caio Mantovani Alves, Thobek, Aaron Teupe, Felix Schmäche, XMrMonkyx ., Miss Zilla M, Jordan Brazeal, Kyle Clark, Jake Lane, Adam Ruiz, Phillip P Torchia, Stefan Gottschalk's, Remora Jewel, jeremy baisch, Daniel Edwards, Zealot23, Shane Andrews, Brandon Mußiq, CJMAXP, KingHavok1217, Mx Charlie, Zachary Burgess-Hicks, Shazear, Steve Rosenlund, Leanna Orr, lufink, Ezzela1891, John Nazario, Gary, Gordon Alexander Fallon, Justin Stensgard, Jason Clark, Trey Vickory
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